Findet die Suche Treffer und im Suchwort ist ein Umlaut steht da:
Ihre Suche nach 'für' hat 6 Treffer ergeben.
Dann folgen die Treffer, hier ist für richtig.
Findet die Suche keine Treffer ist der Umlaut richtig:
Ihre Suche nach 'ändern' hat leider keine Treffer ergeben.
Was muss man im Output ändern? Jemand eine Idee?
Code: Alles auswählen
* Module-Output: Search_Output
* System properties in use:
* - Type: searchrange, Name: include, contains comma-separated list of categories to be included into search (sub-cats are included automatically)
* - Type: searchrange, Name: include_categories, contains additional comma-separated list of categories to be included into search (sub-cats are not included automatically)
* - Type: searchrange, Name: include_articles, contains additional comma-separated list of articles to be included into search
* - Type: searchrange, Name: searchable_articles, contains comma-separated list of articles to use for search (note: overwrites 'include', 'include_categories' and 'include_articles')
* Logical combination of search terms with AND or OR
* @author Willi Man, Murat Purc <>
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* @version 1.0.1
* $Id: Search_Output_output.php 14 2013-01-03 16:08:10Z murat $
// #################################################################################################
cInclude('includes', 'functions.api.string.php');
if (!is_object($tpl)) {
$tpl = new Template();
$modContext = new stdClass();
$modContext->oApiClient = new cApiClient($client);
$modContext->oUrl = Contenido_Url::getInstance();
$modContext->dbSearchOptions = array('regexp', 'like', 'exact');
$modContext->combineOptions = array('and', 'or', '');
$modContext->defaultCmsOptions = 'head,html,htmlhead,htmltext,text';
$modContext->defaultEmphasizeWith = '<strong>,</strong>';
// Some simple templates
$modContext->tplPageNavItemCurrent = '<span style="white-space:nowrap;"> <strong>%s</strong> </span>';
$modContext->tplPageNavItem = '<span style="white-space:nowrap;"> <a href="%s" title="%s. ' . mi18n("Ergebnisseite anzeigen") . '">%s</a> </span>';
$modContext->tplNextPage = ' <a style="margin-left:30px;" href="%s" title="' . mi18n("nächste Ergebnisseite anzeigen") . '">' . mi18n("vor") . '</a>';
$modContext->tplPreviousPage = '<a style="margin-right:30px;" href="%s" title="' . mi18n("vorherige Ergebnisseite anzeigen") . '">' . mi18n("zurück") . '</a> ';
// #################################################################################################
// (bool) Enable debugging
$modContext->debug = false;
// (array) List of category tree ids to limit the search
$modContext->cfgCategoryTree = $modContext->oApiClient->getProperty('searchrange', 'include');
if (!empty($modContext->cfgCategoryTree)) {
$modContext->cfgCategoryTree = explode(',', $modContext->cfgCategoryTree);
} else {
$modContext->cfgCategoryTree = null;
// (array) List of additional category ids to limit the search (in addition to 'cfgCategoryTree')
$modContext->cfgCategories = $modContext->oApiClient->getProperty('searchrange', 'include_categories');
if (!empty($modContext->cfgCategories)) {
$modContext->cfgCategories = explode(',', $modContext->cfgCategories);
} else {
$modContext->cfgCategories = null;
// (array) List of additional articles ids to limit the search (in addition to 'cfgCategoryTree')
$modContext->cfgArticles = $modContext->oApiClient->getProperty('searchrange', 'include_articles');
if (!empty($modContext->cfgArticles)) {
$modContext->cfgArticles = explode(',', $modContext->cfgArticles);
} else {
$modContext->cfgArticles = null;
// (array) List of article ids which should be searchable.
// NOTE: Overwrites settings 'cfgCategoryTree', 'cfgCategories' and 'cfgArticles'
$modContext->cfgSearchableArticles = $modContext->oApiClient->getProperty('searchrange', 'searchable_articles');
if (!empty($modContext->cfgSearchableArticles)) {
$modContext->cfgSearchableArticles = explode(',', $modContext->cfgSearchableArticles);
} else {
$modContext->cfgSearchableArticles = null;
// (int) Number of search results to display per page
$modContext->cfgItemsPerPage = "CMS_VALUE[1]";
if ((int) $modContext->cfgItemsPerPage < 1) {
$modContext->cfgItemsPerPage = 10;
// (int) Max length of text to display (headline, subheadline and teasertext)
$modContext->cfgMaxLengthTeasertext = "CMS_VALUE[2]";
if ((int) $modContext->cfgMaxLengthTeasertext < 1) {
$modContext->cfgMaxLengthTeasertext = 200;
// (string) Type of db search, feasible values are 'regexp', 'like' or 'exact'
$modContext->cfgDbSearchOption = "CMS_VALUE[3]";
if (!in_array($modContext->dbSearchOption, $modContext->dbSearchOptions)) {
$modContext->cfgDbSearchOption = 'regexp';
// (string) Specify and/or search, if searchterm contains more than one word.
$modContext->cfgCombine = "CMS_VALUE[4]";
if (!in_array($modContext->combine, $modContext->combineOptions)) {
$modContext->cfgCombine = '';
// (bool) Searchrange specified in 'categoryTree', 'cfgCategories' and 'cfgArticles' is excluded, otherwise included (exclusive)
$modContext->cfgExclude = ("CMS_VALUE[5]" == "1") ? true : false;
// (bool) Search offline articles or articles in categories which are offline.
// If eanbled, it searches only in items with active 'visible' and 'online' state.
$modContext->cfgDontShowOfflineArticles = ("CMS_VALUE[6]" == "1") ? true : false;
// (bool) Don't search articles or articles in categories which are offline or protected.
// If eanbled, it overwrites the setting 'dontShowOfflineArticles'.
$modContext->cfgProtected = ("CMS_VALUE[7]" == "1") ? true : false;
// (array) Search only in these cms-types (entries in lower case and without the 'cms_' prefix)
$modContext->cfgCmsOptions = "CMS_VALUE[8]";
if (empty($modContext->cfgCmsOptions)) {
$modContext->cfgCmsOptions = $modContext->defaultCmsOptions;
$modContext->cfgCmsOptions = explode(',', $modContext->cfgCmsOptions);
// (array) HTML tags (start and end) to emphasize the located searchterm in search results
$modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith = "CMS_VALUE[9]";
if (empty($modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith)) {
$modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith = $modContext->defaultEmphasizeWith;
$modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith = explode(',', $modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith);
// #################################################################################################
if (!function_exists('module_searchOutput_getArticleSpecification')) {
* Get specification of an article
* @param int $articleId Article id
* @param int $langId Language id
* @return int|bool Id of article specification or false
function module_searchOutput_getArticleSpecification($articleId, $langId) {
global $db, $cfg;
$sql = "SELECT artspec FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_lang'] . " WHERE"
. " idart = " . (int) $articleId . " AND idlang = " . (int) $langId;
return ($db->next_record()) ? $db->f('artspec') : false;
// #################################################################################################
if ($modContext->debug) {
echo '<pre>Settings: ';
foreach ($modContext as $var => $value) {
if (0 === strpos($var, 'cfg')) {
echo "$var: " . print_r($value, true) . "\n";
echo '</pre>';
// Get search term and pre-process it
$searchTerm = '';
if (!empty($_GET['searchterm'])) {
$searchTerm = urldecode(conHtmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_GET['searchterm']))));
} elseif (!empty($_POST['searchterm'])) {
$searchTerm = urldecode(conHtmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['searchterm']))));
$searchTerm = str_replace(' + ', ' AND ', $searchTerm);
$searchTerm = str_replace(' - ', ' NOT ', $searchTerm);
$searchTermDisplay = $searchTerm;
// Get all article specs
$sql = "SELECT idartspec, artspec FROM " . $cfg['tab']['art_spec'] . " WHERE "
. "client = $client AND lang = $lang AND online = 1";
$aArtSpecs = array();
while ($db->next_record()) {
$aArtSpecs[] = $db->f('idartspec');
$aArtSpecs[] = 0;
if (strlen(trim($searchTerm)) > 0) {
// Parse search term and set search options
$searchTerm = conHtmlEntityDecode($searchTerm);
if (empty($modContext->cfgCombine)) {
$modContext->cfgCombine = (stristr($searchTerm, ' or ') === false) ? 'and' : 'or';
$searchTerm = str_replace(' and ', ' ', strtolower($searchTerm));
$searchTerm = str_replace(' or ', ' ', strtolower($searchTerm));
// Instantiate search with some options
$options = array(
'db' => $modContext->cfgDbSearchOption,
'combine' => $modContext->cfgCombine,
'exclude' => $modContext->cfgExclude,
'cat_tree' => $modContext->cfgCategoryTree,
'categories' => $modContext->cfgCategories,
'articles' => $modContext->cfgArticles,
'searchable_articles' => $modContext->cfgSearchableArticles,
'artspecs' => $aArtSpecs, // array of article specifications => search only articles with these artspecs
'protected' => $modContext->cfgProtected,
'dontshowofflinearticles' => $modContext->cfgDontShowOfflineArticles
$search = new Search($options);
// Execute search
$aSearchResults = $search->searchIndex($searchTerm, '');
// Build results page
if (count($aSearchResults) > 0) {
$tpl->set('s', 'result_page', mi18n("Ergebnis-Seite") . ':');
// Build meessage
$message = sprintf("%s '%s' %s:", mi18n("Ihre Suche nach"), conHtmlSpecialChars(strip_tags($searchTermDisplay)), mi18n("hat $$$ Treffer ergeben"));
$message = str_replace('$$$', count($aSearchResults), $message);
$tpl->set('s', 'MESSAGE', $message);
// Get search results, number of results per page and pages
$oSearchResults = new SearchResult($aSearchResults, $modContext->cfgItemsPerPage);
$iNumberOfResults = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfResults();
$iNumberOfPages = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfPages();
$oSearchResults->setReplacement($modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith[0], $modContext->cfgEmphasizeWith[1]);
// Get current result page
$page = (!empty($_GET['page']) && (int) $_GET['page'] > 0) ? $_GET['page'] : 1;
$aResPage = $oSearchResults->getSearchResultPage($page);
// Build result pages navigation
$pagesNav = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $iNumberOfPages; $i++) {
// This is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
$aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchTermDisplay, 'page' => ($i . $sArtSpecs));
} else {
$aParams = array(
'search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchTermDisplay, 'page' => ($i . $sArtSpecs)),
'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
'level' => 1 // needed to build category path
try {
$url = $modContext->oUrl->build($aParams);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$url = $sess->url('front_content.php?idcat=' . $idcat . '&idart=' . $idart . '&searchterm=' . $searchTermDisplay . '&page=' . $i . $sArtSpecs);
if ($i == $page) {
$pagesNav .= sprintf($modContext->tplPageNavItemCurrent, $i);
} else {
$pagesNav .= sprintf($modContext->tplPageNavItem, $url, $i, $i);
$tpl->set('s', 'PAGES', $pagesNav);
// Build link to next result page
if ($page < $iNumberOfPages) {
$n = $page + 1;
// This is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
$aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchTermDisplay, 'page' => ($n . $sArtSpecs));
} else {
$aParams = array(
'search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchTermDisplay, 'page' => ($n . $sArtSpecs)),
'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
'level' => 1 // needed to build category path
try {
$url = $modContext->oUrl->build($aParams);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$url = $sess->url('front_content.php?idcat=' . $idcat . '&idart=' . $idart . '&searchterm=' . $searchTerm . '&page=' . $n . $sArtSpecs);
$nextpage .= sprintf($modContext->tplNextPage, $url);
$tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', $nextpage);
} else {
$tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', '<span style="color:#4989C4; margin-left:30px;">›</span>');
// Build link to previous result page
if ($page > 1) {
$p = $page - 1;
// This is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
$aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchTermDisplay, 'page' => ($p . $sArtSpecs));
} else {
$aParams = array(
'search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchTermDisplay, 'page' => ($p . $sArtSpecs)),
'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
'level' => 1 // needed to build category path
try {
$url = $modContext->oUrl->build($aParams);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$url = $sess->url('front_content.php?idcat=' . $idcat . '&idart=' . $idart . '&searchterm=' . $searchTerm . '&page=' . $p . $sArtSpecs);
$prevpage .= sprintf($modContext->tplPreviousPage, $url);
$tpl->set('s', 'PREV', $prevpage);
} else {
$tpl->set('s', 'PREV', '<span style="color:#4989C4; margin-right:30px;">‹</span>');
if (count($aResPage) > 0) {
$i = 1;
// Build single search result on result page
foreach ($aResPage as $key => $val) {
$num = $i + (($page - 1) * $modContext->cfgItemsPerPage);
$oArt = new Article($key, $client, $lang);
// Get publishing date of article
$sPublished = $oArt->getField('published');
$sPublishedBy = trim(strip_tags($oArt->getContent('HEAD', 90)));
if ($sPublishedBy != '') {
$sPublishedDate = '[' . $sPublishedBy . ']';
} else {
$sPublishedDate = '';
if ($sPublished[8] != '0') {
$sPublishedDate .= $sPublished[8];
$sPublishedDate .= $sPublished[9] . '.';
if ($sPublished[5] != '0') {
$sPublishedDate .= $sPublished[5];
$sPublishedDate .= $sPublished[6] . '.' . $sPublished[0] . $sPublished[1] . $sPublished[2] . $sPublished[3] . ']';
$sPublishedDate = '[' . $sPublishedDate;
// Get text and headline of current article
$iCurrentArtSpec = module_searchOutput_getArticleSpecification($key, $lang);
$aHeadline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTMLHEAD', 1);
$aSubheadline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTMLHEAD', 2);
$aText = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTML', 1);
$sText = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aText[0], $modContext->cfgMaxLengthTeasertext);
$sHeadline = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aHeadline[0], $modContext->cfgMaxLengthTeasertext); # lars conflict with capiStrTrimAfterWord and setReplacement('<strong>', '</strong>')
$sSubHeadline = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aSubheadline[0], $modContext->cfgMaxLengthTeasertext);
$iCategoryId = $oSearchResults->getArtCat($key);
$fSimilarity = sprintf('%.0f', $oSearchResults->getSimilarity($key));
// Send output to template
// This is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
$aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $iCategoryId, 'idart' => $key);
} else {
$aParams = array(
'search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $iCategoryId, 'idart' => $key),
'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
'level' => 1 // needed to build category path
try {
$sHref = $modContext->oUrl->build($aParams);
} catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$sHref = $sess->url("front_content.php?idcat=$iCategoryId&idart=$key");
$tpl->set('d', 'more', mi18n("mehr"));
$tpl->set('d', 'HREF', $sHref);
$tpl->set('d', 'TITLE', mi18n("Link zu Suchergebnis") . ' ' . $i);
$tpl->set('d', 'NUM', $num);
$tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', $sHeadline);
$tpl->set('d', 'HEADLINE', $sText);
$tpl->set('d', 'SUBHEADLINE', $sSubHeadline);
$tpl->set('d', 'SIMILARITY', $fSimilarity);
$tpl->set('d', 'TARGET', '_self');
$tpl->set('d', 'PUB_DATE', $sPublishedDate);
} else {
// No results
$tpl->set('s', 'MESSAGE', mi18n("Ihre Suche nach") . " '" . conHtmlSpecialChars(strip_tags($searchTerm)) . "' " . mi18n("hat leider keine Treffer ergeben") . '.');
$tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', '');
$tpl->set('s', 'PREV', '');
$tpl->set('s', 'PAGES', '');
$tpl->set('s', 'result_page', '');
} else {
echo '<div id="searchResults">';
echo '<h1>' . mi18n("Keine Suchergebnisse - Bitte suchen Sie über das Sucheingabefeld!") . '</h1>';
echo '</div>';