Tiny MCE und Fonts?

Fragen zur Installation von CONTENIDO 4.9? Probleme bei der Konfiguration? Hinweise oder Fragen zur Entwicklung des Systemes oder zur Sicherheit?
Beiträge: 56
Registriert: Mi 3. Jul 2013, 10:15

Tiny MCE und Fonts?

Beitrag von notebook20000 » Fr 2. Aug 2013, 13:15


ich würde gerne die Fontliste von TinyMce ändern

Habe das bei TinyMCE gefunden

theme_advanced_fonts: "Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;",

aber wie konfiguriere ich das bzw , wo ändere ich das in Contenido. Habe den Editor zwar im externalss gefunden, aber wo wird der zentral aufgerufen?

Beiträge: 87
Registriert: Do 26. Apr 2012, 23:02

Re: Tiny MCE und Fonts?

Beitrag von marcus.gnass_4fb » Fr 2. Aug 2013, 15:26

Die Konfigurationsoptionen für den TinyMCE-Editor können als Systemeinstellungen hinterlegt werden. Diese müssen dabei den Typ "tinymce" haben.

In deinem Fall wäre das dann:
Typ: tinymce
Name: theme_advanced_fonts
Wert: "Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif; Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;"

Beiträge: 56
Registriert: Mi 3. Jul 2013, 10:15

Re: Tiny MCE und Fonts?

Beitrag von notebook20000 » Fr 2. Aug 2013, 18:59


ich hatte eine ähnliche Lösung gefunden. Statt tinymce wird da aber wysiwyg angeben und funktioniert auch.

Beiträge: 87
Registriert: Do 26. Apr 2012, 23:02

Re: Tiny MCE und Fonts?

Beitrag von marcus.gnass_4fb » Fr 2. Aug 2013, 21:40

Das scheint der Typ zu sein der in CONTENIDO bis 4.6.15 eingegeben werden muß.

Gerade hab ich noch eine Dokumentation gefunden die auch noch von Murat stammen könnte (wie so vieles rund um CONTENIDO):
tinyMCE-related Parameters

Starting with Contenido V4.6.16 all tinyMCE settings which may be specified for tinyMCE and the plugins may be specified as system, client, group or user setting. Use "tinymce" as type and as name the name of the parameter according to the tinyMCE documentation.
These parameters can't be set using a setting: document_base_url, file_browser_callback

tinymce content_css Defines the stylesheet to include within tinyMCE (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-stylesheet-file). System, Groups, Users
tinymce theme_advanced_styles Defines the available styles in the tinyMCE style dropdown (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-styles) System, Groups, Users
tinymce width Defines the width of tinyMCE (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-width, default 100%) System, Groups, Users
tinymce height Defines the height if tinyMCE (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-height, default 480px) System, Groups, Users
tinymce contenido_height_html Overrides the tinyMCE height when editing the CMS_HTML element (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-height-html) System, Groups, Users
tinymce contenido_height_head Overrides the tinyMCE height when editing the CMS_HTMLHEAD element (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-height-head) System, Groups, Users
tinymce contenido_gzip If set to "true" use gzip compression. The server has to provide the compression method. Default: "false" System, Groups, Users
tinymce contenido_toolbar_mode Defines the tinyMCE toolbar mode (default "full"). Available choices: full, simple, mini, custom (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-toolbar-mode) System, Groups, Users
tinymce theme_advanced_buttons1
theme_advanced_buttons3 Defines which items should be shown on the first/second/third toolbar. Please have a look at the tinyMCE documentation to find out which items you can use (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-toolbar1/2/3). Only used if the toolbar mode is "custom". System, Groups, Users
tinymce plugins Defines which plugins should be loaded (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-plugins). Only used if the toolbar mode is "custom". System, Groups, Users
tinymce valid_elements Defines which elements are allowed. See tinyMCE documentation for more information (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-valid-elements).
Default: +a[name|href|target|title],strong/b[class],em/i[class],strike[class],u[class], p[dir|class|align],ol,ul,li,br,img[class|src|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align], sub,sup,blockquote[dir|style],table[border=0|cellspacing|cellpadding|width|height|class|align], tr[class|rowspan|width|height|align|valign],td[dir|class|colspan|rowspan|width|height|align|valign], div[dir|class|align],span[class|align],pre[class|align],address[class|align],h1[dir|class|align], h2[dir|class|align],h3[dir|class|align],h4[dir|class|align],h5[dir|class|align],h6[dir|class|align],hr System, Groups, Users
tinymce extended_valid_elements Defined which elements are allowed. These elements are added to valid_elements (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-extended-valid-elements).
Default: form[name|action|method],textarea[name|style|cols|rows],input[type|name|value|style|onclick], a[name|href|target|title|onclick],img[class|src|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name], hr[class|width|size|noshade],font[face|size|color|style],span[class|align|style] System, Groups, Users
tinymce contenido_background_color Defines the tinyMCE background color (any valid CSS color value can be used). If you use an HTML hex color code, also include the # sign before the color (e.g. #ffffff). Default is "white" (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-backgroundcolor). System, Groups, Users
tinymce convert_urls (true, false): Defines, if URLs will be converted (e.g. to relative URLs) at all. Please note, that URLs should be converted (e.g. for the time you may have to change the domain or server path). Default: true (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-convert-urls) System, Clients, Groups, Users
tinymce relative_urls (true, false): If convert_urls is true, then this setting specifies, if URLs will be converted to relative or absolute URLs. Please note, that relative URLs should be used (e.g. for the time you may have to change the domain or server path). Default: true (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-relative-urls) System, Clients, Groups, Users
tinymce contenido_lists If specified, adds dropdown lists with links for all articles (Insert Link popup window), images (Insert Image popup window) and/or all media/flash files (Insert Media/Flash popup window). Valid values are: link, image, media, flash. Values have to be separated by a comma, e.g. "link,image".

Do not specify, if you have a lot of articles, images and/or media files (<= V4.6.15: wysiwyg/tinymce-lists). System, Groups, Users
