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Modulösg. gesucht: Halbauto. Seitenwechsel & ImageResizeHTML

Verfasst: Di 1. Dez 2009, 14:31
von derSteffen
Ich suche jemanden der die beiden Module Halbautomatischer Seitenwechsel (von stees) ... tenwechsel und ImageResizeHTML (von Kummer) ... mageresize unter einem Hut zu bekommt.

Bezahlung: PayPal, bzw. am liebsten auf Rechnung!

Für Fragen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung.
Angebote bitte per PM.

Fertigstellung: schön wäre noch diese Woche ;-)

Fortsetzung nächster Beitrag ...

Re: Halbautomatischer Seitenwechsel und ImageResizeHTML

Verfasst: Di 1. Dez 2009, 14:32
von derSteffen
Das Module von Kummer findet man hier ... ResizeHTML

da modul von steese ... tenwechsel

Kummers-Modul: Ein Bild welches man mit dem tiny einpfelgt kann man verkleinern lassen (Größe und Dateigröße) und im PopUp oder als Lightbox das Orifginalbild aufrufen.

Steeses Modul: Mit Hilfe von Ankern kann ein sehr langer Text automatsich unterteielt werden. Eine Navigation am Ende des Artikels macht es möglich sich durch den langen Artikel, der dann aus mehreren Seiten bestehen kann , sich einfach durchzuklicken.

Ziel ist es beide Sachen zu kombinieren.
Problematish (für mich) beiden haben einen Output-Code und beide haben 2 Klassen die man unter Mandant/includes ablegen muss.

Der Output für das Image-Resize (in meiner Ausgabe) würde schon so vollkommen reichen:

Code: Alles auswählen

* @version 1.0.0
* @author Rudi Bieller
* @copyright four for business AG <>

if (!isset($tpl) || !is_object($tpl)) {
    $tpl = new Template();

if ($contenido && ($view == "edit")) {
    echo "CMS_HTML[1]";
} else {
    $mask[0] = '<img src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" title="{title}" class="{class}" />';
    $mask[1] = '<a href="{origSrc}"><img src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" />{title}</a>>';
    cInclude('frontend', 'includes/');
    $atqImageResize = new atqImageResize("CMS_HTML[1]", "CMS_VALUE[1]", "CMS_VALUE[2]", $mask, $db);    
    echo $atqImageResize->getOutput();
Der Output von stees (Veränderte Version von Herrn B)

Code: Alles auswählen

    * Modulname  :    Article Semi-AutoPageBreak
    * Author(s)  :    Stefan Seifarth <>
    * Copyright  : /
    * Created    :    2006-06-17

    // include pagebreak class
    cInclude("frontend", "includes/class.articlepagebreak.php");

    $strAnchorName = "CMS_VALUE[210]";
    $strArticle     = "CMS_HTML[1]";
    $strDelimiter = '<a name="' . $strAnchorName . '"></a>';

    // initialize class
    // parameter delimiter for article spliting
    $oArticlePageBreak = new ArticlePageBreak( $strDelimiter );

    // set article
    $oArticlePageBreak->setArticle( $strArticle );

    // set current page for output
    $intCurrentPage = 0;
    if ( isset($_REQUEST[$oArticlePageBreak->strPageParameter]) && !empty($_REQUEST[$oArticlePageBreak->strPageParameter]) && (int)$_REQUEST[$oArticlePageBreak->strPageParameter] > 0 ) {
        $intCurrentPage = (int)$_REQUEST[$oArticlePageBreak->strPageParameter];

    // set Textlinks
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextFirstPage( mi18n("Erste Seite") );
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextPreviousPage( mi18n("Vorhergehende Seite") );
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextNextPage( mi18n("Nächste Seite") );
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextLastPage( mi18n("Letzte Seite") );
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextPreviousRange( mi18n("Zurück") );
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextNextRange( mi18n("Weiter") );
    $oArticlePageBreak->setTextPageTitle( mi18n("Gehe zu Seite ") );

    // output the current article part
    if ($edit && empty($_REQUEST['edit'])) {        // Edit-Mode
      if ( preg_match("/^<([^>]*)>/i", $strDelimiter, $arrTagInlay) ) {
         $bolDelimiterIsTag = $arrTagInlay[1];
      if ( $bolDelimiterIsTag && strlen($bolDelimiterIsTag) > 0 ) {
         $strReplacePattern = '';
         $arrTagParts = explode(" ", $bolDelimiterIsTag);
         if (is_array($arrTagParts)) {
            $arrTagParts = array_filter($arrTagParts);
            $strReplacePattern = '/<' . implode("[^>]*", $arrTagParts) . '[^>]*>/i';
          $strArticle = preg_replace($strReplacePattern,"<div style=\"border:1px dashed #900; color:#a22; text-align:center; padding:0px;\" title=\"An dieser Stelle wird die Seite in bl&auml;tterbare Folgeseiten getrennt. Siehe Vorschau!\">< -- Seitenumbruch -- ></div>",$strArticle);
        $strArticle = preg_replace($strDelimiter,"<div style=\"border:1px dashed #900; color:#a22; text-align:center; padding:0px;\" title=\"An dieser Stelle wird die Seite in bl&auml;tterbare Folgeseiten getrennt. Siehe Vorschau!\">< -- Seitenumbruch -- ></div>",$strArticle); 
      echo $strArticle;

    else{                                          // Publish-Mode
      print $oArticlePageBreak->getArticle();

      // get pagination for article
      print "<div class=\"articlePagination\">".$oArticlePageBreak->getPagination()."</div>";

    // xml output

    // add custom xml tags
    // (class xmlObject is located in class.articlepagebreak.php)
    $oHeadline = new xmlObject(
      "headline", // tag name
      "",  // attributes (given as array)
      "headlinetext",  // content of element
      true  // usage of cdata for content
    // store the above configured tag into class

    // output complete xml
    print $oArticlePageBreak->getXMLComplete();
Beide Module klappen in einem Template.

Würde man jetzt nur von ImageResize folgende Code in den oberen Output vom Seitenumbruch reinpacken,

Code: Alles auswählen

$mask[0] = '<img src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" title="{title}" class="{class}" />';
    $mask[1] = '<a href="{origSrc}"><img src="{src}" width="{width}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" />{title}</a>>';
    cInclude('frontend', 'includes/');
    $atqImageResize = new atqImageResize("CMS_HTML[1]", "CMS_VALUE[1]", "CMS_VALUE[2]", $mask, $db);    
    echo $atqImageResize->getOutput();
werden beide Text-Ausgabe-Felder angezeigt. In einem wird der Artikel gekürzt dargestellt, dafür geht das Vergrößern von Bildern nicht, bei anderem Text-Ausgabe-Feld klappt das Vergrößern aber dafür wird der Artikel nicht umgebrochen.

Hier ist die KLasse vom ImageResize:

Code: Alles auswählen


 * @abstract ImageResizeHTML (atqImageResize)
 * @version 1.1.2
 * @since 1.1.2 - 05.10.2007
 * @since 1.1.1 - 05.10.2007
 * @since 1.1.0 - 03.10.2007
 * @author Andreas Kummer, atelierQ Kummer
 * @copyright Copyright &copy; 2007, atelierQ Kummer

class atqImageResize {

	var $htmlContent;

	function atqImageResize($content, $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $mask, & $db) {

		$this->thumbDir = "thumbs";
		$this->db = $db;

		if (!is_array($mask)) {
			$this->mask[0] = $mask;
			$this->mask[1] = $mask;
		} else {
			$this->mask = $mask;

		$this->maxWidth = (empty ($maxWidth)) ? (9999) : ((int) $maxWidth);
		$this->maxHeight = (empty ($maxHeight)) ? (9999) : ((int) $maxHeight);

		preg_match_all('(<img.*?>)', $content, $match);

		for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[0]); $i++) {
			$newPath = $this->resize($match[0][$i]);
			if ($newPath != $match[0][$i]) {
				 * Das Bild wurde skaliert...
				$content = str_replace($match[0][$i], $newPath, $content);

		$this->htmlContent = $content;

	function getOutput() {

		return $this->htmlContent;

	function resize($imageTag) {

		global $cfgClient, $client;
		preg_match_all('(([a-zA-Z]*)="(.*?)")', $imageTag, $match);

		foreach ($match[1] as $key => $value) {
			$position[$value] = $key;

		if (!isset ($position['src']) || empty ($match[2][$position['src']])) {
			 * Abbruch, weil keine Bildquelle bezeichnet ist.
			return $imageTag;

		$width = min($this->maxWidth, (isset ($position['width'])) ? ($match[2][$position['width']]) : (99999));
		$height = min($this->maxHeight, (isset ($position['height'])) ? ($match[2][$position['height']]) : (99999));

		$imageSourceHtml = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'] . $match[2][$position['src']];
		if (substr($match[2][$position['src']], 0, 4) != 'http') {
			$imageSource = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . $match[2][$position['src']];
		} else {
			$imageSource = $cfgClient[$client]['path']['frontend'] . str_replace($cfgClient[$client]['path']['htmlpath'], '', $match[2][$position['src']]);
		$targetName = str_replace('/', '_', $match[2][$position['src']]) . '.' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.jpg';

		if (!file_exists($imageSource)) {
			 * Wenn die Originaldatei nicht vorhanden ist, ist abzubrechen.
			return $imageTag;

		$imageSourceDimensions = getimagesize($imageSource);
		$origImageSourceDimensions = $imageSourceDimensions;

		if (file_exists($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName)) {
			 * Skaliertes Bild liegt bereits vor und wird zurückgegeben.
			$imageSourceDimensions = getimagesize($cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName);
			if (isset ($position['width'])) {
				$match[0][$position['width']] = 'width="' . $imageSourceDimensions[0] . '"';
			if (isset ($position['height'])) {
				$match[0][$position['height']] = 'height="' . $imageSourceDimensions[1] . '"';
			$match[0][$position['src']] = 'src="' . $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['htmlpath'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName . '"';

			$parts['src'] = $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['htmlpath'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName;
			$parts['height'] = $imageSourceDimensions[1];
			$parts['width'] = $imageSourceDimensions[0];
			$parts['origHeight'] = $origImageSourceDimensions[1];
			$parts['origWidth'] = $origImageSourceDimensions[0];
			$parts['title'] = (isset ($position['title'])) ? ($match[2][$position['title']]) : ('');
			$parts['titleUrl'] = urlencode($parts['title']);
			$parts['alt'] = (isset ($position['alt'])) ? ($match[2][$position['alt']]) : ('');

			return $this->getFilledMask($parts, $imageSourceHtml, $this->mask[1], $match);

		if ($imageSourceDimensions[0] <= $width && $imageSourceDimensions[1] <= $height) {
			 * Das Bild muss nicht skaliert werden.
			$parts['src'] = $match[2][$position['src']];
			$parts['height'] = $imageSourceDimensions[1];
			$parts['width'] = $imageSourceDimensions[0];
			$parts['origHeight'] = $imageSourceDimensions[1];
			$parts['origWidth'] = $imageSourceDimensions[0];
			$parts['title'] = (isset ($position['title'])) ? ($match[2][$position['title']]) : ('');
			$parts['titleUrl'] = urlencode($parts['title']);
			$parts['alt'] = (isset ($position['alt'])) ? ($match[2][$position['alt']]) : ('');

			return $this->getFilledMask($parts, $imageSourceHtml, $this->mask[0], $match);

		 * Zielgrösse des Bildes ermitteln.
		$slopeSource = $imageSourceDimensions[1] / $imageSourceDimensions[0];
		$slopeTarget = $height / $width;
		if ($slopeSource < $slopeTarget) {
			 * Auf Breite skalieren
			$targetWidth = (int) $width;
			$targetHeight = (int) round(($targetWidth / $imageSourceDimensions[0]) * $imageSourceDimensions[1]);
		} else {
			 * Auf Höhe skalieren
			$targetHeight = (int) $height;
			$targetWidth = (int) round(($targetHeight / $imageSourceDimensions[1]) * $imageSourceDimensions[0]);

		$sourcePath = $dst_im = imagecreatetruecolor($targetWidth, $targetHeight);
		$weiss = ImageColorAllocate($dst_im, 255, 255, 255);
		imagefill($dst_im, 0, 0, $weiss);

		if ($imageSourceDimensions[2] == 1) {
			$src_im = imagecreatefromGIF($imageSource);
		elseif ($imageSourceDimensions[2] == 2) {
			$src_im = ImageCreateFromJPEG($imageSource);
		elseif ($imageSourceDimensions[2] == 3) {
			$src_im = ImageCreateFromPNG($imageSource);
		} else {
			$src_im = imagecreatefromgd($imageSource);

		imagecopyresampled($dst_im, $src_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetWidth, $targetHeight, $imageSourceDimensions[0], $imageSourceDimensions[1]);
		imagejpeg($dst_im, $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['path'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName, 100);

		if (isset ($position['width'])) {
			$match[0][$position['width']] = 'width="' . $targetWidth . '"';
		if (isset ($position['height'])) {
			$match[0][$position['height']] = 'height="' . $targetHeight . '"';
		$match[0][$position['src']] = 'src="' . $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['htmlpath'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName . '"';

		$parts['src'] = $cfgClient[$client]['upl']['htmlpath'] . $this->thumbDir . '/' . $targetName;
		$parts['height'] = $targetHeight;
		$parts['width'] = $targetWidth;
		$parts['origHeight'] = $imageSourceDimensions[1];
		$parts['origWidth'] = $imageSourceDimensions[0];
		$parts['title'] = (isset ($position['title'])) ? ($match[2][$position['title']]) : ('');
		$parts['titleUrl'] = urlencode($parts['title']);
		$parts['alt'] = (isset ($position['alt'])) ? ($match[2][$position['alt']]) : ('');

		return $this->getFilledMask($parts, $imageSourceHtml, $this->mask[1], $match);

	function getFilledMask($parts, $imageSourceHtml, $mask, $match) {

		global $cfgClient, $client;
		$returnValue = $mask;

		 * Alle übertragenen Platzhalter ersetzen.
		foreach ($parts as $key => $value) {
			$returnValue = str_replace('{' . $key . '}', $value, $returnValue);
		 * Description aus der Datenbank auslesen und in der Maske ersetzen.
		$this->db->query("" .
				"SELECT description " .
				"FROM con_upl " .
				"WHERE CONCAT('{$cfgClient[$client]['upload']}', dirname, filename) = '{$imageSourceHtml}' " .
		if ($this->db->next_record()) {
			$returnValue = str_replace('{description}', urldecode($this->db->f('description')), $returnValue);
		} else {
			$returnValue = str_replace('{description}', '', $returnValue);
		$returnValue = str_replace('{origSrc}', $imageSourceHtml, $returnValue);
		 * Alle im Image-Tag allenfalls sonst noch vorhandenen Tags auslesen und - sofern
		 * in der Maske vorhanden - ersetzen.
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($match[1]); $i++) {
			$returnValue = str_replace('{' . $match[1][$i] . '}', $match[2][$i], $returnValue);
		 * Allenfalls immer noch vorhandene Platzhalter, die nicht haben ersetzt werden können, sind zu löschen.
		$returnValue = preg_replace('/{.*?}/', '', $returnValue);

		return $returnValue;

Fortsetzung siehe nächsten Beitrag

Re: Halbautomatischer Seitenwechsel und ImageResizeHTML

Verfasst: Di 1. Dez 2009, 14:32
von derSteffen

Hier die Klasse vom Seiten-Umbruch:

Code: Alles auswählen


* ArticlePageBreak
* class handles various methods to split an article
* and generate different types of pageinations
* for Contenido Articles
* @author stefan seifarth <>
* @copyright 2006 stefan seifarth, munich
* @name ArticlePageBreak
* @version 1.3 2006-06-17
* @access public
* @example
* // create Object
* $obj = new ArticlePageBreak('splitDelimiter');
* // set text to split
* $obj->setArticle ( "Some text to split" );
* // set current page for output
* $intCurrentPage = 0;
* if (
*    isset($_REQUEST[$obj->strPageParameter]) &&
*    !empty($_REQUEST[$obj->strPageParameter]) &&
*    (int)$_REQUEST[$obj->strPageParameter] > 0 ) {
*      $intCurrentPage = (int)$_REQUEST[$obj->strPageParameter];
* }
* $obj->setCurrentPage($intCurrentPage);
* // set text for next or previous links of pagination
* $obj->setTextNextPage('naechste Seite');
* $obj->setTextPreviousPage('vorhergehende Seite');
* // output the current article part
* print $obj->getArticle();
* // output the pagination
* print $obj->getPagination();
* // to set up pagination type (default = 1)
* // use 1, 2 or 3 as parameter:
* print $obj->getPagination(2);
* // some css settings and other settings can be set
* // look at class and methods which names starting with "set"
class ArticlePageBreak {
   var $strDelimiter;
   var $bolDelimiterIsTag = false;
   var $strArticle;
   var $strPageParameter = 'page';
   var $arrSplittedArticle;
   var $intCurrentPage = 0;
   var $intTotalPages;
   var $intPaginationType = 1;
   var $intPaginationRange = 10;
   var $strTextFirstPage = "First Page";
   var $strTextLastPage  = "Last Page";
   var $strTextPreviousPage = "Previous";
   var $strTextNextPage  = "Next";
   var $strTextNextRange  = "Next 10";
   var $strTextPreviousRange  = "Previous 10";
   var $strTextPageTitle = "Goto page ";
   var $strPageJoinParameter = ', ';
   var $intPaginationUseList = 0;
   var $intPaginationActivePageUseStrong = 1;
   var $strCSSPageClass = '';
   var $strCSSPageStyle = '';
   var $strCSSActivePageClass = '';
   var $strCSSActivePageStyle = '';
   var $strCSSTextLinkClass = '';
   var $strCSSTextLinkStyle = '';
   var $strCSSULId = '';
   var $strCSSULClass = '';
   var $strCSSULStyle = '';
   var $strCSSLIClass = '';
   var $strCSSLIStyle = '';
   var $strCSSLIActiveClass = '';
   var $strCSSLIActiveStyle = '';
   var $arrPagination = array();
   var $arrXML = array();
   var $strXMLCharset = 'utf-8';
   var $strXMLAllowedTags = 'a,i,b,u,br';
    * Class Constructor
    * @param string $strDelimiter Delimiter for Article
    * @return ArticlePageBreak Object
   function ArticlePageBreak( $strDelimiter = "" ) {
      $this->strDelimiter = $strDelimiter;
      // check if delimiter is a tag
      if ( preg_match("/^<([^>]*)>/i", $strDelimiter, $arrTagInlay) ) {
         $this->bolDelimiterIsTag = $arrTagInlay[1];

    * Split the Article and Fill Variables for Output
   function splitArticle () {
      // if tag, build replace pattern and replace delimiter
      // including attributes with clear delimiter
      if ( $this->bolDelimiterIsTag && strlen($this->bolDelimiterIsTag) > 0 ) {
         $strReplacePattern = '';
         $arrTagParts = explode(" ", $this->bolDelimiterIsTag);
         if (is_array($arrTagParts)) {
            $arrTagParts = array_filter($arrTagParts);
            $strReplacePattern = '/<' . implode("[^>]*", $arrTagParts) . '[^>]*>/i';
            $this->strArticle = preg_replace($strReplacePattern, $this->strDelimiter, $this->strArticle);
      $this->arrSplittedArticle = explode( $this->strDelimiter, $this->strArticle );

      if ( is_array( $this->arrSplittedArticle ) ) {
         $this->intTotalPages = count ( $this->arrSplittedArticle );
      } else {
         $this->intTotalPages = 1;
    * get the pagination
    * you can set the pagination type by enter one of following numbers
    * 1 = display all pages (e.g. first previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 next last)
    * 2 = display page range 1 - 10 ( e.g. first previous10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 next10 last )
    * 3 = display pages in tripple groups with ... ( e.g. first previous 1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 ... 14 15 16
    * @param integer $intPaginationType
    * @param string $strOutputType (html/xml)
    * @return string HTML Code of pagination
   function getPagination( $intPaginationType = false, $strOutputType = "html" ) {
      global $sess, $idcat, $idart, $lang, $client;
      if ( $this->intTotalPages < 2) {
         return '';
      if ($intPaginationType && (int)$intPaginationType > 0) {
      // check if current page in range with pages
      if ($this->intCurrentPage >= $this->intTotalPages ) {
         $this->intCurrentPage = $this->intTotalPages-1;
      } else if ( $this->intCurrentPage < 0 ) {
         $this->intCurrentPage = 0;
      // reinitialize variables
      $arrOutput = array();
      $arrPagination = array();
      $i = 0;
      if ( $this->intCurrentPage > 0 ) {

         // add first page link

         // page parameter for link
         $intPageParameter = "0";
         $arrOutput[$i] = array();
         // add page attribute info
         $arrOutput[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $intPageParameter;
         $arrOutput[$i]['title'] = $this->strTextFirstPage;
         $arrOutput[$i]['uri'] = $sess->url(
            "front_content.php?" .
            "client=" . $client .
            "&changelang=" . $lang .
            "&idcat=" . $idcat .
            "&idart=" . $idart .
            "&" . $this->strPageParameter . "=" . $intPageParameter
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;
         if ( $this->intPaginationType != 2 ) {
            // add previous page link
            // page parameter for link
            $intPageParameter = ( $this->intCurrentPage - 1);
            $arrOutput[$i] = array();
            // add page attribute info
            $arrOutput[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $intPageParameter;
            $arrOutput[$i]['title'] = $this->strTextPreviousPage;
            $arrOutput[$i]['uri'] = $sess->url(
               "front_content.php?" .
               "client=" . $client .
               "&changelang=" . $lang .
               "&idcat=" . $idcat .
               "&idart=" . $idart .
               "&" . $this->strPageParameter .  "=" . $intPageParameter
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkClass;
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle;
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;
         } else if ( $this->intPaginationType == 2 && $this->intCurrentPage > ($this->intPaginationRange - 1) ) {
            // add previous page range link

            // page parameter for link
            $intPageParameter = (  (floor($this->intCurrentPage / $this->intPaginationRange) * $this->intPaginationRange ) - 1  );
            $arrOutput[$i] = array();
            // add page attribute info
            $arrOutput[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $intPageParameter;
            $arrOutput[$i]['title'] = $this->strTextPreviousRange;
            $arrOutput[$i]['uri'] = $sess->url(
               "front_content.php?" .
               "client=" . $client .
               "&changelang=" . $lang .
               "&idcat=" . $idcat .
               "&idart=" . $idart .
               "&" . $this->strPageParameter .  "=" . $intPageParameter
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkClass;
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle;
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
            $arrOutput[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;
      // get all page elements
      if ( count($this->arrPagination) == 0 ) {
      $arrOutput[$i]["pages"] = array();
      // switch pagination type and generate different paginations
      switch ( $this->intPaginationType ) {
         case 2:
            // get range
            $intHighestRange = ( ( (ceil( ($this->intCurrentPage) / $this->intPaginationRange ) * $this->intPaginationRange ) - 1) + (( $this->intCurrentPage % $this->intPaginationRange == 0 ) ? $this->intPaginationRange : 0 ) );
            $intLowestRange = ((floor($this->intCurrentPage / $this->intPaginationRange) * $this->intPaginationRange ) );
            for ( $z = $intLowestRange; $z <= $intHighestRange; $z++) {
               if ($z == $this->intTotalPages) {
               $arrOutput[$i]["pages"][] = $this->arrPagination[$z];
         case 3:
            // display pages in tripple groups
            if ( $this->intTotalPages > 10) {
               for ($z = 0; $z < $this->intTotalPages; $z++) {
                  // check is current site in range of displayed pages
                  if ( $z <= 2  ||
                     ( $z == $this->intCurrentPage || $z == $this->intCurrentPage - 1 || $z == $this->intCurrentPage + 1 ) ||
                       $z >= ($this->intTotalPages - 3 )
                  ) {
                     $arrPagination[] = $this->arrPagination[$z];
                  } else {
                     // element should be empty
                     $arrPagination[] = "[[empty]]";

               // search for following [[empty]] elements and set them to false for removing
               $intValue = false;
               for ( $z = 0; $z < count($arrPagination); $z++) {

                  if ( $arrPagination[$z] == "[[empty]]" && $intValue == false ) {
                     $intValue = true;
                  } else if ( $arrPagination[$z] == "[[empty]]" && $intValue == true ) {
                     $arrPagination[$z] = false;
                  } else if ( $arrPagination[$z] != "[[empty]]" && $intValue == true ) {
                     $intValue = false;
               // filter array and remove false elements
               $arrOutput[$i]["pages"] = array_filter($arrPagination);

            } else {
               // not enough pages for this pagination
               $arrOutput[$i]["pages"] = $this->arrPagination;
            // display all pages
            // join pages
            $arrOutput[$i]["pages"] = $this->arrPagination;
      // add next post
      if ( $this->intPaginationType != 2 && $this->intCurrentPage < ($this->intTotalPages - 1) ) {
         // page parameter for link
         $intPageParameter = ($this->intCurrentPage + 1);
         $arrOutput[$i] = array();
         // add page attribute info
         $arrOutput[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $intPageParameter;
         $arrOutput[$i]['title'] = $this->strTextNextPage;
         $arrOutput[$i]['uri'] = $sess->url(
               "front_content.php?" .
               "client=" . $client .
               "&changelang=" . $lang .
               "&idcat=" . $idcat .
               "&idart=" . $idart .
               "&" . $this->strPageParameter .  "=" . $intPageParameter
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;
      // set next page range
      } else if (
         $this->intPaginationType == 2 &&
         ceil( ($this->intCurrentPage + 1 ) / $this->intPaginationRange) * $this->intPaginationRange < ($this->intTotalPages - 1)
      ) {
         // page parameter for link
         $intPageParameter = (ceil( ($this->intCurrentPage + 1 ) / $this->intPaginationRange) * $this->intPaginationRange);
         $arrOutput[$i] = array();
         // add page attribute info
         $arrOutput[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $intPageParameter;
         $arrOutput[$i]['title'] = $this->strTextNextRange;
         $arrOutput[$i]['uri'] = $sess->url(
               "front_content.php?" .
               "client=" . $client .
               "&changelang=" . $lang .
               "&idcat=" . $idcat .
               "&idart=" . $idart .
               "&" . $this->strPageParameter .  "=" . $intPageParameter
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;
      // add last post
      if ( $this->intCurrentPage < ($this->intTotalPages - 1) ) {
         // page parameter for link
         $intPageParameter = ($this->intTotalPages - 1);
         $arrOutput[$i] = array();
         // add page attribute info
         $arrOutput[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $intPageParameter;
         $arrOutput[$i]['title'] = $this->strTextLastPage;
         $arrOutput[$i]['uri'] = $sess->url(
               "front_content.php?" .
               "client=" . $client .
               "&changelang=" . $lang .
               "&idcat=" . $idcat .
               "&idart=" . $idart .
               "&" . $this->strPageParameter .  "=" . $intPageParameter
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
         $arrOutput[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;

      // return correct pagination
      if ( $strOutputType == "xml" ) {
         $this->generateXMLPaginationArray( $arrOutput );
         return $this->generateXMLPagination();
      } else {
         return $this->generateHTMLPaginationFromArray( $arrOutput );

    * Return XHTML Valid Output of Navigation
    * @param array $arrElements all pagination elements
    * @return string xhtml code
   function generateHTMLPaginationFromArray( $arrElements = array() ) {
      $strOutput = '';
      $arrOutput = array();
      $arrPages = array();
      // set joining parameter
      $strJoinParameter = '';
      if ( strlen($this->strPageJoinParameter) > 0 ) {
         $strJoinParameter = $this->strPageJoinParameter;
      $i = 0;
      // add ul tag
      if ($this->intPaginationUseList == 1) {
         $arrOutput[$i] = '<ul';
         // add id
         $arrOutput[$i].= ( strlen($this->strCSSULId) > 0 ) ? ' id="' . $this->strCSSULId . '"' : '';
         // add class
         $arrOutput[$i].= ( strlen($this->strCSSULClass) > 0 ) ? ' class="' . $this->strCSSULClass . '"' : '';
         // add style
         $arrOutput[$i].= ( strlen($this->strCSSULStyle) > 0 ) ? ' style="' . $this->strCSSULStyle . '"' : '';
         $arrOutput[$i].= '>' . "\n";
      // internal element counter
      // add all elements
      foreach ( $arrElements as $e ) {
         if ( isset($e["pages"]) && is_array($e["pages"]) ) {
            // internal page counter
            $z = 0;
            // go through each page
            foreach ( $e["pages"] as $arrPage ) {
               // is an empty element for pagination type 2
               // will be replaced with " ... " after foreach
               if ( !is_array($arrPage) && $arrPage == "[[empty]]" ) {
                  $arrPages[$z] = "[[empty]]";
               // initialize
               $arrPages[$z] = '';
               // clean variables
               $arrPage = array_filter($arrPage);
               // add list element
               if ($this->intPaginationUseList == 1) {
                  $arrPages[$z].= '<li';
                  $arrPages[$z].= ( isset($arrPage["attr_liclass"]) ) ? ' class="' . $arrPage["attr_liclass"] . '"' : '';
                  $arrPages[$z].= ( isset($arrPage["attr_listyle"]) ) ? ' style="' . $arrPage["attr_listyle"] . '"' : '';
                  $arrPages[$z].= '>';
               // add url
               $arrPages[$z].= '<a href="' . htmlentities($arrPage["uri"]) . '"';
               $arrPages[$z].= ( isset($arrPage["attr_class"]) ) ? ' class="' . $arrPage["attr_class"] . '"' : '';
               $arrPages[$z].= ( isset($arrPage["attr_style"]) ) ? ' style="' . $arrPage["attr_style"] . '"' : '';
               $arrPages[$z].= ( isset($arrPage["attr_title"]) ) ? ' title="' . $arrPage["attr_title"] . '"' : '';
               $arrPages[$z].= '>';
               // css style settings
               $strLinkText = '%s';
               if ( isset($arrPage["active"]) && $this->intPaginationActivePageUseStrong == 1) {
                  $strLinkText = '<strong>%s</strong>';
               $arrPages[$z].= sprintf($strLinkText, $arrPage['title']);
               $arrPages[$z].= '</a>';
               // close list element
               if ($this->intPaginationUseList == 1) {
                  $arrPages[$z].= '</li>';
               // add line break for cool html source
               $arrPages[$z].= "\n";
            // join array elements
            $arrOutput[$i] = implode($strJoinParameter, $arrPages);
            $arrOutput[$i] = str_replace($strJoinParameter . "[[empty]]" . $strJoinParameter, "&nbsp;...&nbsp;", $arrOutput[$i]);
         } else {
            // add text links
            // clean array
            $e = array_filter($e);
            $arrOutput[$i] = '';
            // add list element
            if ($this->intPaginationUseList == 1) {
               $arrOutput[$i].= '<li';
               $arrOutput[$i].= ( isset($e["attr_liclass"]) ) ? ' class="' . $e["attr_liclass"] . '"' : '';
               $arrOutput[$i].= ( isset($e["attr_listyle"]) ) ? ' style="' . $e["attr_listyle"] . '"' : '';
               $arrOutput[$i].= '>';
            // add url
            $arrOutput[$i].= '<a href="' . htmlentities($e["uri"]) . '"';
            $arrOutput[$i].= ( isset($e["attr_class"]) ) ? ' class="' . $e["attr_class"] . '"' : '';
            $arrOutput[$i].= ( isset($e["attr_style"]) ) ? ' style="' . $e["attr_style"] . '"' : '';
            $arrOutput[$i].= '>';
            // css style settings
            $arrOutput[$i].= $e["title"];
            $arrOutput[$i].= '</a>';
            // close list element
            if ($this->intPaginationUseList == 1) {
               $arrOutput[$i].= '</li>';
            // add line break for cool html source
            $arrOutput[$i].= "\n";
      // close ul tag if necessary
      if ($this->intPaginationUseList == 1) {
         $arrOutput[$i].= '</ul>' . "\n";

      $strOutput = implode( "", $arrOutput );
      // set xhtml valid entities   
      return $strOutput;
    * store all page elements with urls and if necessary
    * list elements in a global array for further usage
   function getPaginationTypeAll() {
      global $sess, $idcat, $idart, $lang, $client;
      // initialize
      $this->arrPagination = array();
      for ( $i = 0; $i < $this->intTotalPages; $i++ ) {
         $this->arrPagination[$i] = Array();
         // add page attribute info
         $this->arrPagination[$i][$this->strPageParameter] = $i;
         // add regular url elements
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['title'] = ($i + 1);
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['uri'] =  $sess->url(
            "front_content.php?" .
            "client=" . $client .
            "&changelang=" . $lang .
            "&idcat=" . $idcat .
            "&idart=" . $idart .
            "&" . $this->strPageParameter .  "=" . $i
         // style settings
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIClass;
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIStyle;
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSPageClass;
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSPageStyle;
         $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_title'] = $this->strTextPageTitle . ( $i + 1 );
         // override style settings if active
         if ( $i == $this->intCurrentPage ){
            $this->arrPagination[$i]['active'] = "1";
            $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_liclass'] = $this->strCSSLIActiveClass;
            $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_listyle'] = $this->strCSSLIActiveStyle;
            $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_class'] = $this->strCSSActivePageClass;
            $this->arrPagination[$i]['attr_style'] = $this->strCSSActivePageStyle;

    * return the current Article Part
    * @return string Current Article Part
   function getArticle() {
      // article part is array and current page is valid array element
      if (
         is_array( $this->arrSplittedArticle )
         && ( count($this->arrSplittedArticle) - 1 ) >= $this->intCurrentPage
         && $this->intCurrentPage >= 0
         ) {
         return trim($this->arrSplittedArticle[$this->intCurrentPage]);
      // article part is array but current page is higher than array parts
      } else if (
         is_array( $this->arrSplittedArticle )
         && ( count($this->arrSplittedArticle) - 1 ) < $this->intCurrentPage
         ) {
         return trim($this->arrSplittedArticle[count($this->arrSplittedArticle) - 1]);
      // article part is array but current page is negative
      } else if (is_array( $this->arrSplittedArticle )
         && $this->intCurrentPage < 0
         ) {
         return trim($this->arrSplittedArticle[0]);   
      // article part is not an array, return as string
      } else if ( !is_array( $this->arrSplittedArticle ) ) {
         return trim($this->arrSplittedArticle);
      return false;
    * XML Functions
    * generate array for xml output
    * @param array $arrElements array with all elements
   function generateXMLPaginationArray ( $arrElements = array() ) {
      global $idart, $idcat, $client, $lang, $sess;
      if ( count($arrElements) == 0 ) return true;
      // create pagination xml object
      $objPagination = new xmlObject("pagination");
      // add attributes
            "totalPages" => $this->intTotalPages,
            "currentPage" => $this->intCurrentPage,
            "pageParameter" => $this->strPageParameter,
            "idart" => $idart,
            "idcat" => $idcat,
            "client" => $client,
            "lang" => $lang,
            "uri" =>  $sess->url(
               "front_content.php?" .
               "client=" . $client .
               "&changelang=" . $lang .
               "&idcat=" . $idcat .
               "&idart=" . $idart
      foreach ( $arrElements as $e ) {
         // site page
         if ( isset($e["pages"]) && is_array($e["pages"]) ) {
            // get every page
            foreach ( $e["pages"] as $arrPage ) {
               $strContent = '';
               $arrAttributes = array();
               // clean attributes
               $arrPage = array_filter($arrPage);
               // prepare xml stuff
               foreach ($arrPage as $strKey => $strValue ) {
                  if ($strKey == 'title') {
                     $strContent = $strValue;
                  $arrAttributes[ str_replace( 'attr_', '', $strKey) ] = $strValue;
               if ( !isset($arrAttributes[$this->strPageParameter])) {
                  $arrAttributes[$this->strPageParameter] = "0";
               // add content to object
                  new xmlObject('element', $arrAttributes, strval($strContent))
         } else {
            // text links
            $strContent = '';
            $arrAttributes = array();
            // clean attributes
            if ( !is_array($e) ) {
            $e = array_filter($e);
            // prepare xml stuff
            foreach ($e as $strKey => $strValue ) {
               if ($strKey == 'title') {
                  $strContent = $strValue;
               $arrAttributes[ str_replace( 'attr_', '', $strKey) ] = $strValue;
            // add content to object
               new xmlObject('element', $arrAttributes, strval($strContent), true)
      $this->arrXML["pagination"] = $objPagination;
      return true;
    * generate array from article properties for output
   function generateXMLArticleArray () {
      // get current content      
      $strContent = $this->getArticle();
      $strContent = strip_tags( $strContent, $this->strXMLAllowedTags );

      // check if other parameter set
      if (!isset($this->arrXML["content"])) {
         $this->arrXML["content"] = array();
      $this->arrXML["content"][] =  new xmlObject("article", array("length" => strlen ( strip_tags($strContent) )), $strContent, true);

    * open XML container and output header
    * @param string $strCharset charset
    * @return string xml container
   function getXMLHeader() {

      // output header
      header ("Content-type: text/xml; charset=" . $this->strXMLCharset );
      // output doctype   
      $strOutput = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $this->strXMLCharset . '" ?>' . "\n";
      return $strOutput;
    * generate xml schema for article
    * @return string xml schema
   function generateXMLContent () {
      // get data
      // check again for data
      if ( count ( $this->arrXML["content"] ) == 0 ) {
         return '';
      $objContent = new xmlObject('content');
      foreach ( $this->arrXML["content"] as $objElement ) {
      return $objContent->toHTML();
    * generate xml schema for pagination
    * @return string xml schema
   function generateXMLPagination() {
      // check for data
      if (
         !isset($this->arrXML["pagination"]) ||
      ) {
      // check again for data
      if ( !isset($this->arrXML["pagination"]) || !is_object($this->arrXML["pagination"]) ) {
         return '';

      return $this->arrXML["pagination"]->toHTML();
    * return complete xml scheme for article only
    * @return string xml scheme
   function getXMLContent () {
      $objXmlContainer = new xmlObject(
         array( "encoding" => $this->strXMLCharset ),
      $strOutput = $this->getXMLHeader();
      $strOutput.= $objXmlContainer->toHTML();
      return $strOutput;
    * return complete xml scheme for pagination only
    * @return string xml scheme
   function getXMLPagination () {
      $objXmlContainer = new xmlObject(
         array("encoding" => $this->strXMLCharset),
         $this->getPagination($this->intPaginationType, "xml")
      $strOutput = $this->getXMLHeader();
      $strOutput.= $objXmlContainer->toHTML();
      return $strOutput;
    * return complete xml scheme for article and pagination
    * @return string xml scheme
   function getXMLComplete () {

      $objXmlContainer = new xmlObject(
         array("encoding" => $this->strXMLCharset),
         array (
            $this->getPagination($this->intPaginationType, "xml")
      $strOutput = $this->getXMLHeader();
      $strOutput.= $objXmlContainer->toHTML();

      return $strOutput;
    * adds an additional XML Object for output in
    * content tag in generating xml
    * @see class xmlObject
    * @param object $objElement xmlObject
   function setXMLAdditionalContentTag ( $objElement ) {
      if ( is_object($objElement) && strtolower(get_class($objElement)) == strtolower('xmlObject') ) {
         // check if other parameter set
         if (!isset($this->arrXML["content"])) {
            $this->arrXML["content"] = array();
         $this->arrXML["content"][] = $objElement;
    * set the article content to class
    * @param string $strArticle Article Content
   function setArticle ( $strArticle = "" ) {
      $this->strArticle = $strArticle;
      // split article
    * Set URI parameter for page break
    * @param string $strPageParameter Parameter Name
   function setPageParameter ( $strPageParameter = "page" ) {
      $this->strPageParameter = $strPageParameter;
    * Set the current page for output
    * @param integer $intCurrentPage
   function setCurrentPage ( $intCurrentPage = 0 ) {
      $this->intCurrentPage = (int)$intCurrentPage;
    * Sets pagination type
    * 1 = display all pages (e.g. first previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 next last)
    * 2 = display page range 1 - 10 ( e.g. first previous10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 next10 last )
    * 3 = display pages in tripple groups with ... ( e.g. first previous 1 2 3 ... 6 7 8 ... 14 15 16
    * @param integer $intPaginationType PageType
   function setPaginationType ( $intPaginationType = 1 ) {
      if ( (int)$intPaginationType < 1 || (int)$intPaginationType > 3 ) {
         $this->intPaginationType = 1;
      } else {
         $this->intPaginationType = (int)$intPaginationType;
    * Sets pagination range for Pagination Type 2
    * @param integer $intPaginationRange
   function setPaginationRange ( $intPaginationRange = 10 ) {
      $this->intPaginationRange = (int)$intPaginationRange;
    * set text for first page of pagination
    * @param string $strTextFirstPage
   function setTextFirstPage ( $strTextFirstPage = "First Page" ) {
      $this->strTextFirstPage = $strTextFirstPage;
    * set text for last page of pagination
    * @param string $strTextLastPage
   function setTextLastPage ( $strTextLastPage = "Last Page" ) {
      $this->strTextLastPage = $strTextLastPage;
    * set text for previous page of pagination
    * @param string $strTextPreviousPage
   function setTextPreviousPage ( $strTextPreviousPage = "Previous" ) {
      $this->strTextPreviousPage = $strTextPreviousPage;
    * set text for next page of pagination
    * @param string $strTextNextPage
   function setTextNextPage ( $strTextNextPage = "Next" ) {
      $this->strTextNextPage = $strTextNextPage;
    * set text for next range of pagination type 2
    * @param string $strTextNextRange
   function setTextNextRange ( $strTextNextRange = "Next 10" ) {
      $this->strTextNextRange = $strTextNextRange;
    * set text for previous range of pagination type 2
    * @param string $strTextPreviousRange
   function setTextPreviousRange ( $strTextPreviousRange = "Previous 10" ) {
      $this->strTextPreviousRange = $strTextPreviousRange;
    * set title tag text for a tag of pages
    * @param string $strTextPageTitle
   function setTextPageTitle ( $strTextPageTitle = "Goto page ") {
      $this->strTextPageTitle = $strTextPageTitle;
    * set CSS style settings for pagination
    * Use unordered list for navigation
    * 0 = false
    * 1 = true
    * @param integer $intPaginationUseList
   function setPaginationUseList ( $intPaginationUseList = 0 ) {
      $this->intPaginationUseList = (int)$intPaginationUseList;

    * Use strong-tag for active page
    * 0 = false
    * 1 = true (default)
    * @param integer $intPaginationActivePageUseStrong
   function setPaginationActivePageUseStrong ( $intPaginationActivePageUseStrong = 1 ) {
      $this->intPaginationActivePageUseStrong = ( (int)$intPaginationActivePageUseStrong == 1 ) ? 1 : 0;
    * set css class for default page links
    * @param string $strCSSPageClass
   function setCSSPageClass ( $strCSSPageClass = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSPageClass = $strCSSPageClass;
    * set css style for default page links
    * @param string $strCSSPageStyle
   function setCSSPageStyle ( $strCSSPageStyle = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSPageStyle = $strCSSPageStyle;
    * set css class for active page
    * @param string $strCSSActivePageClass
   function setCSSActivePageClass ( $strCSSActivePageClass = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSActivePageClass = $strCSSActivePageClass;
    * set css style for active page
    * @param string $strCSSActivePageStyle
   function setCSSActivePageStyle ( $strCSSActivePageStyle = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSActivePageStyle = $strCSSActivePageStyle;
    * set css class for text links like next, previous, last and first
    * @param string $strCSSTextLinkClass
   function setCSSTextLinkClass ( $strCSSTextLinkClass = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSTextLinkClass = $strCSSTextLinkClass;
    * set css style for text links like next, previous, last and first
    * @param string $strCSSTextLinkStyle
   function setCSSTextLinkStyle ( $strCSSTextLinkStyle = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSTextLinkStyle = $strCSSTextLinkStyle;
    * set id attribute for ul element
    * @param string $strCSSULId
   function setCSSULId ( $strCSSULId = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSULId = $strCSSULId;
    * set css class for ul element
    * @param string $strCSSULClass
   function setCSSULClass ( $strCSSULClass = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSULClass = $strCSSULClass;
    * set css style for ul element
    * @param string $strCSSULStyle
   function setCSSULStyle ( $strCSSULStyle = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSULStyle = $strCSSULStyle;
    * set css class for li element
    * @param string $strCSSLIClass
   function setCSSLIClass ( $strCSSLIClass = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSLIClass = $strCSSLIClass;
    * set css style for li element
    * @param string $strCSSLIStyle
   function setCSSLIStyle ( $strCSSLIStyle = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSLIStyle = $strCSSLIStyle;
    * set css class for active page li element
    * @param string $strCSSLIActiveClass
   function setCSSLIActiveClass ( $strCSSLIActiveClass = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSLIActiveClass = $strCSSLIActiveClass;
    * set css style for active page li element
    * @param string $strCSSLIActiveStyle
   function setCSSLIActiveStyle ( $strCSSLIActiveStyle = '' ) {
      $this->strCSSLIActiveStyle = $strCSSLIActiveStyle;
    * set join parameter for joining page elements if no list is used
    * @param string $strPageJoinParameter
   function setPageJoinParameter ( $strPageJoinParameter = ', ' ) {
      $this->strPageJoinParameter = $strPageJoinParameter;
    * set allowed tags for xml output of content
    * seperate different tags with comma
    * default: a,i,b,u,br
    * @param string $strXMLAllowedTags allowed tags
   function setXMLAllowedTags ( $strXMLAllowedTags = '' ) {
      $this->strXMLAllowedTags = $strXMLAllowedTags;
    * set encoding charset for XML output
    * @param string $strXMLCharset
   function setXMLCharset ( $strXMLCharset = 'utf-8' ) {
      $this->strXMLCharset = $strXMLCharset;

* xmlObject
* class handles stored data to convert them in
* xml tags
* @author stefan seifarth <>
* @copyright 2006 stefan seifarth, munich
* @name xmlObject
* @version 1.0 2006-06-17
* @access public
* @example
* // create Object
* $obj = new xmlObject ('tagname');
* // set single attribute
* $obj->addSingleAttribute ( "attribute name", "attribute value" );
* // set multiple attributes
* $obj->addMultipleAttributes(
*    array( "attrName" => "value", "attrName2" => "value2" )
* );
* // set content
* $obj->addContent ( "some text in tag" );
* // return xml form
* print $obj->toHTML();
* // alternative usage for shorttags
* $obj = new xmlObject("content");
* $obj->addMultipleAttributes(
*       array(
*          "count" => "1",
*          "page" => "23"
*       )
*    );
* $obj->addContent(
*    array(
*       new xmlObject("article", array(), "text1"),
*       new xmlObject("article", array(), "text2"),
*       new xmlObject("article", array("pages" => "2"),
*          array(
*             new xmlObject("page", array(), "text3_1", true),
*             new xmlObject("page", array(), "text3_2", true)
*          )
*       )
*    )
* );
* print $obj->toHTML();
class xmlObject {
   var $arrAttributes = array();
   var $arrContent = array();
   var $strTagName;
   var $bolUseCDATA = false;
    * class constructor
    * @param string $strTagName xml tag name
    * @param string/object/array $content content
    * @param array $arrAttributes attributes
    * @param boolean $bolUseCDATA flag for usage of cdata
    * @return xmlObject
   function xmlObject( $strTagName, $arrAttributes = array(), $content = array(), $bolUseCDATA = false ) {
      $this->strTagName = $strTagName;
      // set cdata usage
      $this->bolUseCDATA = $bolUseCDATA;
      // add attributes if set
      if (is_array($arrAttributes) && count($arrAttributes) > 0) {
         foreach ( $arrAttributes as $strName => $strValue ) {
            $this->arrAttributes[$strName] = $strValue;
      // add content if set
      if (!is_array($content) && (is_object($content) || strlen($content) > 0 ) ) {
         $this->arrContent[] = $content;
      } else if (is_array($content) && count($content) > 0) {
         // range of objects
         $intCounter = count($this->arrContent);
         foreach ( $content as $objElement ) {
            $this->arrContent[$intCounter] = $objElement;
    * add a single argument for tag name
    * @param string $strName name of argument
    * @param string $strValue value of argument
   function addSingleAttribute ( $strName, $strValue = "" ) {
      $this->arrAttributes[$strName] = $strValue;
    * add multiple attributes at once like
    * array("name" => "value", "name2" => "value2")
    * @param array $arrAttributes argument list
   function addMultipleAttributes ( $arrAttributes = array() ) {
      if (!is_array($arrAttributes)) return false;
      foreach ( $arrAttributes as $strName => $strValue ) {
         $this->arrAttributes[$strName] = $strValue;
      return true;
    * add content to xml tag
    * use array for multiple contents
    * array( $objectTag1, $objectTag2 )
    * @param string/object/array $objContent value of content
   function addContent ( $objContent = "" ) {
      if (!is_array($objContent)) {
         $this->arrContent[] = $objContent;
      } else {
         // range of objects
         $intCounter = count($this->arrContent);
         foreach ( $objContent as $objElement ) {
            $this->arrContent[$intCounter] = $objElement;
    * return complete xml object as string with tags
    * @return unknown
   function toHTML () {
      $strOutput = '<' . utf8_encode($this->strTagName);
      // add tag attributes
      if (is_array($this->arrAttributes) && count($this->arrAttributes) > 0 ) {
         foreach ( $this->arrAttributes as $strName => $strValue ) {
            $strOutput.= ' ' . utf8_encode($strName) . '="' . utf8_encode(htmlentities($strValue)) . '"';
      $strOutput.= ">";
      // add content
      if ( is_array($this->arrContent) && count($this->arrContent) > 0 ) {
         foreach ($this->arrContent as $objElement ) {
            if ( is_object($objElement) && get_class($objElement) == get_class($this) ) {
               $strOutput.="\n" . $objElement->toHTML();
            } else if ( is_string($objElement) && strlen($objElement) > 0 ) {
               // cdata usage?
               if ( $this->bolUseCDATA == true ) {
                  $strOutput.= '<![CDATA[' . utf8_encode($objElement) . ']]>';
               } else {
                  $strOutput.= utf8_encode($objElement);
      } else if ( is_object($this->arrContent) && get_class($this->arrContent) == get_class($this) ) {
         $strOutput.= "\n" . $this->arrContent->toHTML();
      } else if ( is_string($this->arrContent) && strlen($this->arrContent) > 0 ) {
         $strOutput.= utf8_encode($this->arrContent);
      // close tag
      $strOutput.= '</' . utf8_encode($this->strTagName) . ">\n";
      // remove double linebreaks
      $strOutput = str_replace("\n\n","\n", $strOutput);
      return $strOutput;
    * set flag for using cdata in tag
    * @param boolean $bolUseCDATA true/false
   function setCDATA ( $bolUseCDATA = false ) {
      $this->bolUseCDATA = $bolUseCDATA;

Dies zu kombinieren wäre ein starkes Modul.

Als Zusatz würde ich mir dann noch wünschen, dass alle Überschrift (h1 oder hxy) des Artikel auf der erste Seite als Index angezeigt werden und verlinkt werden (da man ja hier vor den Anker setzen würde). In der Navigation unten soll dann nicht stehen "nächste Seite" sondern den Name der nächsten Überschrift. Natürlich nur, wenn in dem Artikel der besagte Anker überhaupt gesetzt worden ist.

MfG Steffen

Re: Modulösg. gesucht: Halbauto. Seitenwechsel & ImageResizeHTML

Verfasst: Fr 4. Dez 2009, 07:57
von derSteffen
Angebot ist immer noch aktuell

Angebote bitte per PM.

Re: Modulösg. gesucht: Halbauto. Seitenwechsel & ImageResizeHTML

Verfasst: Mo 7. Dez 2009, 17:08
von derSteffen
Hallo Admin.

Anfrage kann geschlossen werden! Danke.