Aufhänger für dieses Modul war folgendes Thema: Gewünscht war die Möglichkeit, dem Seitenbesucher die letzten x aufgerufenen Webartikel als Linkliste anzuzeigen. Genutzt wird hierfür der localstorage des verwendeten Webbrowsers. Die Anzahl der zuletzt aufgerufenen Webartikel kann über die Variable $amount_of_entries am Anfang der Modul-Ausgabe festgelegt werden. Für den Linktext wird die Headline des jeweiligen Webartikels verwendet. Die Ausgabe selbst ist "plain-HTML", so dass sich jeder selbst bei der Optik austoben kann...
Code: Alles auswählen
* article_history_sd output
* Author : seamless-design Markus Hübner
* Copyright : seamless-design Markus Hübner
* Created : 2016-03-26
important: this module uses information of array $breadcrumb, which is generated by contenido standard module 'head_title'. if you do not implement this module first in your template, 'article_history_sd' does not work. you'll have to determine necessary data right here. to do that, you'll have to turn the following comment-section into executed code by removing comment markers
known issue within contenido 4.9.9 and lower:
if you use standard-module "navigation_breadcrumb", "article_history_sd" won't work. Reason: both modules, "head_title" and "navigation_breadcrumb" use $breadcrumb as an array. If you execute "navigation_breadcrumb", contents of $breadcrumb are replaced and not suitable for using within "article_history_sd". Solution: Rename $breadcrumb within "navigation_breadcrumb" (e.g. $breadcrumb_navigation) and all works fine.
$breadcrumb = array();
// get category path
$helper = cCategoryHelper::getInstance();
foreach ($helper->getCategoryPath(cRegistry::getCategoryId(), 1) as $categoryLang) {
$breadcrumb[] = $categoryLang->get('name');
// load current article information
$article = new cApiArticleLanguage();
$article->loadByArticleAndLanguageId(cRegistry::getArticleId(), cRegistry::getLanguageId());
$headline = strip_tags($article->getContent('CMS_HTMLHEAD', 1));
// append headline of article if existing
if ($headline != '') {
$breadcrumb[] = $headline;
if ($headline === '') {
$breadcrumb[] = mi18n("STARTPAGE");
<script type="text/javascript">
var var_amount_of_entries=<?php echo $amount_of_entries;?>*2;
var var_current_localstorage=localStorage.getItem("article_history_sd");
var array_current_localstorage=var_current_localstorage.split("+++");
for (i=1; i<=var_amount_of_entries; i++)
if(var_current_localstorage.indexOf(array_current_localstorage[i])<0) // if result is <0, no index is found what means: no similar entry given and article can be listed
document.write('<a href="'+array_current_localstorage[i]);
document.write('" title="'+array_current_localstorage[i]+'">'+array_current_localstorage[i]+'</a><br/>');
else i++;
else i=var_amount_of_entries;
else var_current_localstorage="";
var_new_localstorage="<?php echo '+++'.$uri.'+++'.$linktext; ?>"+var_current_localstorage;
localStorage.setItem("article_history_sd", var_new_localstorage);