include.con_editcontent.php(619) : eval()'d code on line 51

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 27. Jun 2007, 12:33

include.con_editcontent.php(619) : eval()'d code on line 51

Beitrag von panturio » So 27. Apr 2008, 00:17

habe foldenden Fehler bei 4.8 .

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in ****/contenido/includes/include.con_editcontent.php(619) : eval()'d code on line 51

Weiss jemand woran es liegt? :cry:

Beiträge: 10643
Registriert: Mo 28. Jul 2003, 12:49
Wohnort: Austria

Beitrag von emergence » So 27. Apr 2008, 08:34

damit man da was dazu sagen kann musst du folgendes machen


Code: Alles auswählen

$cfg["debug"]["codeoutput"] = false;
auf true setzen...

beim aufrufen der seite die einen fehler bringt erscheint darüber eine textarea in der der gesamt code steht der da evaluiert wird...

den code rauskopieren und lt. der fehlermeldung ( eval()'d code on line 218 ) schauen was bei zeile 218 nicht stimmt...

falls du nichts finden solltest poste bitte den code +- 10 zeilen von dieser position(aus der fehlermeldung)
*** make your own tools (wishlist :: thx)

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 27. Jun 2007, 12:33

Beitrag von panturio » Mo 28. Apr 2008, 14:11

Das ist die Fehlerzeile

$oBreadCats = $oBread->get($idcat, 1);

Komplett sieht es so aus:

$oBread = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oBreadCats = $oBread->get($idcat, 1);
$sBread = 'Contenido - ';
$aBread = array();
foreach ($oBreadCats as $oConCat) {
$aBread[] = $oConCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getName();

Beiträge: 10643
Registriert: Mo 28. Jul 2003, 12:49
Wohnort: Austria

Beitrag von emergence » Mo 28. Apr 2008, 14:32

welche php version ?
welche contenido version ?
*** make your own tools (wishlist :: thx)

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 27. Jun 2007, 12:33

Beitrag von panturio » Mo 28. Apr 2008, 16:18

Contenido 4.8.2
PHP 5.2

Beiträge: 10643
Registriert: Mo 28. Jul 2003, 12:49
Wohnort: Austria

Beitrag von emergence » Mo 28. Apr 2008, 16:53

poste den gesamten code...
ich seh nicht wirklich was da falsch sein sollte...
*** make your own tools (wishlist :: thx)

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 27. Jun 2007, 12:33

Beitrag von panturio » Mo 28. Apr 2008, 18:12

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 3; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 1; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Display HTML Comment with Infos about Contenido and the Sample Client.
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

if (!isset($tpl) || !is_object($tpl) || strtolower(get_class($tpl)) != 'template') {
$tpl = new Template();
<title><?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 22; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 10; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Print HTML title tag content
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

cInclude('classes', 'Contenido_FrontendNavigation/Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb.class.php');
try {
$oBread = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oBreadCats = $oBread->get($idcat, 1);
$sBread = 'Contenido - ';
$aBread = array();
foreach ($oBreadCats as $oConCat) {
$aBread[] = $oConCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getName();
$sBread .= implode(' - ', $aBread);
$oArticle = new Article($idart, $client, $lang);
$sHeadline = strip_tags($oArticle->getContent('CMS_HTMLHEAD', 1));
if ($sHeadline != '') {
$sBread .= ' - '.$sHeadline;
echo $sBread;
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $eI) {
echo 'Contenido';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Contenido';
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/contenido_sample.css" type="text/css" media="all" />
<!--[if lte IE 6]>
<style type="text/css">
.clearfix {height:1px;}
<script type="text/javascript">

try {
/* Check if we are in a dual-frame or a quad-frame */
if ( parent.parent.frames[0].name == "header")
if ( parent.frames["right_top"].document.getElementById("c_3") ) {
menuItem = parent.frames["right_top"].document.getElementById("c_3");
} else {
/* Check if submenuItem is existing
and mark it */

if ( parent.parent.frames["right"].frames["right_top"].document.getElementById("c_3") ) {
menuItem = parent.parent.frames["right"].frames["right_top"].document.getElementById("c_3").getElementsByTagName('a')[0];


} catch (e)
<script language="javascript">

// searches the classname in the td above or the tr above
function getCellClass(element) {

var el = document.getElementById(element);
var cell = el.offsetParent;

// if there is a classname in the td return the classname
if ( cell.className != '' ) {
return cell.className;

// set a flag in this td
if ( == '' ) { = 'yes';
var flg = 'yes'

} else {
var flg =;


//else go to the tagname table above and search dowen for the tr tags
while (el.tagName != 'TABLE') {
el = el.offsetParent;

var elements = el.getElementsByTagName('TR');

//go thrue all tr tags
for (var row in elements) {
if (isNaN(elements[row])) {
var cells = elements[row].getElementsByTagName('TD');
for (var id in cells) {
if (isNaN(cells[id])){
// check if the flg(td cell) is in this tr if true return the calssname
if (cells[id].id==flg&&elements[row].className != '') {
return elements[row].className;

return false;

function setcontent(idartlang, act) {
if (document.all) {
document.getElementsByTagName = function (str) {
if (str=="*")
return document.all;
return document.all.tags(str);

var a = document.getElementsByTagName("*");
var str = '';
var aId = '';

// loop through all elements
for (var i=0; i < a.length; i++) {

aId =;

if (aId != '' && typeof aId == 'string') {

var aIdPrefix = aId.substr(0,4);

// search for the id which containes HTML
if (aIdPrefix == 'HTML') {

// check if its an 'contentEditable' Field
if (a.isContentEditable == true) {

// split the idname in data
var data = aId.split("_");

// data[0] is the fieldname * needed
// data[1] is the idtype
// data[2] is the typeid * needed

// read out the content
var aContent = prepareString(a.innerHTML);

// build the string which will be send
str += buildDataEntry(idartlang , data[0] , data[2] , aContent);

// set the string = str +;

// set the action string
if ( act != 0 ) {
document.forms.editcontent.action = act;

// if there are 3 arguments, the className has to be seached
if (arguments.length > 2){
//search the class of the above element
var classname = getCellClass(arguments[2]);

if ( classname ) {
document.forms.editcontent.con_class.value = classname;

// submit the form

function prepareString(aContent) {
if ( aContent == "&nbsp;" || aContent == "" ) {
aContent = "%$%EMPTY%$%";
} else {
// if there is an | in the text set a replacement chr because we use it later as isolator
while(\|/) != -1 ) {
aContent = aContent.replace(/\|/,"%$%SEPERATOR%$%");

return aContent;

function buildDataEntry(idartlang, type, typeid, value) {
return idartlang +'|'+ type +'|'+ typeid +'|'+ value +'||';

function addDataEntry(idartlang, type, typeid, value) { = (buildDataEntry(idartlang, type, typeid, prepareString(value) ) );


<script src=" ... eLoader.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"></head>

<div id="outerContainer">

<div id="head">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 5; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 20; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Display Header with Contenido Logo, an image and the current (navigation-) location.
* If no image is selected, the default one will be used.
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

cInclude('classes', 'Contenido_Category/Contenido_Category.class.php');

// get start idcat
$iIdcatStart = (int) getEffectiveSetting('navigation', 'idcat-home', '1');

try {
// get headline
$oConCat = new Contenido_Category($db, $cfg);
$oConCat->load($idcat, true, $lang);
$sImgEdit = "<A HREF=\"front_content.php?action=10&idcat=1&idart=1&idartlang=1&type=CMS_IMG&typenr=1&lang=1&contenido=7f28814047f64a424f61cfcddd78d9d6\"><IMG SRC=\" ... timage.gif\" border=0></A>";
$sImg = "";

$sHeadline = $iIdcatStart != intval($idcat)
? $oConCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getName()
: mi18n("Willkommen!");
$sCssStyle = '';
if ($contenido && $edit) {
echo '<div id="modHeaderImgEdit">'.$sImgEdit.'</div>';
if ($sImg != '') {
$sCssStyle = ' style="background-image:url('.$sImg.');"';
$tpl->set('s', 'css-style', $sCssStyle);
$tpl->set('s', 'url', 'front_content.php');
$tpl->set('s', 'title', mi18n("Zur Contenido Homepage"));
$tpl->set('s', 'headline', $sHeadline);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $eI) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $eI->getMessage() . ': ' . $eI->getFile() . ' at line '.$eI->getLine() . ' ('.$eI->getTraceAsString().')';
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . ' at line '.$e->getLine() . ' ('.$e->getTraceAsString().')';

<div id="contentContainer" class="clearfix">
<div id="navigation">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 10; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 30; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Navigation, left side.
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

// include Contenido_FrontendNavigation class
cInclude('classes', 'Contenido_FrontendNavigation/Contenido_FrontendNavigation.class.php');
cInclude('classes', 'Contenido_FrontendNavigation/Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb.class.php');

// get start idcat
$iIdcatStart = getEffectiveSetting('navigation', 'idcat-home', 1);

// instantiate 2nd + 3rd template object, reset all
$tpl2 = new Template();
$tpl3 = new Template();

if (!is_object($tpl)) {
$tpl = new Template();


// build navigation
try {
$oFeNav = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oBreadcrumb = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation_Breadcrumb($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$aBreadcrumb = $oBreadcrumb->getAsArray($idcat, 1); // this nav starts at level 1
$oFeNav->setAuth($auth); // to make sure user sees what he's allowed to see
$oContenidoCategories = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($iIdcatStart, true);
if ($oContenidoCategories->count() > 0) {
foreach ($oContenidoCategories as $oContenidoCategory) {
$sSubcats = '';
$bHasActiveSubCat = false;
// check if we need to load subcategories
$oSubCatsLevel2 = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($oContenidoCategory->getIdCat(), true);
$aSubCatsLevel2 = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($oContenidoCategory->getIdCat(), false);
$bShowSubcatLevel2 = (intval($idcat) == $oContenidoCategory->getIdCat() || in_array(intval($idcat), $aSubCatsLevel2)
|| (isset($aBreadcrumb[2]) && intval($idcat) == $aBreadcrumb[2] && in_array($aBreadcrumb[1], $aSubCatsLevel2)))
? true : false;
if ($bShowSubcatLevel2 === true && $oSubCatsLevel2->count() > 0) {
foreach ($oFeNav->getSubCategories($oContenidoCategory->getIdCat(), true) as $oSubCategory) {
$bHasActiveSubSubCat = false;
// check if we need to load subsubcategories
$oSubCatsLevel3 = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($oSubCategory->getIdCat(), true);
$aSubCatsLevel3 = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($oSubCategory->getIdCat(), false);
$bShowSubcatLevel3 = (intval($idcat) == $oSubCategory->getIdCat() ||
in_array(intval($idcat), $aSubCatsLevel3))
? true : false;
$sSubcats2 = '';
if ($bShowSubcatLevel3 === true && $oSubCatsLevel3->count() > 0) {
foreach ($oSubCatsLevel3 as $oSubSubCategories) {
if ($bHasActiveSubCat === false && intval($idcat) == $oSubSubCategories->getIdCat()) {
$bHasActiveSubCat = true;
if ($bHasActiveSubSubCat === false && intval($idcat) == $oSubSubCategories->getIdCat()) {
$bHasActiveSubSubCat = true;
toTpl($tpl3, $oSubSubCategories, (intval($idcat) == $oSubSubCategories->getIdCat() ? ' class="active"' : ''), '');
$sSubcats2 = $tpl3->generate('templates/navigation_main_item.html', true, false);
$tpl3->set('s', 'items', $sSubcats2);
$tpl3->set('s', 'css-class', ' class="subSubNavigation"');
$sSubcats2 = $tpl3->generate('templates/navigation_main_container.html', true, false);
if ($bHasActiveSubCat === false && intval($idcat) == $oSubCategory->getIdCat()) {
$bHasActiveSubCat = true;
toTpl($tpl2, $oSubCategory,
(intval($idcat) == $oSubCategory->getIdCat() || $bHasActiveSubSubCat === true ? ' class="active"' : ''),
$sSubcats = $tpl2->generate('templates/navigation_main_item.html', true, false);
$tpl2->set('s', 'items', $sSubcats);
$tpl2->set('s', 'css-class', ' class="subNavigation"');
$sSubcats = $tpl2->generate('templates/navigation_main_container.html', true, false);
toTpl($tpl, $oContenidoCategory, ($bHasActiveSubCat === true || intval($idcat) == $oContenidoCategory->getIdCat() ? ' class="active"' : ''), $sSubcats);
$sCats = $tpl->generate('templates/navigation_main_item.html', true, false);
$tpl->set('s', 'css-class', '');
$tpl->set('s', 'items', $sCats);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Some error occured: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . ' at line '.$e->getLine() . ' ('.$e->getTraceAsString().')';

* Helper to push values to Template object
* @param Template $oTpl
* @param Contenido_Category $oCat
* @param string $sActiveCssClass must bei either empty string or " class="classname"
* @param string $sSubcats String with subcategories of current category
function toTpl(&$oTpl, Contenido_Category $oCat, $sActiveCssClass, $sSubcats) {
$oTpl->set('d', 'css-class', $sActiveCssClass);
$oTpl->set('d', 'url', 'front_content.php?idcat='.$oCat->getIdCat());
$oTpl->set('d', 'title', $oCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getName());
$oTpl->set('d', 'label', $oCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getName());
$oTpl->set('d', 'subcategories', $sSubcats); // followup level
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 17; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 40; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Search input box
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$


$sTargetIdcat = getEffectiveSetting('search-results', 'idcat', '1');
$sTargetIdart = getEffectiveSetting('search-results', 'idart', '1');
$sFormAction = 'front_content.php?idcat='.$sTargetIdcat.'&idart='.$sTargetIdart;

$tpl->set('s', 'form_action', $sFormAction);
$tpl->set('s', 'label_search', mi18n("Suche"));
<div id="whiteBg">
<div id="content">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 6; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 50; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Output standard h1 headline
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

if ($contenido && $edit) {
$tpl->set('s', 'text', "<div id=\"HTMLHEAD_1_1\" onfocus=\"'1px solid #bb5577';\" onblur=\"'1px dashed #bfbfbf';\" contenteditable=\"true\" style=\"border: 1px dashed #bfbfbf;direction: ltr;\">Ihre Installation hat geklappt!
</div><a id=\"m7\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','front_content.php?action=10&idcat=1&idart=1&idartlang=1&type=CMS_HTMLHEAD&typenr=1&contenido=7f28814047f64a424f61cfcddd78d9d6');\"><img id=\"m8\" src=\" ... ithead.gif\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right: 2px;\" /></a><a id=\"m9\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','0')\"><img id=\"m10\" src=\" ... but_ok.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a>");
} else {
$tpl->set('s', 'text', strip_tags("<div id=\"HTMLHEAD_1_1\" onfocus=\"'1px solid #bb5577';\" onblur=\"'1px dashed #bfbfbf';\" contenteditable=\"true\" style=\"border: 1px dashed #bfbfbf;direction: ltr;\">Ihre Installation hat geklappt!
</div><a id=\"m7\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','front_content.php?action=10&idcat=1&idart=1&idartlang=1&type=CMS_HTMLHEAD&typenr=1&contenido=7f28814047f64a424f61cfcddd78d9d6');\"><img id=\"m8\" src=\" ... ithead.gif\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right: 2px;\" /></a><a id=\"m9\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','0')\"><img id=\"m10\" src=\" ... but_ok.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a>"));
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 20; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 51; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Output standard h2 subheadline
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

$sText = "<div id=\"HTMLHEAD_1_2\" onfocus=\"'1px solid #bb5577';\" onblur=\"'1px dashed #bfbfbf';\" contenteditable=\"true\" style=\"border: 1px dashed #bfbfbf;direction: ltr;\">&nbsp;</div><a id=\"m12\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','front_content.php?action=10&idcat=1&idart=1&idartlang=1&type=CMS_HTMLHEAD&typenr=2&contenido=7f28814047f64a424f61cfcddd78d9d6');\"><img id=\"m13\" src=\" ... ithead.gif\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right: 2px;\" /></a><a id=\"m14\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','0')\"><img id=\"m15\" src=\" ... but_ok.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a>";

if ($contenido && $edit) {
$tpl->set('s', 'text', $sText);
} else {
if ($sText != '') {
$tpl->set('s', 'text', strip_tags($sText));

<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 23; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 52; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Output some HTML text
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

$tpl->set('s', 'text', "<div id=\"HTML_2_1\" onfocus=\"'1px solid #bb5577';\" onblur=\"'1px dashed #bfbfbf';\" contenteditable=\"true\" style=\"border: 1px dashed #bfbfbf;direction: ltr;\"><p>
Sie haben das Content Management System Contenido erfolgreich installiert. War doch nicht so schwer, oder?
Nun k&ouml;nnen Sie sich in Contenido anmelden und den Inhalt bearbeiten.
Navigationsstrukturen k&ouml;nnen Sie individuell ver&auml;ndern, neue Seiten
einstellen, dabei Bilder, Links und Tabellen einf&uuml;gen usw.
Diese Seite soll Ihnen einen kurzen &Uuml;berblick &uuml;ber die
Arbeit in Contenido geben. F&uuml;r weiterf&uuml;hrende Informationen empfehlen
wir Ihnen das <a href=\"../docs/handbuch/Handbuch_Contenido_Version_44.pdf\" target=\"_blank\">Redakteurshandbuch</a>.
Anhand dieser Seite k&ouml;nnen Sie auch mit der Integration einer
eigenen Seite beginnen. Anhand den gegebenen Layouts, Modulen und
Templates k&ouml;nnen Sie die Funktionsweise von Contenido und den Aufbau
und Bestandteile einer Website schnell erlernen.
Was Ihnen diese Beispielinstallation bietet und welche Module zum
einen Siteaufbau zur Verf&uuml;gung stehen, k&ouml;nnen Sie hier&nbsp;erfahren.
</div><a id=\"m17\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','front_content.php?action=10&idcat=1&idart=1&idartlang=1&type=CMS_HTML&typenr=1&contenido=7f28814047f64a424f61cfcddd78d9d6');\"><img id=\"m18\" src=\" ... ithtml.gif\" border=\"0\" style=\"margin-right: 2px;\" /></a><a id=\"m19\" href=\"javascript:setcontent('1','0')\"><img id=\"m20\" src=\" ... but_ok.gif\" border=\"0\" /></a>");
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 53; ?>
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 54; ?>
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 55; ?>
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 56; ?>
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 57; ?>
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 58; ?>
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 0; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 59; ?>
<img src="images/hr_article.gif" alt="" class="hr" />
<div id="teasersRight">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 21; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 60; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Display teaser on right side
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$


</div> <!-- /outerContainer -->

<div id="footer">
<div id="footerContainer">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 8; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 70; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Display Logo on bottom of page
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

<div id="footerContentContainer" class="clearfix">
<div id="footerContentLeft">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 11; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 75; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Meta Navigation on bottom of page
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$

// include Contenido_FrontendNavigation class
cInclude('classes', 'Contenido_FrontendNavigation/Contenido_FrontendNavigation.class.php');

// get start idcat
$iIdcatStart = getEffectiveSetting('navigation', 'idcat-meta', 2);

//check if there is a template instance
if (!is_object($tpl)) {
$tpl = new Template();

// reset template object

// build navigation
try {
$oFeNav = new Contenido_FrontendNavigation($db, $cfg, $client, $lang, $cfgClient);
$oContenidoCategories = $oFeNav->getSubCategories($iIdcatStart, true);
if ($oContenidoCategories->count() > 0) {
foreach ($oContenidoCategories as $oContenidoCategory) {
$tpl->set('d', 'url', 'front_content.php?idcat='.$oContenidoCategory->getIdCat());
$tpl->set('d', 'title', $oContenidoCategory->getCategoryLanguage()->getName());
$tpl->set('d', 'label', $oContenidoCategory->getCategoryLanguage()->getName());
$sItems = $tpl->generate('templates/navigation_meta_item.html', true, false);
$tpl->set('s', 'items', $sItems);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Shit happens: ' . $e->getMessage() . ': ' . $e->getFile() . ' at line '.$e->getLine() . ' ('.$e->getTraceAsString().')';
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 4; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 76; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Display footnotes, fixed output directly from template
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-11
* }}
* $Id$

<div id="footerContentRight">
<?php ?>
<?php $cCurrentModule = 7; ?><?php $cCurrentContainer = 80; ?><?php
* $RCSfile$
* Description: Display login form
* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2008-04-07
* }}
* $Id$


if ($auth->auth["uid"] == "nobody") {
$sTargetIdcat = getEffectiveSetting('login', 'idcat', '1');
$sTargetIdart = getEffectiveSetting('login', 'idart', '1');
$sFormAction = 'front_content.php?idcat='.$sTargetIdcat.'&idart='.$sTargetIdart;

$tpl->set('s', 'headline', mi18n("Geschlossener Bereich Login"));
$tpl->set('s', 'form_action', $sFormAction);
$tpl->set('s', 'label_name', mi18n("name"));
$tpl->set('s', 'label_pass', mi18n("pass"));
$tpl->set('s', 'label_login', mi18n("einloggen"));
} else {
cInclude('classes', 'class.frontend.users.php');
cInclude('classes', 'Contenido_Category/Contenido_Category.class.php');
try {
$oConCat = new Contenido_Category($db, $cfg);
$oConCat->load($idcat, true, $lang);
$bCatIsPublic = ($oConCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getVisible() == 1 && $oConCat->getCategoryLanguage()->getPublic() == 1)
? true : false;
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
$oFeUserCollection = new FrontendUserCollection();
$oFeUser = $oFeUserCollection->loadItem($auth->auth["uid"]);
$sText = str_replace('[uname]', $oFeUser->get('username'), mi18n("Willkommen <strong>[uname]</strong>, schön, dass Sie wieder bei uns vorbeischauen."));
if ($bCatIsPublic === true) {
$sUrl = 'front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&logout=true';
} else {
$iIdcatHome = (int) getEffectiveSetting('navigation', 'idcat-home', '1');
$sUrl = 'front_content.php?idcat='.$iIdcatHome.'&logout=true';
$tpl->set('s', 'headline', mi18n("Geschlossener Bereich Logout"));
$tpl->set('s', 'text', $sText);
$tpl->set('s', 'url', $sUrl);
$tpl->set('s', 'label_logout', mi18n("ausloggen"));

<form name="editcontent" method="post" action="front_content.php?area=con_editcontent&idart=1&idcat=1&lang=1&action=20&contenido=7f28814047f64a424f61cfcddd78d9d6">
<input type="hidden" name="changeview" value="edit">
<input type="hidden" name="data" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="con_class" value="">


Beiträge: 3
Registriert: Di 8. Apr 2008, 17:04

hab auch den selben fehler

Beitrag von julande100 » Mi 30. Apr 2008, 09:58

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in /homepages/32/d11046/htdocs/sub-contest/public/contenido/includes/include.con_editcontent.php(619) : eval()'d code on line 51

im frontent bekomme ich eine einfach gehaltene begrüssungsseite zu sehen und im backend sehe ich beim aufruf dieser seite diese fehlermeldung.

hab auch bei 1und1 von php4 auf php5 umgestellt.

Beiträge: 10643
Registriert: Mo 28. Jul 2003, 12:49
Wohnort: Austria

Beitrag von emergence » Do 1. Mai 2008, 14:37

seht doch bitte nochmals im backend nach welche php version das genau ist... bei einer php4 version kann ich mir vorstellen das ein try construct diesen fehler bringt...

backend - administration - system -> Installierte PHP Version
*** make your own tools (wishlist :: thx)

Beiträge: 89
Registriert: Fr 25. Feb 2005, 00:13
Wohnort: Darmstadt

Beitrag von risibility » Fr 2. Mai 2008, 19:20

Da ich ebenfalls mein 1und1 Hostingpaket auf PHP5 ändern musste, mal eine Frage:

Hast du das wie hier beschrieben gemacht:

und hast du die Datei auch ins root-verzeichnis gepackt?
Contenido Version: 4.8.3
Apache 1.3.34
MySQL Serverversion 5.0.32
Installierte PHP-Version 5.2.5

Beiträge: 21
Registriert: Mi 27. Jun 2007, 12:33

Beitrag von panturio » So 4. Mai 2008, 17:58

Vielen Danke.
Fehler gefunden.:idea:
Problem war .htaccess

Nochmals vielen danke für eure Hilfe
