ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?


ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » Sa 5. Jan 2013, 21:04

Ich habe die Article List Advanced 2.6 eingebunden und möchte mit Seiten arbeiten (8 Ausgaben, dann mehr auf Seite 2)

leider funktioniert dies irgendwie nicht...

Hier das Modul

Code: Alles auswählen

// Initialization
$bDebug     = false;
$iDataStart = 300;
$lCount     = 0;

// Includes
cInclude("frontend", "includes/pagination/ps_pagination.php");

// Check php version
$sVersion   = explode( '.', phpversion() );
$sVersion   = (((int)$sVersion[0] == 5 && (int)$sVersion[1] >= 2) || (int)$sVersion[0] > 5) ? 'php>=5.2' : 'php<5.2';

if ($sVersion == 'php>=5.2') {
    cInclude("frontend", "includes/class.datetimereplacelang.php");
elseif (!function_exists(formatDateToStrftime))
    function formatDateToStrftime($sDate)
        $aDate      = array('d', 'm', 'y', 'H', 'i', 'F', 'j', 'Y', 'M', 'l', 'D');
        $aStrftime  = array('%d', '%m', '%y', '%H', '%M', '%B', '%e', '%Y', '%b', '%A', '%a');
        return str_replace($aDate, $aStrftime, $sDate);
    // do nothing

unset ($aData);
$aData = array();

// Base settings
unset ($aSettings);
$aSettings = array();
$aSettings["ArticleCount"]               = "CMS_VALUE[0]";
$aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]             = "CMS_VALUE[1]";
$aSettings["SortBy"]                     = "CMS_VALUE[2]";
$aSettings["SortDir"]                    = "CMS_VALUE[3]";
$aSettings["ShowStart"]                  = "CMS_VALUE[4]";
$aSettings["Category"]                   = "CMS_VALUE[5]";
$aSettings["HeadlineIdentifier"]         = "CMS_VALUE[7]";
$aSettings["HeadlineLength"]             = "CMS_VALUE[8]";
$aSettings["Elements"]                   = "CMS_VALUE[9]";
$aSettings["CatTypeSel"]                 = "CMS_VALUE[10]";
$aSettings["AddCats"]                    = "CMS_VALUE[11]";
$aSettings["DateType"]                   = "CMS_VALUE[13]";
$aSettings["Date"]                       = "CMS_VALUE[14]";
$aSettings["Template"]                   = "CMS_VALUE[15]";
$aSettings["PageBrowsingType01"]         = "CMS_VALUE[16]";
$aSettings["PageBrowsingType02"]         = "CMS_VALUE[17]";
$aSettings["PageBrowsingType03"]         = "CMS_VALUE[18]";
$aSettings["PageBrowsingType04"]         = "CMS_VALUE[19]";
$aSettings["PageBrowsingType05"]         = "CMS_VALUE[20]";
$aSettings["UseUTF8"]                    = "CMS_VALUE[21]";
$aSettings["UseSummary"]                 = "CMS_VALUE[22]";
$aSettings["ShowOnlyStart"]              = "CMS_VALUE[23]";
$aSettings["DateLanguage"]               = "CMS_VALUE[24]";
$aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] = "CMS_VALUE[25]";
$aSettings["SummaryWidth"]               = "CMS_VALUE[26]";
$aSettings["UsePageTitle"]               = "CMS_VALUE[27]";
$aSettings["PageTitleWidth"]             = "CMS_VALUE[28]";
$aSettings["UseAuthor"]                  = "CMS_VALUE[29]";
$aSettings["AuthorLabeling"]             = "CMS_VALUE[30]";
$aSettings["ArtListHeadline"]            = "CMS_VALUE[31]";
$aSettings["ShowModul"]                  = "CMS_VALUE[100]";

$aSettings["CurrentPage"]                = $_REQUEST["page"];

if ($aSettings["ShowModul"] == 'on')
    // Checking base settings
    $aSettings["ArticleCount"]               = (!is_numeric($aSettings["ArticleCount"]) || $aSettings["ArticleCount"] < 0) ? 5 : $aSettings["ArticleCount"];
    $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]             = (!is_numeric($aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]) || $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"] < 0) ? 0 : $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]; // Deactivating page browsing
    $aSettings["CurrentPage"]                = ($aSettings["ArticlePerPage"] == 0 || !is_numeric($aSettings["CurrentPage"]) || !isset($aSettings["CurrentPage"])) ? 0 : $aSettings["CurrentPage"];
    $aSettings["CurrentPage"]                = (isset($aSettings["CurrentPage"]) && $aSettings["CurrentPage"] != 0) ? $aSettings["CurrentPage"] - 1 : $aSettings["CurrentPage"];
    $aSettings["Category"]                   = (!is_numeric($aSettings["Category"]) || $aSettings["Category"] <= 0) ? 0 : $aSettings["Category"];
    $aSettings["HeadlineIdentifier"]         = (strlen($aSettings["HeadlineIdentifier"]) > 50) ? '' : $aSettings["HeadlineIdentifier"];
    $aSettings["HeadlineLength"]             = (!is_numeric($aSettings["HeadlineLength"]) || $aSettings["HeadlineLength"] < 0) ? 0 : $aSettings["HeadlineLength"];
    $aSettings["Elements"]                   = (!is_numeric($aSettings["Elements"]) || $aSettings["Elements"] < 0) ? 0 : $aSettings["Elements"];
    $aSettings["CatTypeSel"]                 = ($aSettings["CatTypeSel"] == "" || ($aSettings["AddCats"] == "" && $aSettings["CatTypeSel"] == "selected")) ? "none" : $aSettings["CatTypeSel"];
    $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] = (!is_numeric($aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"]) || $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] == '') ? 10 : $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"];
    $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] = ($aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] <= 3) ? 3 : $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"];
    $aSettings["SummaryWidth"]               = (!is_numeric($aSettings["SummaryWidth"]) || $aSettings["SummaryWidth"] < 0) ? 0 : $aSettings["SummaryWidth"];
    $aSettings["PageTitleWidth"]             = (!is_numeric($aSettings["PageTitleWidth"]) || $aSettings["PageTitleWidth"] < 0) ? 0 : $aSettings["PageTitleWidth"];
    if ($aSettings["UseUTF8"] == "enabled")
        if (!function_exists(html_entity_decode_utf8))
            # Needed functions for UTF8 and PHP4 - Posted by "" at
            # In PHP4 html_entity_decode() is not working well with UTF-8 spitting: "Warning: cannot yet handle MBCS in html_entity_decode()!".
            # This is working solution combining several workarounds:
            function html_entity_decode_utf8($string)
                static $trans_tbl;
                // replace numeric entities
                $string = preg_replace('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'code2utf(hexdec("\\1"))', $string);
                $string = preg_replace('~&#([0-9]+);~e', 'code2utf(\\1)', $string);
                // replace literal entities
                if (!isset($trans_tbl))
                    $trans_tbl = array();
                    foreach (get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES) as $val=>$key)
                        $trans_tbl[$key] = utf8_encode($val);
                return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
        if (!function_exists(code2utf))
            // Returns the utf string corresponding to the unicode value (from, courtesy -
            function code2utf($num)
                if ($num < 128) return chr($num);
                if ($num < 2048) return chr(($num >> 6) + 192).chr(($num & 63) + 128);
                if ($num < 65536) return chr(($num >> 12) + 224).chr((($num >> 6) & 63) + 128).chr(($num & 63) + 128);
                if ($num < 2097152) return chr(($num >> 18) + 240).chr((($num >> 12) & 63) + 128).chr((($num >> 6) & 63) + 128).chr(($num & 63) + 128);
                return '';
    // Detail settings
    if ($aSettings["Elements"] > 0)
        for ($i = 0; $i < $aSettings["Elements"]; $i++)
            $iElementType           = $iDataStart   + ($i * 10);
            $iElementIdentifier     = $iElementType + 1;
            $iElementWidth          = $iElementType + 2;
            $iElementHeight         = $iElementType + 3;
            $iElementDontStripTags  = $iElementType + 3;
            $aSettings["k".$i] = array();
            $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"]        = "CMS_VALUE[$iElementType]";        // Text, Image, ExtractedImage
            $aSettings["k".$i]["Identifier"]         = "CMS_VALUE[$iElementIdentifier]";
            $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"]       = "CMS_VALUE[$iElementWidth]";       // Textlength or ImageWidth
            $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"]      = "CMS_VALUE[$iElementHeight]";
            $aSettings["k".$i]["DontStripTags"]      = ("CMS_VALUE[$iElementDontStripTags]" == 'yes' && $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] == 0);
            // Check detail settings
            if ($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"] == "")
                $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"] == "Text";
            if ($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"] == "Text")
                $aSettings["ElementHeight"] = 0;
                if (!is_numeric($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"]) || $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] < 0)
                    $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] = 50;
            elseif (!is_numeric($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"]) || $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] <= 0 ||
                    !is_numeric($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"]) || $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"] <= 0)
                $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] = 0;
                $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"] = 0;
            if (strlen($aSettings["Identifier"]) > 50)
                $aSettings["Identifier"] = "";
        } // end for
    unset ($iDataStart);
    unset ($iElementType);
    unset ($iElementIdentifier);
    unset ($iElementWidth);
    unset ($iElementHeight);
    unset ($iElementDontStripTags);
    if ($aSettings["Category"] !== "0" && $aSettings["HeadlineIdentifier"] !== "")
        if (!is_object($db2)) $db2 = new DB_Contenido;
        // Specifying search categories
        $sSelCats = "'".$aSettings["Category"]."'";
        // Adding categories "below" primary category
        switch ($aSettings["CatTypeSel"])
            case "below":
                $lCatLevel = -1;
                $sql  = "SELECT a.idcat AS idcat, b.level AS level FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["cat"]." a, ".$cfg["tab"]["cat_tree"]." b ";
                $sql .= "WHERE a.idcat = b.idcat ORDER BY b.idtree";
                    if ($db2->f("idcat") == $aSettings["Category"])
                        $lCatLevel = $db2->f("level");
                    elseif ($lCatLevel > -1 && $db2->f("level") > $lCatLevel)
                        $sSelCats .= ",'".$db2->f("idcat")."'";
                    elseif ($db2->f("level") <= $lCatLevel)
                } // end while
            case "select":
                $aCats = explode(",", $aSettings["AddCats"]);
                foreach ($aCats as $value)
                    if (is_numeric($value))
                        $sSelCats .= ",'".$value."'";
        } // end switch
        $sql =  'SELECT
                    tblData.value AS headline,
                    artlang.pagetitle AS pagetitle,
                    artlang.summary AS summary,
                    artlang.idart AS idart,
                    artlang.idart AS idartlang,
                    artlang.lastmodified AS lastmodified,
                    artlang.modifiedby AS autor,
                    artlang.created AS created,
                    artlang.published AS published,
                    artlang.idartlang AS idartlang,
           AS category,
                    catlang.startidartlang AS startid,
                    catart.is_start AS isstart,
                    catart.idcat AS idcat,
                    catart.idcatart AS idcatart
                    '.$cfg["tab"]["cat_art"].' AS catart,
                    '.$cfg["tab"]["art_lang"].' AS artlang,
                    '.$cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"].' AS catlang,
                    '.$cfg["tab"]["content"].' AS tblData
                    catart.idcat IN ('.$sSelCats.') AND
                    artlang.idlang = '.$lang.' AND
                    tblData.idartlang = artlang.idartlang AND
                    catlang.idlang = artlang.idlang AND
                    catlang.idcat = catart.idcat AND
                    artlang.idart = catart.idart ';
        if ($aSettings["ShowStart"] != "enabled")
            $sql .= ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true) ? 'AND catart.is_start = 0 ' : 'AND tblData.idartlang != catlang.startidartlang ';
            if ($aSettings["ShowOnlyStart"] == "enabled")
                $sql .= ($cfg["is_start_compatible"] == true) ? 'AND catart.is_start = 1 ' : 'AND tblData.idartlang = catlang.startidartlang ';
        $sql .= 'AND = 1 ';
        $sql .= 'AND '.$aSettings["HeadlineIdentifier"].' ';
        // Sort by
        $sql .= 'ORDER BY '.$aSettings["SortBy"].' '.$aSettings["SortDir"].' ';
        // LIMIT
        if ($aSettings["ArticleCount"] > 0) $sql .= 'LIMIT 0, '.$aSettings["ArticleCount"];
        if ($aSettings["ArticlePerPage"] > 0) $sql_pagination = $sql;
        // execute query
        $lCount = $db2->num_rows();
        if ($lCount > 0)
            if (!is_object($db3)) $db3 = new DB_Contenido;
            if (!is_object($db4)) $db4 = new DB_Contenido;
            if (!is_object($db5)) $db5 = new DB_Contenido;

            if ($aSettings["ArticlePerPage"] > 0)
                $lStartCount = $aSettings["CurrentPage"] * $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"];
                $lEndCount   = ($aSettings["CurrentPage"] * $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]) + $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"];
                if ($lEndCount > $lCount) $lEndCount = $lCount;
                $lStartCount = 0;
                $lEndCount   = $lCount;
            $lRow = 0;
            $i    = 0;
            while ($db2->next_record())
                if ($aSettings["ShowStart"] == "enabled" ||
                   ($aSettings["ShowStart"] != "enabled" && $db2->f("idartlang") != $lStartIDArtLang))
                    if ($lRow >= $lStartCount && $lRow < $lEndCount)
                        $aData[$i]                 = array();
                        $aData[$i]["Category"]     = urldecode($db2->f("category"));
                        $sParams = ($db2->f("startid") == $db2->f("idartlang") || $db2->f("isstart")) ? 'idcat='.$db2->f("idcat") : 'idcat='.$db2->f("idcat")."&idart=".$db2->f("idart");
                        $aData[$i]["Link"]         = $sess->url("front_content.php?".$sParams);
                        $aData[$i]["LastModified"] = $db2->f("lastmodified");
                        $aData[$i]["Autor"]        = $db2->f("autor");
                        $aData[$i]["Created"]      = $db2->f("created");
                        $aData[$i]["Published"]    = $db2->f("published");

                        // Generate pagetitle
                        $sTmpValue = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(urldecode($db2->f('pagetitle'))));
                        if ($aSettings["PageTitleWidth"] > 0 && strlen($sTmpValue) > $aSettings["PageTitleWidth"] && $aSettings["UsePageTitle"] == 'enabled')
                            // Cutting text but preserving words and entities
                            $sTmpValue = capiStrTrimAfterWord($sTmpValue, $aSettings["PageTitleWidth"])."...";
                        elseif ($aSettings["UsePageTitle"] == 'enabled')
                            $sTmpValue = $sTmpValue;
                            $sTmpValue = '';
                        $aData[$i]["PageTitle"] = $sTmpValue;

                        // Generate headline
                        $sTmpValue = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(urldecode($db2->f('headline'))));
                        if ($aSettings["HeadlineLength"] > 0 && strlen($sTmpValue) > $aSettings["HeadlineLength"])
                            // Cutting text but preserving words and entities
                            $sTmpValue = htmlentities(capiStrTrimAfterWord($sTmpValue, $aSettings["HeadlineLength"])."...");
                        $aData[$i]["Headline"] = $sTmpValue;

                        // Generate Summary
                        $sTmpValue = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(urldecode($db2->f('summary'))));
                        if ($aSettings["SummaryWidth"] > 0 && strlen($sTmpValue) > $aSettings["SummaryWidth"] && $aSettings["UseSummary"] == 'enabled')
                            // Cutting text but preserving words and entities
                            $sTmpValue = capiStrTrimAfterWord($sTmpValue, $aSettings["SummaryWidth"])."...";
                        elseif ($aSettings["UseSummary"] == 'enabled')
                            $sTmpValue = $sTmpValue;
                            $sTmpValue = '';
                        $aData[$i]["Summary"] = $sTmpValue;

                        if ($aSettings["Elements"] > 0)
                            for ($k = 0; $k < $aSettings["Elements"]; $k++)
                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]               = array();
                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]["Value"]      = "";
                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]["ServerPath"] = "";
                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]["WebPath"]    = "";
                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]["Width"]      = 0;
                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]["Height"]     = 0;
                            } // end for
                            $sql =  "SELECT tblData.value AS value, tblData.idtype AS idtype, tblData.typeid AS typeid FROM ";
                            $sql .= $cfg["tab"]["cat_art"]." AS tblCatArt, ";
                            $sql .= $cfg["tab"]["art_lang"]." AS tblArtLang, ";
                            $sql .= $cfg["tab"]["content"]." AS tblData ";
                            $sql .= "WHERE tblData.idartlang = tblArtLang.idartlang AND ";
                            $sql .= "tblArtLang.idlang = '".$lang."' AND ";
                            $sql .= "tblArtLang.idart = tblCatArt.idart AND ";
                            $sql .= "tblCatArt.idcatart = '".$db2->f("idcatart")."' AND (";
                            $sql_items = "";
                            for ($k = 0; $k < $aSettings["Elements"]; $k++)
                                if ($aSettings["k".$k]["Identifier"] != "" && $aSettings["k".$k]["Identifier"] != "none")
                                    if ($sql_items != "")
                                        $sql_items .= " OR (".$aSettings["k".$k]["Identifier"].")";
                                        $sql_items = "(".$aSettings["k".$k]["Identifier"].")";
                            } // end for
                            $sql .= $sql_items.")";
                            if ($bDebug)
                                echo "<pre>".$sql."</pre>", chr(10);
                            // execute query
                            while ($db3->next_record())
                                $sTypeIdentifier = "tblData.idtype = '".$db3->f('idtype')."' AND tblData.typeid = '".$db3->f('typeid')."'";
                                # Note: The TypeIdentifier for one item may be the same as for another item.
                                #       Therefore, we are storing the content everywhere as needed
                                for ($k = 0; $k < $aSettings["Elements"]; $k++)
                                    if ($sTypeIdentifier == $aSettings["k".$k]["Identifier"])
                                        switch (TRUE)
                                            case ($aSettings["k".$k]["ElementType"] == "Image" || $aSettings["k".$k]["ElementType"] == "ExtractedImage"):
                                                $sql = "";
                                                if ($aSettings["k".$k]["ElementType"] == "Image")
                                                    $sql =  "SELECT
                                                                idupl = '".$db3->f('value')."'";
                                                    $sTmpValue = urldecode($db3->f('value'));
                                                    $regEx = "/<img[^>]*?>.*?/i";
                                                    $match = array ();
                                                    preg_match($regEx, $sTmpValue, $match);
                                                    $regEx = "/(src)(=)(['\"]?)([^\"']*)(['\"]?)/i";
                                                    $img = array ();
                                                    preg_match($regEx, $match[0], $img);
                                                    $img_src = preg_split("/\//", $img[0]);
                                                    $img_name = $img_src[count($img_src) - 1];
                                                    $img_name = preg_replace("/\"/", "", $img_name);
                                                    #Don't know what is happening here, exactly...
                                                    # $img_split = preg_split("/\./", $img_name);
                                                    # $img_type = $img_split[count($img_split) - 1];
                                                    # $img_split2 = preg_split("/_/", $img_split[0]);
                                                    $name = strtolower($img_name);
                                                    #Don't know what is happening here, exactly...
                                                    #if (count($img_split2) > 1) {
                                                    #   $img_x = $img_split2[count($img_split2) - 1];
                                                    #   $img_y = $img_split2[count($img_split2) - 2];
                                                    #   if (is_numeric($img_x) AND is_numeric($img_y)) {
                                                    #      $suffix = "_".$img_x."_".$img_y.".".$img_type;
                                                    #      $name = preg_replace("/$suffix/", "", $img_name);
                                                    #      $name = $name.".[a-zA-Z]{3}";
                                                    #   }
                                                    if (strlen($name) > 0)
                                                        $sql =  "SELECT
                                                                    LOWER(filename) = '$name'";
                                                if ($bDebug) echo "<pre>".$sql."</pre>";
                                                // execute query
                                                if ($sql != "")
                                                    if ($db4->next_record())
                                                        $aData[$i]["i".$k]["ServerPath"]   = $cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"].$db4->f('dirname').$db4->f('filename');
                                                        $aData[$i]["i".$k]["WebPath"]      = $cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["htmlpath"].$db4->f('dirname').$db4->f('filename');
                                                        list (
                                                        ) = getimagesize($aData[$i]["i".$k]["ServerPath"]);
                                                        $aData[$i]["i".$k]["Width"]        = $width;
                                                        $aData[$i]["i".$k]["Height"]       = $height;
                                                if ($aSettings["UseUTF8"] != "enabled")
                                                    $sTmpValue = ($aSettings["k".$k]["DontStripTags"]) ? urldecode($db3->f('value')) : strip_tags(urldecode($db3->f('value')));
                                                    $sTmpValue = ($aSettings["k".$k]["DontStripTags"]) ? html_entity_decode_utf8(urldecode($db3->f('value'))) : html_entity_decode_utf8(strip_tags(urldecode($db3->f('value')), '<h1>, <p>, <img>, <strong>, <b>, <a>, <font>'));
                                                if ($aSettings["k".$k]["ElementWidth"] > 0 && strlen($sTmpValue) > $aSettings["k".$k]["ElementWidth"])
                                                    // Cutting text but preserving words and entities
                                                    $sTmpValue = capiStrTrimAfterWord($sTmpValue, $aSettings["k".$k]["ElementWidth"])."...";
                                                $aData[$i]["i".$k]["Value"] = $sTmpValue;
                                        } // end switch
                                    } // end if ($sTypeIdentifier == $aSettings["k".$k]["Identifier"])
                                } // end for
                            } // end while
                    elseif ($lRow == $lEndCount)
            } // end while
            // Clearing memory
            unset ($db2);
            unset ($db3);
            unset ($db4);
            unset ($sql);
            unset ($lStartIDArtLang);
            unset ($lStartCount);
            unset ($lEndCount);
            # Output data
            # Every output manipulation should be done here...
            # Base information:
            # $aSettings["Elements"]:                  Number of expected, additional elements from each article
            # $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]:            Number of articles per page (0: show all)
            # $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"]:       Per Element: Type of Element: Text, Image or ExtractedImage
            # $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"]:      Per Element: Text length or image width (-> recycling ...)
            # $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"]:     Per Element: Image width
            # $aSettings["k".$i]["DontStripTags"]      Per Element: Strip tags or not
            # Per article:
            # $aValue["Headline"]:                     Content of article element specified as containing the headline information
            # $aValue["Link"]:                         Relative link to get to the listed article
            # $aValue["LastModified"]:                 Last modified date of the article
            # $aValue["Created"]:                      Created date of the article
            # $aValue["Published"]:                    Published date of the article
            # $aValue["Category"]:                     Category name
            # $aValue["Autor"]:                        Autor name
            # $aValue["Pagetitle"]:                    Pagetitle
            # $aValue["Summary"]:                      Summary
            # Per article additional element:
            # $aValue["i".$i]["Value"]:                Text (only for text elements, otherwise "")
            # $aValue["i".$i]["WebPath"]:              HTTP... path to image
            # $aValue["i".$i]["ServerPath"]:           /server/... path to image
            # $aValue["i".$i]["Width"]:                >Original< image width
            # $aValue["i".$i]["Height"]:               >Original< image height
            /* Init Template */
            if (!is_object($tpl)) $tpl = new Template;
            if ($aSettings["ArtListHeadline"] != '')
                $tpl->set('s', 'TITLE', $aSettings["ArtListHeadline"]);
                $tpl->set('s', 'TITLE', '');
            foreach ($aData as $aValue)
                if ($aSettings["Elements"] > 0)
                    for ($i = 0; $i < $aSettings["Elements"]; $i++)
                        switch (TRUE)
                            case ($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"] == "Image" || $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementType"] == "ExtractedImage"):

                                $image  = $aValue["i".$i]["WebPath"];
                                $width  = $aValue["i".$i]["Width"];
                                $height = $aValue["i".$i]["Height"];

                                if ($aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] > 0 && $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"] > 0)
                                    // Check, if resize necessary
                                    if ( $aValue["i".$i]["ServerPath"] != "" && file_exists($aValue["i".$i]["ServerPath"]) &&
                                        ($aValue["i".$i]["Width"] > $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"] || $aValue["i".$i]["Height"] > $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"]))
                                        // Scale image
                                        $image = capiImgScale($aValue["i".$i]["ServerPath"], $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementWidth"], $aSettings["k".$i]["ElementHeight"], false, false, 10, false);
                                        // Get dimensions of the image
                                        list (
                                        ) = getimagesize(str_replace($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"], $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"], $image));
                                        $image  = $aValue["i".$i]["WebPath"];
                                        $width  = $aValue["i".$i]["Width"];
                                        $height = $aValue["i".$i]["Height"];
                                $artlist_image = ($image != "") ? '<img class="articlelistImage" src="'.$image.'" width="'.$width.'" height="'.$height.'" alt="'.mi18n("Article Thumb").'" />' : '';
                                $tpl->set('d', 'IMG_'.$i,  $artlist_image);

                            default: // Everything else is treated as "Text"
                                $artlist_text = $aValue["i".$i]["Value"];
                                $tpl->set('d', 'TEXT_'.$i,  $artlist_text);
                        } // end switch
                    } // end for

                // Generate date if enabled
                if($aSettings["Date"] != "-1")
                    if ($sVersion == 'php>=5.2')
                        if ($aSettings["DateLanguage"] != 'en_UK')
                            $oDate = ($aSettings["DateType"] == "create") ? new DateTimeReplaceLang($aValue["Created"]) : new DateTimeReplaceLang($aValue["Published"]);
                            $artlist_lastmod = $oDate->format($aSettings["Date"], $aSettings["DateLanguage"]);
                            $oDate = ($aSettings["DateType"] == "create") ? new DateTime($aValue["Created"]) : new DateTime($aValue["Published"]);
                            $artlist_lastmod = $oDate->format($aSettings["Date"]);
                        setlocale(LC_TIME, $aSettings["DateLanguage"]);
                        $tmp_artlist_Date = ($aSettings["DateType"] == "create") ? strtotime($aValue["Created"]) : strtotime($aValue["Published"]);
                        $artlist_lastmod = strftime(formatDateToStrftime($aSettings["Date"]), $tmp_artlist_Date);
                    $artlist_lastmod = "";
                // Search author if enabled
                if($aSettings["UseAuthor"] == 'enabled')
                    $sql =  'SELECT
                                realname AS name
                                username = "'.$aValue["Autor"].'"';
                    // execute query
                    if ($bDebug) { echo "<pre>".$sql."</pre>", chr(10); }
                    $sAuthor = strip_tags(urldecode($db5->f('name')));
                    $sAuthor = '';
                $artlist_more = mi18n("More");
                // Generate template 
                $tpl->set('d', 'PAGELINK', $aValue["Link"]);
                $tpl->set('d', 'PAGETITLE', $aValue["PageTitle"]);
                $tpl->set('d', 'DATE', $artlist_lastmod);
                $tpl->set('d', 'HEADLINE', $aValue["Headline"]);
                $tpl->set('d', 'LABELING', $aSettings["AuthorLabeling"]);
                $tpl->set('d', 'AUTHOR', $sAuthor);
                $tpl->set('d', 'SUMMARY', $aValue["Summary"]);
                $tpl->set('d', 'MORE', $artlist_more);
            } // end foreach
        # Page browsing
        # Hint: Number of max available records: $lCount
        #       Number of pages: ceil($lCount / $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"])
        #       First page: page=1;
        #       Last page:  page=ceil($lCount / $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]);
        if ($aSettings["ArticlePerPage"] > 0)
            $iPages = ceil($lCount / $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"]);
            // Example: Back and Next
            $sPageBrowsingType01 = '';
            if ($aSettings["PageBrowsingType01"] == "enabled")
                if ($iPages > 1 && ($_REQUEST['page'] + 1) > 1)
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '<div class="articlelistBack">';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '<a href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.($aSettings["CurrentPage"]).'">'.mi18n("Back").'</a>';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '</div>';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '<div class="articlelistBack">';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= mi18n("Back");
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '</div>';
                if ($iPages > 1 && ($_REQUEST['page'] + 1) < $iPages)
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '<div class="articlelistNext">';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '<a href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 2).'">'.mi18n("Next").'</a>';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '</div>';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '<div class="articlelistNext">';
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= mi18n("Next");
                    $sPageBrowsingType01 .= '</div>';
            // Example: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ...
            $sPageBrowsingType02 = '';
            if ($aSettings["PageBrowsingType02"] == "enabled")
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $iPages; $i++)
                    if ($sPageBrowsingType02 != '')
                        $sPageBrowsingType02 .= '&nbsp;';
                    $sPageBrowsingType02 .= (($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == $i) ? $i : '<a class="articlelistPageNumber" href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>';
            // Example: Seite 1 von 7
            $sPageBrowsingType03 = '';
            if ($aSettings["PageBrowsingType03"] == "enabled")
                $sPageBrowsingType03 .= mi18n("Page").' '.($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1).' '.mi18n("of").' '.$iPages; // I'm on the current page, no link
            // Example: Erste Seite 1 ... 3 4 5 ... 8 Letzte Seite
            $sPageBrowsingType04 = '';
            if ($aSettings["PageBrowsingType04"] == "enabled")
                $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '<a class="articlelistBegin" href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page=1">'.mi18n("Begin").'</a>';
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $iPages; $i++)
                    if ($i == 1 || $i == $iPages)
                        if ($sPageBrowsingType04 != '')
                            $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '&nbsp;';
                        $sPageBrowsingType04 .= (($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == $i) ? $i : '<a class="articlelistPageNumber" href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>';
                    elseif (($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == $i)
                        $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '&nbsp;'.$i; // I'm on the current page, no link
                    elseif (($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == ($i + 1))
                        // Front
                        $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '&nbsp;<a class="articlelistPageNumber" href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>';
                    elseif (($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == ($i - 1))
                        // Back
                        $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '&nbsp;<a class="articlelistPageNumber" href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.$i.'">'.$i.'</a>';
                    elseif (($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == ($i - 2) || ($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) == ($i + 2))
                        $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '&nbsp;...';
                $sPageBrowsingType04 .= '&nbsp;<a class="articlelistEnd" href="front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&page='.$lCount.'">'.mi18n("End").'</a>';
            // Example: << < 1 ... 3 4 5 ... 8 > >>
            // First Page
            $sPageBrowsingType05 = '';
            if ($aSettings["PageBrowsingType05"] == "enabled")
                if (!is_object($db)) $db = new DB_Contenido;
                $sql =  $sql_pagination;
                 * Create a PS_Pagination object
                 * $conn = MySQL connection object
                 * $sql = SQl Query to paginate
                 * $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"] = Number of rows per page
                 * $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] = Number of links
                 * "param1=valu1&param2=value2" = You can append your own parameters to paginations links
                $pager = new PS_Pagination($db, $sql, $aSettings["ArticlePerPage"], $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"], "idart=".$idart);
                 * Enable debugging if you want o view query errors
                // Init pagination
                // Display the full navigation in one go
                $sDotsBefore = '';
                $sDotsAfter = '';
                if ($iPages > $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] && ($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) > $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"])
                    $sDotsBefore .= ' ...';
                if ($iPages > $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"] && ($aSettings["CurrentPage"] + 1) <= $aSettings["PageBrowsingType05MaxPages"])
                    $sDotsAfter .= '... ';
                $sPageBrowsingType05 .= $pager->renderFirst('&laquo;').$pager->renderPrev('&lsaquo;').$sDotsBefore.$pager->renderNav('','').$sDotsAfter.$pager->renderNext('&rsaquo;').$pager->renderLast('&raquo;');
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGEBROWSINGTYPE01', $sPageBrowsingType01);
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGEBROWSINGTYPE02', $sPageBrowsingType02);
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGEBROWSINGTYPE03', $sPageBrowsingType03);
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGEBROWSINGTYPE04', $sPageBrowsingType04);
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGEBROWSINGTYPE05', $sPageBrowsingType05);
    // Clearing memory
    unset ($aData);
    unset ($aSettings);
    unset ($i);
    unset ($lCount);
    unset ($bDebug);
    unset ($db5);
    // do nothing
Hier das Template:

Code: Alles auswählen

<div class="articlelistPagecounter">{PAGEBROWSINGTYPE03}</div>
<!-- BEGIN:BLOCK -->
<div class="articlelistAllItem">
  <div class="articleListALLInhalt"> 
  <p class="articlelistHeadline"><a href="{PAGELINK}" title="{HEADLINE}">{HEADLINE}</a></p>
  <p class="articlelistContent">{TEXT_1}</p>
  <p class="articlelistMore"><a href="{PAGELINK}" title="{MORE}">{MORE} &rsaquo;&rsaquo;&rsaquo;</a></p>
<!-- END:BLOCK -->
<div class="articlelistNavigation">{PAGEBROWSINGTYPE05}</div>
Dankeschön :)

Beiträge: 301
Registriert: Do 15. Jan 2009, 09:00

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von derju » Sa 5. Jan 2013, 21:18

Wie sieht deine Artikel Konfiguration aus?

LG -derJu
Contenido 4.8.20 | Contenido 4.9.12


Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » Sa 5. Jan 2013, 21:35

s. PN

Beiträge: 301
Registriert: Do 15. Jan 2009, 09:00

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von derju » Sa 5. Jan 2013, 22:17

Hab keine PN von dir.

LG - derJu
Contenido 4.8.20 | Contenido 4.9.12


Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » So 6. Jan 2013, 00:35

Nu aber :)

Beiträge: 301
Registriert: Do 15. Jan 2009, 09:00

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von derju » So 6. Jan 2013, 00:45

Leider nein...
Contenido 4.8.20 | Contenido 4.9.12


Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » So 6. Jan 2013, 04:19

Ich hab dir glaube ich die ganze zeit eine Mail gesendet. Aber jetzt hab ich dir denke ich eine Nachricht gesendet ;)

Beiträge: 301
Registriert: Do 15. Jan 2009, 09:00

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von derju » So 6. Jan 2013, 08:15

Hat geklappt, sieht soweit normal aus.
Kannst du mir noch einen Link zukommen lassen damit ich die Ausgabe auf der Seite sehe.

LG - derJu
Contenido 4.8.20 | Contenido 4.9.12


Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » So 6. Jan 2013, 12:14

Link per PN

hier da habe ich eine längere Artikelliste eingebunden. Selbst wenn ich keine ganze Seite voll bekomme müsste er ja die Seiten anzeigen.

Beiträge: 301
Registriert: Do 15. Jan 2009, 09:00

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von derju » So 6. Jan 2013, 13:08

Hallo contenidoAmateur

Irgendwie sieht deine Artikel-Konfig nicht so aus wie in dem Beispiel hier, ich vermute das hier schon der Fehler liegt.

Hast du am Modul (Input/Output) was verändert?

LG - derJu
Contenido 4.8.20 | Contenido 4.9.12


Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » So 6. Jan 2013, 13:16

Nein, aber es gibt scheinbar probleme mit dem AMR Modul -.-

Langsam nervt das ich der Suche gibts damit problem lag wahrscheinlich daran das ich eine Gesamt Anzahl und eine Anzahl per Page angegeben habe.

Nur der Link weiter auf die 2. Seite geht nicht....

Langsam frustriert mich das...

Also die Seitenzahlen sind jetzt da...


Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von contenidoAmateur » Fr 11. Jan 2013, 10:17

mhm... funzt immer noch nicht...

Beiträge: 1919
Registriert: Sa 8. Sep 2007, 16:23
Wohnort: Brandenburg

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von Faar » Fr 11. Jan 2013, 14:02

Hast du das mit den Angaben für das AMR-Plugin mal abgeglichen, ob dort noch irgendwas eingetragen werden müsste?

Ich würde mir auch die ps_pagination.php mal anschauen, ob das mit dem AMR überhaupt funktioniert.
Das AMR Plugin erlaubt scheints auch, dass man bestimmte Seiten vom AMR ausnimmt: ... rbinden.3F
Damit kann man vielleicht testen, ob die Seite prinzipiell nicht geht oder nur nicht mit AMR. ... -advanced/
Vielleicht funktioniert die Artikel-List Advanced 3.0 beta?
Fliegt der Bauer übers Dach, ist der Wind weißgott nicht schwach.

Beiträge: 186
Registriert: So 22. Jan 2006, 21:03
Wohnort: Mal da, mal da

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von Seelauer » Fr 11. Jan 2013, 14:58

Faar hat geschrieben: Vielleicht funktioniert die Artikel-List Advanced 3.0 beta?
Funtioniert !
Guten Gruß

Beiträge: 847
Registriert: Mi 14. Dez 2005, 16:15
Wohnort: Königs Wusterhausen bei Berlin

Re: ArticleList gibt keine Seitenzahlen aus?

Beitrag von derSteffen » Fr 11. Jan 2013, 15:25

@ contenidoAmateur

Wenn Du Fragen zur ArtikelListe hast, dann stelle doch die Fagen in diesem Thema . Du hast nun schon mind. 3 verschiendene Themen bzgl. der ArtikelListe neu erstellt. Das ist einfach verwirrend und bringt Unordnung in das Forum.

