Neu: CMS_IMG incl. Upload

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Beiträge: 870
Registriert: Do 28. Jun 2007, 09:28

Neu: CMS_IMG incl. Upload

Beitrag von OliverL » Di 24. Feb 2009, 16:42

Ich muss(te) aus gegebenen Anlass ein File-Upload in die CMS_IMG-Auswahl-Maske integrieren.
Das wurde schon bei CMS_LINK gemacht. Somit diverse Sachen kopiert und auch nicht mehr relevante Sache rausgelöscht.

Mir ist zusätzlich gerade aufgefallen das in CMS_LINK (somit auch in meiner CMS_IMG) nicht abgefragt wird ob der User Fils uploaden darf.
Wenn diese neue Funktion gut ankommt werde ich auch noch die 15 min. für die Abfrage investieren.
(Sitzt gerade zeit nicht drin)

Hier mein Code von der Datei "contenido/include/include.CMS_IMG.php":

Code: Alles auswählen

 * Project: 
 * Contenido Content Management System
 * Description: 
 * CMS_IMG editor
 * Requirements: 
 * @con_php_req 5.0
 * @package    Contenido Backend includes
 * @version    1.3.1
 * @author     Ing. Christian Schuller (
 * @copyright  four for business AG <>
 * @license
 * @link
 * @link
 * @since      file available since contenido release <= 4.6
 * {@internal 
 *   created 2003-12-10
 *   modified 2008-06-27, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
 *   modified 2008-07-07, Dominik Ziegler, fixed language bug
 *   modified 2009-02-24, OliverL, add Image-Upload
 *   $Id: include.CMS_IMG.php 831 2008-09-18 14:44:20Z timo.trautmann $:
 * }}

if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
	die('Illegal call');

if (isset($_REQUEST['cfg']) || isset($_REQUEST['contenido_path'])) {
    die ('Illegal call!');


if( count($_FILES) == 1 && $doedit == "1" )
	echo "Step 1";
	list($key, $value) = each( $_FILES['uplfile']['name'] );
	if (file_exists($_FILES['uplfile']['tmp_name'][$key]) )
		echo "Step 2";
		if( in_array( implode( array_slice( split( '[.]', $_FILES['uplfile']['name'][$key] ), -1, 1 ) ), array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png') ) )
			echo "Step 3";
			$friendlyName = uplCreateFriendlyName( $_FILES['uplfile']['name'][$key] );
			move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uplfile']['tmp_name'][$key], $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'].$upldir.$friendlyName);
			if ($path == "") { $path = "/"; }
			$sql = "SELECT idupl, dirname FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["upl"]." WHERE dirname='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($upldir, $db)."' AND filename='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($friendlyName, $db)."'";
			$img_dir = $db->f("dirname");
			$CMS_IMG = $db->f("idupl");
			conSaveContentEntry ($idartlang, "CMS_IMG", $typenr, $CMS_IMG);
			conSaveContentEntry ($idartlang, "CMS_IMGDESCR", $typenr, $CMS_IMGDESCR);
			conMakeArticleIndex ($idartlang, $idart);
			$doedit = 0;
		} else {
			# Add hier a Error-Note if the File-Type not in 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif' or 'png'
			echo $_FILES['uplfile']['name'][$key]." File-Type '".implode( array_slice( split( ".", $_FILES['uplfile']['name'][$key] ), -1, 1 ) )."' not in 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png'";

if ($doedit == "1") {
    conSaveContentEntry ($idartlang, "CMS_IMG", $typenr, $CMS_IMG);
    conSaveContentEntry ($idartlang, "CMS_IMGDESCR", $typenr, $CMS_IMGDESCR);
    conMakeArticleIndex ($idartlang, $idart);

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php print $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"] . $cfg["path"]["styles"] ?>contenido.css">
        function disp_preview() {
         if (document.editcontent.CMS_IMG.value) {
			if (document.editcontent.CMS_IMG.value == "0")
          		preview.document.writeln('<html><body style="padding:0px; margin:0px;"><table border=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td align="middle">&nbsp;</td></tr></table></body></html>');
			} else {;
          		preview.document.writeln('<html><body style="padding:0px; margin:0px;"><table border=0 width=100% height=100%><tr><td align="middle"><img src="'+imglnk[document.editcontent.CMS_IMG.value]+'"></td></tr></table></body></html>');

<body onLoad="window.setTimeout('disp_preview()',500);">
<table width="100%"  border=0 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff">
    <td width="10" rowspan="4"><img src="<?php print $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"].$cfg["path"]["images"] ?>spacer.gif" width="10" height="10"></td>
    <td width="100%"><img src="<?php print $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"].$cfg["path"]["images"] ?>spacer.gif" width="10" height="10"></td>
    <td width="10" rowspan="4"><img src="<?php print $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"].$cfg["path"]["images"] ?>spacer.gif" width="10" height="10"></td>


    $dirheight = 5;
    $dirwidth = 300;
    $filewidth = 300;
    $fileheight = 5;
    $descrwidth = '100%';
    $descrheight = 5;
    $previewwidth = 600;
    $previewheight = 400;
    $dirheight 		= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "directory-height", $dirheight);
    $dirwidth 		= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "directory-width", $dirwidth);
    $fileheight		= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "file-height", $fileheight);
    $filewidth 		= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "file-width", $filewidth);
    $descrheight	= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "description-height", $descrheight);
    $descrwidth		= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "description-width", $descrwidth);    
    $previewwidth	= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "preview-width", $previewwidth);
    $previewheight	= getEffectiveSetting("cms_img", "preview-height", $previewheight);
    if (!isset($img_dir))
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["upl"]." WHERE idclient='".$client."' AND idupl = '".$a_content["CMS_IMG"][$typenr]."'";
        $img_dir = $db->f("dirname");
    $sql = "SELECT idupl, filename, dirname, description FROM ".$cfg["tab"]["upl"]." WHERE idclient='".$client."' AND filetype IN ('jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'png') ORDER BY dirname, filename ASC";
    $ds_name = array();
    $ds_lvl = array();
    while ( $db->next_record() )
        // collect data for dir selection
		$dirname = $db->f("dirname");
        $tmp = split("/",$dirname);
        $mypath = array();
        $mylvl = 0;
        foreach ($tmp as $value)
        	if ($value != "")
            	/* Make sure an entry exists for each path component */
    			$mypath[]= $value;
    			$thispath = implode("/", $mypath)."/";
    			if (!in_array($thispath, $ds_name))
    				$ds_lvl[$thispath] = $mylvl;
    				$ds_name[$thispath] = $value;
    				$ds_fullpath[$thispath] = $thispath;
        if (!in_array($tmp[count($tmp)-2],$ds_name))
            $ds_lvl[$dirname] = count($tmp)-1;
            $ds_name[$dirname] = $tmp[count($tmp)-2];
            $ds_fullpath[$dirname] = $db->f("dirname"); 
        if (strcmp($img_dir,$db->f("dirname"))==0)
			$descr = $db->f("description");
			if ( strlen($descr) > 24 )
				$descr = substr($descr, 0, 24);
				$descr .= "..";
            $img_list[] = $db->f("filename");
            $img_id[] = $db->f("idupl");
            $img_descr[] = $descr;
    $form = new UI_Table_Form("editcontent", $cfg["path"]["contenido_fullhtml"].$cfg["path"]["includes"]."include.backendedit.php");
    $form->setVar("CMS_LINK", $a_content["CMS_LINK"][$typenr]);       

	$header = sprintf(i18n("Edit image for container %s"),$typenr);
	$dirselect = new cHTMLSelectElement("img_dir");
	$dirselect->setEvent("change", "doedit.value=0; submit();");
	$dirselect->setStyle("width: {$dirwidth}px;");
	foreach ($ds_lvl as $key => $value)
		$text = str_repeat("-",$value*2)."> ".$ds_name[$key];

		$option = new cHTMLOptionElement($text, $ds_fullpath[$key]);
		if (strcmp($img_dir,$ds_fullpath[$key])==0)
        $dirselect->addOptionElement($key, $option);
	$script =  '<script language="JavaScript">';
	$script .= "imglnk = new Array();";
    if (is_array($img_list))
    	foreach($img_list as $key => $value)
        	$script .= 'imglnk["'.$img_id[$key].'"] = "'.$cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"].$cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["frontendpath"].$img_dir.$img_list[$key].'";';
    $script .= "</script>";

	$fileselect = new cHTMLSelectElement("CMS_IMG");
	$fileselect->setEvent("change", "disp_preview(this.value);");
	$fileselect->setStyle("width: {$filewidth}px;");

	$option = new cHTMLOptionElement("-- ".i18n("None")." --", "0");
	if ($a_content["CMS_IMG"][$typenr] == 0)

	if (is_array($img_list))
        foreach ($img_list as $key => $value)
        	$description = $img_descr[$key];
        	$text = $value . ($description != "" ? " (". $description .")" : "" );
            switch ($key % 2)
                case 0: $style="background-color:#D0D0D0;"; break;
                case 1: $style="background-color:#E0E0E0;"; break;
            $option = new cHTMLOptionElement($text, $img_id[$key]);
            if ($a_content["CMS_IMG"][$typenr]==$img_id[$key])
    		$fileselect->addOptionElement($key, $option);
	$form->add(i18n("Directory / File"), $dirselect->render().$script.$fileselect->render());
	// Description
	$textarea = new cHTMLTextarea("CMS_IMGDESCR", $a_content["CMS_IMGDESCR"][$typenr], $descrwidth, $descrheight);
	$form->add(i18n("Description"), $textarea->render()); 
	// Image-Upload
    $form->add( i18n("Upload image"), 'upload/'.$img_dir.'<br /><input name="uplfile[]" type="file">' );
	// Preview
    $preview = '<iframe src="about:blank" name="preview" style="border: 0px; width:'.$previewwidth.'px; height:'.$previewheight.'px;">';
    $preview .= '</iframe>';
	$form->add(i18n("Preview"), $preview);
	$form->addCancel( $sess->url($cfg['path']['contenido_fullhtml']."external/backendedit/front_content.php?area=$tmp_area&idart=$idart&idcat=$idcat&changeview=edit&client=$client") );   

Beiträge: 10644
Registriert: Mo 28. Jul 2003, 12:49
Wohnort: Austria

Re: Neu: CMS_IMG incl. Upload

Beitrag von emergence » Do 5. Mär 2009, 10:17

gute idee das zu integrieren...
Mir ist zusätzlich gerade aufgefallen das in CMS_LINK (somit auch in meiner CMS_IMG) nicht abgefragt wird ob der User Fils uploaden darf.
Wenn diese neue Funktion gut ankommt werde ich auch noch die 15 min. für die Abfrage investieren.
stimmt das sollte mit abgesichert sein...
*** make your own tools (wishlist :: thx)
