Die Suche ergab 90 Treffer

von ilias
Sa 19. Mai 2012, 19:38
Forum: Module und Plugins
Thema: Erweiterte Suche
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3415

Re: Erweiterte Suche

Does anyone knows if there is a module that search the database exactly in a step by step form and shows the results that i want???
von ilias
Di 15. Mai 2012, 12:40
Forum: Module und Plugins
Thema: Erweiterte Suche
Antworten: 3
Zugriffe: 3415

Erweiterte Suche

Dear Guys,
i would to inform me if there is step by step form, in order to search a result in mysql base.

For examble, in the below link you may see what am i asking:

Best Regards
von ilias
Di 8. Mai 2012, 10:15
Forum: Module und Plugins
Thema: Dyn. Formular V0.9.2 auf Adobe Spry Basis inkl. Captcha
Antworten: 237
Zugriffe: 108804

Re: Dyn. Formular V0.9.2 auf Adobe Spry Basis inkl. Captcha

Thanks for your answer,
but i fixed when i changed phpmailer class of contenido in utf-8.

Best Regards
von ilias
Mo 26. Mär 2012, 11:50
Forum: Module und Plugins
Thema: Dyn. Formular V0.9.2 auf Adobe Spry Basis inkl. Captcha
Antworten: 237
Zugriffe: 108804

Re: Dyn. Formular V0.9.2 auf Adobe Spry Basis inkl. Captcha

Dear Friends, i use this module in utf-8 language to output in Greek. So, when someone send me a message, i get it like below Όνομα tre ΔιεύθυνσΕ tre ΤΕλάφωνο 234234 E-mail werwer@sgs.kl Θάμα dfgdf Μήνυμα dfg How can i change it, in order to have te correct text?? Tha...
von ilias
Di 6. Dez 2011, 18:51
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Login from another page
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4195

Re: Login from another page

Dear Rene,
thank you very much.
von ilias
Mo 5. Dez 2011, 19:00
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Login from another page
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 4195

Login from another page

Dear Friends,
i want to know if it is possible to make a login form and with submit to get in contenido backend.
I do not know which file do you call.

For example:
username: admin

and then get instantly to contenido backend.
Thanks in advance

Best Regards
von ilias
Do 13. Okt 2011, 13:35
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Newsletter Module
Antworten: 1
Zugriffe: 997

Newsletter Module

Dear Friends,
because i do not know the German Language,
i have problem with the newsletter plugin and how to use it.
I do not know how to find a tutorial.
I want also to use the newsletter modules.
I would really appreciate it.
Thanks in advance

Best Regards
von ilias
Do 18. Aug 2011, 07:58
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: migration problem
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1813

Re: migration problem

Dear Rene,
thanks for your reply.
i found the problem. i had also to change the path at config.php in my client path.

Best Regards

von ilias
Fr 12. Aug 2011, 13:30
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: migration problem
Antworten: 2
Zugriffe: 1813

migration problem

Dear Friends i made the migration and the setup was perfect. I changed in my client the path from the backend and it was ok. But the problem is in fronted. it shows a blank white page and it shows the below message: Suche Der Player wird mit Javascript gestartet - bitte aktivieren. templates/footnot...
von ilias
Di 17. Mai 2011, 11:53
Forum: Module und Plugins
Thema: RSS Feed Generator
Antworten: 158
Zugriffe: 91627

Re: RSS Feed Generator

Dear Rene, thanks for your quick reply i install the module as per your guide. 1)Empty layout 2) template.... I made a category that i called rss_feeder and i created an article that calls the template with the module. i made regular articles in another category that i called main and the article ha...
von ilias
Di 17. Mai 2011, 11:09
Forum: Module und Plugins
Thema: RSS Feed Generator
Antworten: 158
Zugriffe: 91627

Re: RSS Feed Generator

Dear Spider,
how can i put multiple articles as per your example to my RSS??
probably i made mistakes because also it does not shows the links.

http://www.connectsmartworld.gr/front_c ... &idcat=305

Best Regards
von ilias
Fr 29. Apr 2011, 11:57
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Navigation - DHTML SPRY
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1713

Re: Navigation - DHTML SPRY

Thank you anyway.
i fix it yesterday.
So, i can change with this module the languages that have been created with languages.
If you want to see my demo site that it is under construction


Best Regards

von ilias
Do 28. Apr 2011, 12:02
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Navigation - DHTML SPRY
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1713

Re: Navigation - DHTML SPRY


bader niemand hat mir geantwortet auf englisch
von ilias
Do 28. Apr 2011, 11:17
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Navigation - DHTML SPRY
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1713

Navigation - DHTML SPRY


ich bin beim aufbau eines artikes auf ein problem gestossen , ich versuche eine senkrechte und eine waggerechte navigationmodul einzubinden leider scheint es so das nur ein modul moeglich ist.
Kann mir jemand weiter helfen?
von ilias
Do 28. Apr 2011, 06:51
Forum: Allgemeine Themen
Thema: Navigation - DHTML SPRY
Antworten: 5
Zugriffe: 1713

Re: DHTML-Navi auf Adobe Spry Basis

How can i change from one language to another if i use DHTML-Navi;
What can i do to client-settings??
For your records i use two languages,
I want to change them with a button (flag).
But it always shows the one.

What is the wrong??
