xml-Sitemap für Google erstellen

Alles rund um Module und Plugins in CONTENIDO 4.10.
Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Fr 6. Mai 2005, 21:01
Wohnort: Gummersbach

xml-Sitemap für Google erstellen

Beitrag von Freddy » Sa 9. Nov 2019, 19:03

Hallo Zusammen,
möchte eine Sitemap von der Webseite erstellen die bei Google Search Console einbinden kann. Dafür wollte ich das content_sitemap_xml-Modul welches man bei Installieren von Contenido mit installieren kann einsetzen. Leider bekomme ich dort die Ausgabe <loc>https://www.meinewebseite.de/index.html ... ang=1</loc> wo mich das ?changelang=1 stört. Glücklicherweise habe ich eine geänderte Version gefunden wo es richtig angezeigt wird. Jetzt würde ich gerne noch bestimmte Seiten ausschließen wollen damit diese nicht in der Sitemap auftauchen.
Da ich doch bestimmt nicht der Erste bin der dieses Problem hat wird es doch bestimmt schon ein Sitemap-Modul geben wo diese Funktion integriert ist.
Hier ist der Code vom modifizierten Sitemap-Modul wo die erweiterung der Sprachen nicht angezeigt wird.


Code: Alles auswählen


 * @package Module
 * @subpackage ContentSitemapXml
 * @version SVN Revision $Rev:$
 * @author simon.sprankel@4fb.de
 * @author marcus.gnass@4fb.de
 * @copyright four for business AG
 * @link http://www.4fb.de

$db = cRegistry::getDb();
$cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
$client = cRegistry::getClientId();

$selected = "CMS_VALUE[1]";
$filename = "CMS_VALUE[2]";
$selectName = "CMS_VAR[1]";

// if nothing is selected, select the root category
if ($selected == '') {
    $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $cfg['tab']['cat_tree'] . ' AS a, ' . $cfg['tab']['cat'] . ' AS b WHERE (a.idcat) AND (b.idcat) AND (b.idclient = ' . $client . ') ORDER BY a.idtree';
    $selected = $db->f('idcat');

$categories = buildCategoryArray();
// construct the HTML
$table = new cHTMLTable();
$trs = array();

// construct the category select HTML
$tr = new cHTMLTableRow();
$tds = array();
$td = new cHTMLTableData();
$td->setContent(mi18n("Choose tree:"));
$tds[] = $td;
$td = new cHTMLTableData();
//$select = new cHTMLInputSelectElement($selectName);
$select = new cHTMLSelectElement($selectName);

foreach ($categories as $key => $value) {
    $option = new cHTMLOptionElement($value['name_indented'], $value['idcat']);
    if ($selected == $value['idcat']) {
$tds[] = $td;
$trs[] = $tr;

// construct the filename input HTML
$tr = new cHTMLTableRow();
$tds = array();
$td = new cHTMLTableData();
$td->setContent(mi18n("Enter filename (optional):"));
$tds[] = $td;
$td = new cHTMLTableData();
$input = new cHTMLTextbox("CMS_VAR[2]", $filename, 20);
// show error message if filename contains slashes or backslashes
$tds[] = $td;
$trs[] = $tr;


// echo the whole HTML
echo $table->render();

 * Builds an array with category information.
 * Each entry has the following keys:
 * idcat, level, name, name_indented
 * @return array with category information
function buildCategoryArray() {
    $cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
    $lang = cRegistry::getLanguageId();
    $db = cRegistry::getDb();

    $query = 'SELECT * FROM ' . $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'] . ' AS a, ' . $cfg['tab']['cat_tree'] . ' as b WHERE (a.idcat = b.idcat) AND (a.visible = 1) AND (a.public = 1) AND (a.idlang = ' . $lang . ') ORDER BY b.idtree';

    $categories = array();
    while ($db->nextRecord()) {
        $category = array();
        $category['idcat'] = $db->f('idcat');
        $category['level'] = $db->f('level');

        $prefix = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < $db->f('level'); $i++) {
            $prefix .= '-->';

        $category['name'] = $db->f('name');
        $category['name_indented'] = $prefix . $db->f('name');

        $categories[] = $category;

    return $categories;


Code: Alles auswählen


 * Generate a XML sitemap.
 * The module configuration allows for the selection of a category which is used
 * as root to determine articles that will be listed in the sitemap.
 * An optional filename can be defined too. If no filename is given, the sitemap
 * is displayed immediatly. With a filename the sitemap is written to the given
 * file. The filename has to be a basename (no path). The clients frontend path
 * is used instead. In this case this module makes sure that the sitemap is
 * generated only once each 23h.
 * SETTING: content-sitemap-xml/cat-url-for-startart (default: true)
 * If set to true for all startarticles the URL is generated for their category
 * instead for the article itself.
 * This should be done if the navigation produces category links which is
 * usually the case..
 * @package Module
 * @subpackage ContentSitemapXml
 * @version SVN Revision $Rev:$
 * @version SVN Revision $Rev:$
 * @author simon.sprankel@4fb.de
 * @author marcus.gnass@4fb.de
 * @copyright four for business AG
 * @link http://www.4fb.de
 * @see http://www.sitemaps.org/
cInclude('classes', 'uri/class.uribuilder.mr.php');

$client = cRegistry::getClientId();
$cfgClient = cRegistry::getClientConfig();

// get idcat of category to generate sitemap from
$idcatStart = "CMS_VALUE[1]";
$idcatStart = cSecurity::toInteger($idcatStart);

// get filename to save sitemap to (optional)
$filename = "CMS_VALUE[2]";
if (!empty($filename)) {
    $filename = basename($filename);
    // assert .xml extension
    if (substr($filename, -4) !== '.xml') {
        $filename .= '.xml';

try {

    // check if this is a rerun (a cException will then be thrown)
    // check is skipped when 'rerun' is forced
    if (!empty($filename) && !array_key_exists('rerun', $_REQUEST)) {
        checkJobRerun('xml_sitemap_' . cRegistry::getClient()->get('name') . '_' . cRegistry::getLanguage()->get('name'));

    // get all categories recursively
    $categoryCollection = new cApiCategoryCollection();
    $categoryIds = $categoryCollection->getAllCategoryIdsRecursive($idcatStart, $client);

    $xmlString = <<<EOD
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"></urlset>

    $sitemap = new SimpleXMLElement($xmlString);

    $itemCount = array();

    // loop all languages of current client
    $clientLanguageCollection = new cApiClientLanguageCollection();
    foreach ($clientLanguageCollection->getLanguagesByClient($client) as $currentIdlang) {

        // skip nonexistant or incative languages
        $language = new cApiLanguage($currentIdlang);
        if (!$language->isLoaded() || '1' != $language->get('active')) {

        // create copy of category ids
        $arrayObject = new ArrayObject($categoryIds);
        $currentCategoryIds = $arrayObject->getArrayCopy();

        // filter the categories - category must be visible and public!
        foreach ($currentCategoryIds as $key => $categoryId) {
            $categoryLanguage = new cApiCategoryLanguage();
            $categoryLanguage->loadByCategoryIdAndLanguageId($categoryId, $currentIdlang);
            if ($categoryLanguage->get('visible') == false || $categoryLanguage->get('public') == false) {

		$itemCount[] = addArticlesToSitemap($sitemap, $currentCategoryIds, $currentIdlang);

    // if there are items
    if (0 < array_sum($itemCount)) {
        // provide the possibility to alter the sitemap content
        $sitemap = cApiCecHook::executeAndReturn('Contenido.Content.XmlSitemapCreate', $sitemap);

    // echo sitemap or write it to file with the specified filename
    saveSitemap($sitemap, $filename);
} catch (cException $e) {
    echo "\n\n[" . date('Y-m-d') . "] " . $e->getMessage() . "\n";

 * Reads timestamp from last job run and compares it to current timestamp.
 * If last run is less than 23h ago this script will be aborted. Elsethe
 * current timestamp is stored into job file.
 * @param unknown_type $jobname
 * @throws cException if job was already executed within last 23h
function checkJobRerun($jobname) {
    // get filename of cron job file
    $cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
    $filename = $cfg['path']['contenido_cronlog'] . $jobname . '.job';
    if (cFileHandler::exists($filename)) {
        // get timestamp of last runf from cron job file
        $cronlogContent = file_get_contents($filename);
        $lastRun = cSecurity::toInteger($cronlogContent);
        // check timestamp of last run
        if ($lastRun > strtotime('-23 hour')) {
            // abort if last run is less than 23h ago
            throw new cException('job was already executed within last 23h');
    // store current timestamp in cronjob file
    file_put_contents($filename, time());

 * Add all online and searchable articles of theses categories to the sitemap.
 * @param SimpleXMLElement $sitemap
function addArticlesToSitemap(SimpleXMLElement $sitemap, $categoryIds, $lang) {
    $itemCount = 0;

    // check if there are categories
    if (0 < count($categoryIds)) {

        $cfg = cRegistry::getConfig();
        $tab = $cfg['tab'];
        $db = cRegistry::getDb();

        $useCategoryUrlsForStartArticles = 'true' == getEffectiveSetting('content-sitemap-xml', 'cat-url-for-startart', 'true');

        $categoryIds = implode(',', $categoryIds);

        // get articles from DB
                , art_lang.idartlang
                , UNIX_TIMESTAMP(art_lang.lastmodified) as lastmod
                , art_lang.changefreq
                , art_lang.sitemapprio
                , cat_art.idcat
                , IF(art_lang.idartlang = cat_lang.startidartlang, 1, 0) AS is_start
                `$tab[art_lang]` AS art_lang
                , `$tab[cat_art]` AS cat_art
                , `$tab[cat_lang]` AS cat_lang
                art_lang.idart = cat_art.idart
                AND art_lang.idlang = $lang
                AND art_lang.online = 1
                AND cat_art.idcat = cat_lang.idcat
                AND cat_art.idcat IN ($categoryIds)
                AND cat_lang.idlang = $lang

        // construct the XML node
        while ($db->nextRecord()) {
            $indexState = conGetMetaValue($db->f('idartlang'), 7);

            if (preg_match('/noindex/', $indexState)) {

            $params = array();
            $params['lang'] = $lang;
			/*            $params['changelang'] = $lang;*/

            // if it is a startarticle the generated URL should be that of
            // the category (assuming the navigation contains category URLs)
            if (1 == $db->f('is_start') && $useCategoryUrlsForStartArticles) {
                $params['idcat'] = $db->f('idcat');
            } else {
                $params['idart'] = $db->f('idart');

            $loc = cUri::getInstance()->build($params, false);
            $loc = htmlentities($loc);
                  $mrUriBuilder = cUriBuilderMR::getInstance();
                  $mrUriBuilder->buildUrl($params, true);
                  $newUrl = $mrUriBuilder->getUrl();

            addUrl($sitemap, array(
                // construct the link
                'loc' => $newUrl,
                // construct the last modified date in ISO 8601
                'lastmod' => (int) $db->f('lastmod'),
                // get the sitemap change frequency
                'changefreq' => $db->f('changefreq'),
                // get the sitemap priority
                'priority' => $db->f('sitemapprio')

    return $itemCount;

 * @param SimpleXMLElement $sitemap
 * @param array $data
function addUrl(SimpleXMLElement $sitemap, array $data) {
    $url = $sitemap->addChild('url');

    $url->addChild('loc', $data['loc']);

    if ($data['lastmod'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00' || $data['lastmod'] == '') {
        $url->addChild('lastmod', htmlspecialchars(iso8601Date(mktime())));
    } else {
        $url->addChild('lastmod', htmlspecialchars(iso8601Date($data['lastmod'])));

    if (!empty($data['changefreq'])) {
        $url->addChild('changefreq', $data['changefreq']);

    if (!empty($data['priority']) || $data['priority'] == 0) {
        $url->addChild('priority', $data['priority']);

 * Formats a date/time according to ISO 8601.
 * Example:
 * YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
 * @param int $time a UNIX timestamp
 * @return string the formatted date string
function iso8601Date($time) {
    $tzd = date('O', $time);
    $tzd = chunk_split($tzd, 3, ':');
    $tzd = substr($tzd, 0, 6);
    $date = date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s', $time);
    return $date . $tzd;

 * Saves the sitemap to the file with the given filename.
 * If no filename is given, it outputs the sitemap.
 * @todo How can I save this properly formatted?
 * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1191167/format-output-of-simplexml-asxml
 * @param SimpleXMLElement $sitemap the XML structure of the sitemap
 * @param string $filename [optional] the filename to which the sitemap should
 *        be written
function saveSitemap(SimpleXMLElement $sitemap, $filename = '') {
    if (empty($filename)) {
        header('Content-type: text/xml');
        echo $sitemap->asXML();
    } else if ($sitemap->asXML($cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . $filename)) {
        echo mi18n("XML sitemap successfully written to %s", $filename);
    } else {
        echo mi18n("XML sitemap could not be written to %s", $filename);


Beiträge: 342
Registriert: Fr 7. Okt 2011, 04:10

Re: xml-Sitemap für Google erstellen

Beitrag von bodil » Sa 9. Nov 2019, 19:09

Das Originalmodul respektiert, wenn du im Artikel unter SEO bei Robots ein Häkchen bei noindex setzt.

Beiträge: 252
Registriert: Fr 6. Mai 2005, 21:01
Wohnort: Gummersbach

Re: xml-Sitemap für Google erstellen

Beitrag von Freddy » So 10. Nov 2019, 18:20

Vielen Dank Bodil für den Tipp. Klappt wunderbar. Gut sowas zu wissen.
