kein ARTIKEL_BAUM mehr

Beiträge: 303
Registriert: Mi 25. Sep 2002, 19:37

kein ARTIKEL_BAUM mehr

Beitrag von jacke » Do 7. Dez 2006, 11:29

Hallo und guten Morgen,

ich hab gerade ein riesen Problem. Seit heute ist mein Artikelbaum weg. Kategoriene, Bilder frontend sind da. Hier mal ein Auszug aus dem Errorlog:

Code: Alles auswählen

[07-Dez-2006 11:00:01] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=8bf3b672e354dff95b9588ed67f0ed01 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:00:10] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=8bf3b672e354dff95b9588ed67f0ed01 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:00:10] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=8bf3b672e354dff95b9588ed67f0ed01 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dec-2006 11:00:30] /menteroda/front_content.php?idcat=57&client=8%E2%8C%A9=6 Invalid SQL: 
                SELECT count(*) AS anzahl
                FROM con_cat AS a,
                     con_cat AS b,
                     con_cat AS c
                LEFT JOIN con_cat_art AS d ON b.idcat = d.idcat
                LEFT JOIN con_art_lang AS e ON d.idart = e.idart
                            c.idcat = b.idcat
                            AND b.idcat = a.idcat
                    AND a.idcat = 56
                    AND = 1
                    AND e.redirect = 0
                    AND e.external_redirect = 0
[07-Dec-2006 11:00:30] /menteroda/front_content.php?idcat=57&client=8%E2%8C%A9=6 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dec-2006 11:01:27] /menteroda/front_content.php Invalid SQL: 
                SELECT count(*) AS anzahl
                FROM con_cat AS a,
                     con_cat AS b,
                     con_cat AS c
                LEFT JOIN con_cat_art AS d ON b.idcat = d.idcat
                LEFT JOIN con_art_lang AS e ON d.idart = e.idart
                            c.idcat = b.idcat
                            AND b.idcat = a.idcat
                    AND a.idcat = 56
                    AND = 1
                    AND e.redirect = 0
                    AND e.external_redirect = 0
[07-Dec-2006 11:01:27] /menteroda/front_content.php next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:10] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=8bf3b672e354dff95b9588ed67f0ed01 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:10] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=8bf3b672e354dff95b9588ed67f0ed01 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:26] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:26] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:29] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:29] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:30] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:02:30] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dec-2006 11:03:35] /menteroda/front_content.php Invalid SQL: 
                SELECT count(*) AS anzahl
                FROM con_cat AS a,
                     con_cat AS b,
                     con_cat AS c
                LEFT JOIN con_cat_art AS d ON b.idcat = d.idcat
                LEFT JOIN con_art_lang AS e ON d.idart = e.idart
                            c.idcat = b.idcat
                            AND b.idcat = a.idcat
                    AND a.idcat = 56
                    AND = 1
                    AND e.redirect = 0
                    AND e.external_redirect = 0
[07-Dec-2006 11:03:35] /menteroda/front_content.php next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:04:02] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:04:02] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:05:43] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:05:43] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:05:46] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:05:46] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:06:10] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '13' AND
            b.idlang    = '10' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:06:10] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=7ef14a71d688099286d54505f2fdd4f7 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:15:16] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=c178d012def92d1d543daf468d2c0482 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:15:16] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&contenido=c178d012def92d1d543daf468d2c0482 next_record called with no query pending.
[07-Dez-2006 11:15:18] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=c178d012def92d1d543daf468d2c0482 Invalid SQL: SELECT
			a.preid AS preid,
			a.postid AS postid,
			a.parentid AS parentid,
            c.idcat AS idcat,
            c.level AS level,
   AS name,
            b.public AS public,
            b.visible AS online,
            d.idtpl AS idtpl
            con_cat AS a,
            con_cat_lang AS b,
            con_cat_tree AS c
        LEFT JOIN
            con_template_conf AS d
            ON d.idtplcfg = b.idtplcfg
            a.idclient  = '8' AND
            b.idlang    = '6' AND
            c.idcat     = b.idcat AND
            b.idcat     = a.idcat
        ORDER BY
            c.idtree ASC<br><br>
[07-Dez-2006 11:15:18] /contenido/main.php?area=con&frame=2&expand=all&contenido=c178d012def92d1d543daf468d2c0482 next_record called with no query pending.

leider kann ich damit nichts anfangen. Die Version ist die 4.4.

Könnt ihr mir helfen - bin verzweifelt


Beiträge: 10645
Registriert: Mo 28. Jul 2003, 12:49
Wohnort: Austria

Beitrag von emergence » Do 7. Dez 2006, 11:40

dein provider hat vermutlich ein update der mysql version vorgenommen...

such mal nach LEFT JOIN

alle wörter...

die genauen positionen wo was gefixt werden müsste, sollten sich dabei finden lassen...
*** make your own tools (wishlist :: thx)

Beiträge: 42
Registriert: So 21. Aug 2005, 17:42
Wohnort: Ossiach / Österreich

Beitrag von benzomat » Do 14. Dez 2006, 12:51

hab ein ähnliches oder wohl das gleiche problem.
nutzte bei einigen seiten noch die version 4.4.5

mein provider hatte die tage auf eine mysql version 5.xx gewechselt, vorher wars irgendwas mit 4.3xx glaub ich.

bei mir ist ebenfalls alles da, d.h. die seiten sind alle aufrufbar etc.
es fehlt nur der artikelbaum (unter content - artikel im frontend), dieser wird nicht angezeigt.

@ emergence
was meinst du bitte mit "suche mal nach LEFT JOIN" ??
wo ist das zu suchen?

danke für eine antwort,
danke, gruss

Beiträge: 3626
Registriert: Di 12. Okt 2004, 20:00
Wohnort: Voerde (Niederrhein)

Beitrag von Dodger77 » Do 14. Dez 2006, 12:56

benzomat hat geschrieben:was meinst du bitte mit "suche mal nach LEFT JOIN" ??
wo ist das zu suchen?
Wir befinden uns hier im Contenido-Forum und das hat oben so einen kleinen Link mit dem Text "Suchen". Einfach mal ausprobieren. :wink:

U.a. findet man dann hier so etwas: ... =left+join ... =left+join

Beiträge: 42
Registriert: So 21. Aug 2005, 17:42
Wohnort: Ossiach / Österreich

Beitrag von benzomat » Do 14. Dez 2006, 13:22

super - danke!!
hab die klammern gesetzt und es funzt wieder wie gehabt.

danke mal wieder an dieses super forum - schneller kann man nirgends fehler beheben und und...

gruss aus kärnten (noch fast ohne schnee...)

p.s. hatte schon gesucht, allerdings mehr nach 4.4.5 und sql 5 etc.

werd wohl auch mal langsam die restlichen seiten auf eine 4.6.xx updaten, hab mich bisher nur nicht getraut, es als update zu machen.
das dort enthaltene gästebuch läuft (noch) nicht unter 4.6.xx - das von x28.
danke, gruss
