Quickfinder Modul für v4.3.2

Beiträge: 239
Registriert: Mo 15. Sep 2003, 18:45

Quickfinder Modul für v4.3.2

Beitrag von Snoopy » Mo 3. Nov 2003, 13:15

Ich habe den Quicksaver mal für die v4.3.2 angepasst.
Wir benötigen ein Modul, eine GIF Grafik, eine php-Datei, sowie eine js-Datei.

1.Fangen wir bei dem Modul an:

Modul Output:

Code: Alles auswählen

$cfgTab_cat_lang = $cfg['tab']['cat_lang'];
$cfgTab_content = $cfg["tab"]["content"];
$cfgTab_art_lang = $cfg["tab"]["art_lang"];
$cfgTab_cat_art = $cfg["tab"]["cat_art"];

if(strstr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,"MSIE")!=false||substr($HTTP_USER_AGENT,strpos($HTTP_USER_AGENT,"Mozilla/")+8,1)>=5 ){  

echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\"> 

        function addToQuickFinder() { 

        function go(url) { 
          window.location.href = url; 

       function deleteToQuickFinder(de){ 




 $query = "SELECT * FROM $cfgTab_content AS CONT, $cfgTab_art_lang AS LANG WHERE LANG.idart = '$idart' AND LANG.idlang = '1' AND CONT.idartlang = LANG.idartlang AND CONT.idtype = '1' AND CONT.typeid = '1' ORDER BY CONT.idtype"; 


  $value = $db->f("value"); 

  $title = $db->f("title"); 

echo "<form name=\"quickfinder\" method=\"post\" action=\"quickfinder_save.php\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"lang\" value=\"$lang\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"client\" value=\"$client\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idcat\" value=\"$idcat\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"idart\" value=\"$idart\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"m\" value=\"$m\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"s\" value=\"$s\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t\" value=\"$t\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"title\" value=\"$title\">"; 
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"del\" value=\"del\">"; 
echo "</form>"; 

echo " 
  <table width=\"150px\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\"> 
    <tr height=\"1\"> 
      <td colspan=\"3\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td> 
    <tr height=\"15\" id=\"qControl\"> 
       <td width=\"130\" align=\"right\" class=\"text\" style=\"padding-right:5px\">Quickfinder </td> 
       <td width=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td> 
       <td width=\"19\" bgcolor=\"#3A527A\" align=\"center\"><img src=\"images/quickarrow.gif\"></td> 
    <tr height=\"1\"> 
      <td colspan=\"3\" bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td> 
       <td><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"></td> 

echo " 
    <div id=\"qBody\"> 
      <table width=\"150\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" border=\"0\">"; 

      echo " 
        <tr style=\"background-color:#ffffff\"> 
          <td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td> 

$db2 = new DB_Contenido; 

// select all articles in category widthout start article 
$query = "SELECT ARTLANG.idart, ARTLANG.idartlang, ARTLANG.title FROM $cfgTab_cat_art AS CATART, $cfgTab_art_lang AS ARTLANG ". 
         "WHERE CATART.idcat = '12' AND ARTLANG.idart = CATART.idart AND ARTLANG.idlang = '$lang' AND ". 
         "ARTLANG.online = '1' AND CATART.is_start = '0' ORDER BY CATART.idart"; 

// execute query 

// get id's of sub articles 
while ($db->next_record()) { 
// $articleid = $db->f("idartlang"); 
  $linkid = $db->f("idart"); 
  $head = $db->f("title"); 
  $l = "lang=";
   $link = $sess->url("front_content.php?client=$client&$l$lang&idcat=12&idart=$linkid&m=$m&s=$s"); 

    $len = strlen($head); 

    // cut head if too long 
    if ($len > 20) { 
      $head = substr($head,0,20); 
      $head = $head. " ..."; 
    } // end if 

    echo " 
        <tr style=\"background-color:#9FAFBC\" onMouseOver=\"g.over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"g.out(this)\"> 
          <td class=\"text10bn\" style=\"padding:2px\" colspan=\"2\">   <a class=\"white\" href=\"javascript:go('".$link."')\">".$head."</a></td> 
                <tr style=\"background-color:#ffffff\"> 
          <td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td> 

  } // end while 

if (is_array($quicklinks)) { 

  foreach ($quicklinks as $key => $value) { 

       $values = explode("|",$value); 

       if (strlen($values[0]) > 18) { 
          $values[0] = substr($values[0],0,18); 
          $values[0] = rtrim($values[0]); 
          $values[0] .= "..."; 
       } // end if 

       echo " 
        <tr style=\"background-color:#9FAFBC\" onMouseOver=\"g.over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"g.out(this)\"> 
              <td style=\"padding:2px\" class=\"text10bn\"><a class=\"white\" href=\"javascript:go('".$values[1]."')\">".$values[0]."</a></td> 
              <td align=\"right\"><a class=\"white\" href=\"javascript:deleteToQuickFinder('".$key."')\">[x] </a></td> 
         <tr style=\"background-color:#ffffff\"> 
          <td colspan=\"2\"><img src=\"images/spacer.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"1\"></td> 

  } // end foreach 

} // end if 

echo "  <tr style=\"background-color:#9FAFBC\" onMouseOver=\"g.over(this)\" onMouseOut=\"g.out(this)\"> 
          <td style=\"padding:2px\" class=\"text10bn\" colspan=\"2\"><a class=\"main\" href=\"javascript:addToQuickFinder()\"><b>Add to Quickfinder</b></a></td> 

echo "</table></div>"; 

2. Die Datei quickfinder_save.php (bitte im Verzeichnis root\cms abspeichern.

Code: Alles auswählen


  * Schreibt die Bookmarks in das Cookie 
  * Author      :     Jan Lengowski 
  * Copyright   :     four for business AG 
  * Created     :     19-08-2002 
  * Modified    :     19-08-2002 


  // count quicklinks 

       } // end if 

  } // end for 

  // set cookie 
  setcookie("quicklinks[$del]","",time() - 3600); 
  // redirect 
  header("Location: front_content.php?client=$client&lang=$lang&idcat=$idcat&idart=$idart&m=$m&s=$s&t=$t&sid=$sid"); 

3. Die Farben und css Einträge anpassen.
4. Die Datei quickarrow.gif (19x19px) muss im Verzeichnis root\cms\images liegen

5. die Datei contenido.js muss im Verzeichnis root\cms\js liegen

Code: Alles auswählen

* Contenido Product Site
* Javascript file
* Author Jan Lengowski
* Copyright four for business AG

function MM_createDropDown(body,control,align,event) {

    * MM_createDropDown Class
    * Class for creating drop-down menus. Tested on IE6 and NS6
    * Usage: MM_createDropDown("body-ID","control-ID","align","event");
    * align: "left","top","right","bottom"
    * event: "over","click"
    * @author Jan Lengowski <Jan.Lengowski@4fb.de>
    * @copyright four for business AG 2002
    * @version 2.0
    * {@link http://www.4fb.de}

    * Create object references
    * @access private
    oBody = document.getElementById(body);
    oControl = document.getElementById(control);

    * Set the object properties
    * @access private
    oBody.style.position = "absolute";
    oBody.style.visibility = "hidden";
    oBody.oAlign = align;

    oControl.event = event;
    oControl.oBody = oBody;
    oControl.oBody.open = false;

    oBody.event = event;
    oBody.oBody = oBody;

    * Define class methods
    * @access private
    oControl.open = MM_createDropDown_open;
    oControl.close = MM_createDropDown_close;
    oControl.getPos = MM_createDropDown_getPos;

    * Set event handlers depending on type (over/click)
    * @access private
    if (event == "over") {
        oControl.onmouseover = MM_createDropDown_open;
        oControl.onmouseout = MM_createDropDown_close;
        oBody.onmouseover = MM_createDropDown_open;
        oBody.onmouseout = MM_createDropDown_close;
    } else {
        oControl.onclick = MM_createDropDown_open;

    * Get the position of the control element
    * @access private
    oBody.style.left = oBody.x;
    oBody.style.top = oBody.y;


function MM_createDropDown_getPos() {

    * Method getPos()
    * This method calculates the position
    * of the control element
    * @access private

    this.x = 0;

    this.y = 0;
    var el = this;

    while (el.tagName != "BODY") {
        this.x += el.offsetLeft;
        this.y += el.offsetTop;
        el = el.offsetParent;

    switch (this.oBody.oAlign) {

        case "top":
            this.oBody.x = this.x;
            this.oBody.y = this.y - this.oBody.offsetHeight;
        case "right":
            this.oBody.x = this.x + this.offsetWidth;
            this.oBody.y = this.y;

        case "bottom":
            this.oBody.x = this.x;
            this.oBody.y = this.y + this.offsetHeight;

        case "left":
            this.oBody.x = this.x - this.offsetWidth;
            this.oBody.y = this.y;


function MM_createDropDown_open() {

    * Method for opening the menu
    * @access private

    if (this.event == "over") {
        this.oBody.style.visibility = "visible";

    } else {
        if (!this.oBody.open) {
            this.oBody.style.visibility = "visible";
         this.oBody.open = true;
        } else {
            this.oBody.style.visibility = "hidden";
            this.oBody.open = false;

function MM_createDropDown_close() {

    * Method for closing the menu
    * @access private

    this.oBody.style.visibility = "hidden";

function go(url)
    window.location.href = url;

function addToQuickFinder()
    headline = document.getElementsByTagName("h1");
    document.forms["quickfinder"].elements["title"].value = headline[0].innerHTML;

function c_extra(oCell,oImg)
    // Object references
    this.oCell = document.getElementById(oCell);
    this.oImg = document.getElementById(oImg);

    // Cell cursor style
    this.oCell.style.cursor = "hand";

    // Default values for roll-overs
    this.nImgSrc = "";
    this.oImgSrc = "";
    this.nColor = "";
    this.oColor = "";

    // Class methods
    this.on = c_extra_on;
    this.off = c_extra_off;
    this.setColors = c_extra_setColors;
    this.setImages = c_extra_setImages;

function c_extra_setColors(nColor,oColor)
    this.nColor = nColor;
    this.oColor = oColor;

function c_extra_setImages(nSrc,oSrc)
    this.nImgSrc = nSrc;
    this.oImgSrc = oSrc;

function c_extra_on()
    this.oCell.style.backgroundColor = this.oColor;
    this.oImg.src = this.oImgSrc;

function c_extra_off()
    this.oCell.style.backgroundColor = this.nColor;
    this.oImg.src = this.nImgSrc;


function MM_rollOver(nSrc,oSrc) {
  this.nSrc = nSrc;
  this.oSrc = oSrc;
  this.over = MM_rollOver_over;
  this.out = MM_rollOver_out;

function MM_rollOver_over(obj) {
  obj.style.cursor = "hand";
  obj.src = this.oSrc;

function MM_rollOver_out(obj) {
  obj.src = this.nSrc;


function startImage(imgID) {

  this.nImgSrc = "";
  this.oImgSrc = "";

  this.uImgOver = "";
  this.uImgOut = "";

  this.cImgID = document.getElementById(imgID);

  this.over = startImage_over;
  this.out = startImage_out;

  this.defImg = startImage_def;
  this.defBut = startImage_but;


function startImage_def(nSrc,oSrc) {
  this.uImgOut = nSrc;
  this.uImgOver = oSrc;

function startImage_but(nSrc,oSrc) {
  this.nImgSrc = nSrc;
  this.oImgSrc = oSrc;

function startImage_over(obj) {
  obj.src = this.oImgSrc;
  this.cImgID.src = this.uImgOver;

function startImage_out(obj) {
  obj.src = this.nImgSrc;
  this.cImgID.src = this.uImgOut;

  © Magnet Media 2001
  Table Row Mark v1.1
  	myRow = new MM_rowMark(1,2,3,4)
  	1:	Farbe des Over Effekts z.B. "#ff0000" - string
  	2:	Farbe des Mark Effeks - string
  	3:	Farbe des Over Effeks bei der Marked Row - string  
  	4:  Function die bei onClick aufgerufen wird - string
  	<tr class="grau" onMouseOver="myRow.over(this)" onMouseOut="myRow.out(this)" onClick="myRow.click(this)">
    <td>eine Zeile</td>
    <td><img src="einbild.gif"></td>
function MM_rowMark(overColor,markedColor,overMarked,onClick) 
  /** Properties **/    	
  this.overColor = overColor;
  this.markedColor = markedColor;
  this.overMarked = overMarked;
  /** Variables **/    	
  this.oldColor = "";
  this.markedRow = "";
  /** Methods **/    	
  this.over = MM_rowMark_over;
  this.out = MM_rowMark_out;
  this.click = MM_rowMark_click;
  /** Event Handler **/
  this.onClick = onClick;    	
function MM_rowMark_over(oRow)
  this.oldColor = oRow.style.backgroundColor;
  if (oRow.style.backgroundColor == this.markedColor)   
  	oRow.style.backgroundColor = this.overMarked;
  	oRow.style.backgroundColor = this.overColor;
function MM_rowMark_out(oRow)
  if (oRow.style.backgroundColor == this.markedColor)
  	oRow.style.backgroundColor = this.markedColor;
  	oRow.style.backgroundColor = this.oldColor;
function MM_rowMark_click(oRow)
  if (this.markedRow == "")
    oRow.style.backgroundColor = this.markedColor;
    this.markedRow = oRow;
    if (this.onClick != "")	
    this.markedRow.style.backgroundColor = this.oldColor;
    oRow.style.backgroundColor = this.markedColor;
    this.markedRow = oRow;
    if (this.onClick != "")

* Instanzieren der Javascript Klassen */
onload = init;

function init() {

  disk = new MM_rollOver("images/icons/diskette_out.gif","images/icons/diskette_over.gif");

  bedienung = new startImage("g_img");

  sicherheit = new startImage("g_img");

  skalierbarkeit = new startImage("g_img");

  administration = new startImage("g_img");

  kosten = new startImage("g_img");
  if (document.getElementById("sBody"))

  if (document.getElementById("qBody"))
  g = new MM_rowMark ("#BCC7D0","","","");

6. Im Layout muss natürlich noch das Javascript eingebunden werden.

Code: Alles auswählen

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">

        <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/format.css">

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/contenido.js">

7. Anpassen des Moduls:

Ausgabe der Cookies:
Im Modul werden die Seitentitel so wie in der Hauptnav. Ausgegeben. Möchte man
die Ausgabe der Headline so wie in der Artikelliste, bitte im Modul Output folgenden
Codeschnipsel ändern:

Code: Alles auswählen

--------------- original ------------

  $value = $db->f("value"); 

  $title = $db->f("title"); 

------------ geändert -------------------

  $value = $db->f("value"); 

  $title = $db->f("title"); 
Die Kategorie die fest ausgegeben wird kann geändert werden. In diesem Beispiel wird
im Modul Output die Kategorie 12 verwendet. Siehe Codeschnipsel aus dem Modul

Code: Alles auswählen

// select all articles in category widthout start article 
$query = "SELECT ARTLANG.idart, ARTLANG.idartlang, ARTLANG.title FROM $cfgTab_cat_art AS CATART, $cfgTab_art_lang AS ARTLANG ". 
         "WHERE CATART.idcat = '12' AND ARTLANG.idart = CATART.idart AND ARTLANG.idlang = '$lang' AND ". 
         "ARTLANG.online = '1' AND CATART.is_start = '0' ORDER BY CATART.idart"; 

// execute query 

// get id's of sub articles 
while ($db->next_record()) { 
// $articleid = $db->f("idartlang"); 
  $linkid = $db->f("idart"); 
  $head = $db->f("title"); 
  $l = "lang=";
   $link = $sess->url("front_content.php?client=$client&$l$lang&idcat=12&idart=$linkid&m=$m&s=$s"); 

P.S.: Die Datei Contenido.js kann um einige Funktionen gekürzt werden, aber vielleicht macht das ja ein Anderer, Ich wäre Begeistert. ;)

Viel Spass mit dem Modul :D

Beiträge: 239
Registriert: Mo 15. Sep 2003, 18:45

Re: Quickfinder Modul für v4.3.2

Beitrag von Snoopy » Di 2. Dez 2003, 15:54

Sorry es hat sich ein kleiner Fehler eingeschlichen.

Berichtigung siehe:


