Suchmodul-Ausgabe: Reihenfolge der Sortierung ändern?

Beiträge: 102
Registriert: Fr 27. Aug 2004, 15:37

Suchmodul-Ausgabe: Reihenfolge der Sortierung ändern?

Beitrag von dosenbrot » Sa 24. Sep 2011, 19:47

Hallo liebe Leute!

Auch nach intensiver Suche hier im Forum und Ansicht des Standard-Suchmoduls und der komme ich leider nicht weiter.

Ich würde gerne die Ergebnisse nach Erstelldatum des Artikels sortieren lassen, wobei der neueste Artikel in der Suchtrefferliste ganz oben stehen sollte.

Scheinbar sind hierfür ein paar Erweiterungen notwendig?
Hat jemand eine Lösung?

Danke und beste Grüße

Spider IT
Beiträge: 1416
Registriert: Fr 3. Dez 2004, 10:15

Re: Suchmodul-Ausgabe: Reihenfolge der Sortierung ändern?

Beitrag von Spider IT » So 25. Sep 2011, 09:54

Hallo dosenbrot,

ohne mir das angesehen zu haben:
  • Erstelldatum in Array der Suchergebnisse mit aufnehmen
  • Array der Suchergebnisse per array_multisort() hiernach sortieren (siehe PHP Manual, insbesondere Beispiel #3 Datenbankdaten sortieren)

Beiträge: 102
Registriert: Fr 27. Aug 2004, 15:37

Re: Suchmodul-Ausgabe: Reihenfolge der Sortierung ändern?

Beitrag von dosenbrot » So 25. Sep 2011, 17:56

Ich komme an der Stelle leider nicht weiter.

Das Suchmodul (Ausgabe) lautet wie folgt:

Code: Alles auswählen

* $RCSfile$
* Description: Search output box
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Willi Man
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2004-05-04
* modified 2005-07-12 Andreas Lindner
* modified 2008-04-11 Rudi Bieller
* modified 2008-05-06 Rudi Bieller Added CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT; Fixed <nobr> to be xhtml compliant;
*                       Removed $action, $sCatName = getCategoryName($cat_id, $db); which was not used at all and 
*                       added a default output in case article/module was called directly (strlen(trim($searchterm)) == 0)
* }}
* $Id$

#System properties in use:
#Type: searchrange, Name: include
#Contains comma-separated list of cats to be included into search (sub-cats are included automatically)

#Logical combination of search terms with AND or OR


cInclude('classes', '');
cInclude('classes', 'class.artspec.php');
cInclude('classes', 'class.template.php');
cInclude('includes', 'functions.api.string.php');
cInclude('classes', 'class.article.php');

#Initiliaze template object
if (!is_object($tpl)) {
    $tpl = new Template;

$oArticleProp = new Article_Property($db, $cfg);
$iArtspecReference = 2;

$cApiClient = new cApiClient($client);
$sSearchRange = $cApiClient->getProperty('searchrange', 'include');
$aSearchRange = explode(',', $sSearchRange);

#Multilingual settings
$sYourSearchFor = mi18n("Das <strong>Thema");
$sMore = mi18n("mehr");
$sKeyheadline = mi18n("Thema");

#Get search term and pre-process it
if (isset ($_GET['searchterm'])) {
    $searchterm = urldecode(htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_GET['searchterm']))));
elseif (isset ($_POST['searchterm'])) {
    $searchterm = urldecode(htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['searchterm']))));
$searchterm = str_replace(' + ', ' AND ', $searchterm);
$searchterm = str_replace(' - ', ' NOT ', $searchterm);
$searchterm_display = $searchterm;

#Get all article specs
$sql = "SELECT
        idartspec, artspec
        client=$client AND
        lang=$lang AND

$rows = $db->num_rows();
$aArtspecOnline = array ();
$aArtSpecs = array ();
$c = 1;
$d = 1;
$e = 1;
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $aArtSpecs[] = $db->f('idartspec');
$aArtSpecs[] = 0;

if (strlen(trim($searchterm)) > 0) {
    #Fix for PHP < 4.3
    if( !function_exists( 'html_entity_decode' ) )
        function html_entity_decode( $given_html, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES )
            $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style ));
            $trans_table['''] = "'";
            return ( strtr( $given_html, $trans_table ) );

    #Parse search term and set search options
    $searchterm = html_entity_decode($searchterm);

    if (stristr($searchterm, ' or ') === FALSE) {
        $combine = 'and';
    } else {
        $combine = 'or';
    $searchterm = str_replace(' and ', ' ', strtolower($searchterm));
    $searchterm = str_replace(' or ', ' ', strtolower($searchterm));

        $options = array ('db' => 'regexp', // use db function regexp
        'combine' => $combine, // combine searchterms with and
        'exclude' => false, // => searchrange specified in 'cat_tree', 'categories' and 'articles' is excluded, otherwise included (exclusive)
        'cat_tree' => $aSearchRange, // searchrange 
        'artspecs' => $aArtSpecs, // array of article specifications => search only articles with these artspecs
    'protected' => true); // => do not search articles or articles in categories which are offline or protected

    $search = new Search($options);

    $cms_options = array ("head", "html", "htmlhead", "htmltext", "text"); // search only in these cms-types

    #Execute search
    $aSearchResults = $search->searchIndex($searchterm, ''); 

    #Build results page
    if (count($aSearchResults) > 0) {
        $tpl->set('s', 'result_page', mi18n("Ergebnis-Seite").':');

        #Build meessage
        $message = $sYourSearchFor." ".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($searchterm_display))." ".mi18n("</strong> wurde $$$ mal gefunden").":<div class=\"trenner_schatten_unten\"></div>
        $message = str_replace('$$$', count($aSearchResults), $message);
        $tpl->set('s', 'MESSAGE', $message);
        #Build keyword headline
        $keyheadline = $sKeyheadline." ".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($searchterm_display))." ".mi18n("").":";
        $keyheadline = str_replace('$$$', count($aSearchResults), $keyheadline);
        $tpl->set('s', 'KEYHEADLINE', $keyheadline);

        #Number of results per page
        $number_of_results = CON_SEARCH_ITEMSPERPAGE;
        $oSearchResults = new SearchResult($aSearchResults, $number_of_results);

        $num_res = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfResults() + $pdf_count;
        $num_pages = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfPages();
        $oSearchResults->setReplacement('<strong>', '</strong>'); // html-tags to emphasize the located searchterms

        #Get current result page
        if (isset ($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] > 0) {
            $page = $_GET['page'];
            $res_page = $oSearchResults->getSearchResultPage($page);
        } else {
            $page = 1;
            $res_page = $oSearchResults->getSearchResultPage($page);

        #Build links to other result pages
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i ++) {
            // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
            if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
                $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($i.$sArtSpecs));
            } else {
                $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($i.$sArtSpecs)), 
                                'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
            try {
                $nextlink = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $nextlink = $sess->url('seite'.$i.'-thema-'.$searchterm_display.'.html');
            if ($i == $page) {
                $nextlinks .= ' '.$i.' ';
            } else {
                $nextlinks .= '<a href="'.$nextlink.'" title="'.$i.'. '.mi18n("Ergebnisseite anzeigen").'">'.$i.'</a>';
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGES', $nextlinks);

        #Build link to next result page
        if ($page < $num_pages) {
            $n = $page +1;
            // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
            if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
                $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($n.$sArtSpecs));
            } else {
                $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($n.$sArtSpecs)), 
                                'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
            try {
                $next = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $next = $sess->url('seite'.$n.'-thema-'.$searchterm_display.'.html');
            $nextpage .= '&nbsp;<a href="'.$next.'" title="'.mi18n("nächste Ergebnisseite anzeigen").'">'.mi18n("vor").'&nbsp;&nbsp;<img src="images/link_pfeil_klein.gif" alt="" /></a>';
            $tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', $nextpage);
        } else {
            $tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', '');

        #Build link to previous result page
        if ($page > 1) {
            $p = $page -1;
            // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
            if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
                $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($p.$sArtSpecs));
            } else {
                $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($p.$sArtSpecs)), 
                                'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
            try {
                $pre = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $pre = $sess->url('seite'.$p.'-thema-'.$searchterm_display.'.html');
            $prevpage .= '<a href="'.$pre.'" title="'.mi18n("vorherige Ergebnisseite anzeigen").'"><img src="images/link_pfeil_klein_links.gif" alt="" />&nbsp;&nbsp;'.mi18n("zurück").'</a>&nbsp;';
            $tpl->set('s', 'PREV', $prevpage);
        } else {
            $tpl->set('s', 'PREV', '');

        if (count($res_page) > 0) {
            $i = 1;
            #Build single search result on result page
            foreach ($res_page as $key => $val) {
                $num = $i + (($page -1) * $number_of_results);
                $oArt = new Article($key, $client, $lang);
                #Get publishing date of article
                $pub_system = $oArt->getField('published');
                $pub_user = trim(strip_tags($oArt->getContent('HEAD', 90)));
                if ($pub_user != '') {
                    $show_pub_date = "[".$pub_user."]";
                } else {
                    $show_pub_date = '';
                    if ($pub_system[8] != '0') {
                        $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[8];
                    $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[9].'.';
                    if ($pub_system[5] != '0') {
                        $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[5];
                    $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[6].".".$pub_system[0].$pub_system[1].$pub_system[2].$pub_system[3]."]";
                    $show_pub_date = "[".$show_pub_date;
                #Get text and headline of current article
                $iCurrentArtSpec = $oArticleProp->getArticleSpecification($key, $lang);
                $aHeadline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTMLHEAD', 1);
                $aSubheadline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTMLHEAD', 2);
                $text = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTML', 1);
                $text = capiStrTrimAfterWord($text[0], CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT);
                $headline = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aHeadline[0], CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT); # conflict with capiStrTrimAfterWord and setReplacement('<strong>', '</strong>')
                $subheadline = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aSubheadline[0], CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT);
                $cat_id = $oSearchResults->getArtCat($key);
                $similarity = $oSearchResults->getSimilarity($key);

                $similarity = sprintf("%.0f", $similarity);

                #Send output to template
                // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
                if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content' || $cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'MR') {
                    $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $cat_id, 'idart' => $key);
                } else {
                    $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $cat_id, 'idart' => $key), 
                                    'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                    'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                    'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
                try {
                    $href = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
                } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                    $href = $sess->url("front_content.php?idcat=$cat_id&idart=$key");
                $tpl->set('d', 'more', $sMore);
                $tpl->set('d', 'HREF', $href);
                $tpl->set('d', 'TITLE', mi18n("Link zu Suchergebnis").' '.$i);
                $tpl->set('d', 'NUM', $num);
                $tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', $headline);
                $tpl->set('d', 'CATNAMET', str_replace(array('"', '<strong>', '</strong>'), array(''), $headline));
                $tpl->set('d', 'HEADLINE', $text);
                $tpl->set('d', 'SUBHEADLINE', $subheadline);
                $tpl->set('d', 'SIMILARITY', $similarity);
                $tpl->set('d', 'TARGET', '_self');
                $tpl->set('d', 'PUB_DATE', $show_pub_date);
                $i ++;

    } else {
        #No results
        $tpl->set('s', 'MESSAGE', $sYourSearchFor." ".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($searchterm))." ".mi18n("</strong> ist derzeit nicht vorhanden").".");
        $tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', '');
        $tpl->set('s', 'PREV', '');
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGES', '');
        $tpl->set('s', 'KEYHEADLINE', "Thema $searchterm");
        $tpl->set('s', 'result_page', '');

} else {
    echo '<div id="searchResults">';
    echo '<h1>'.mi18n("Keine Suchergebnisse - Bitte suchen Sie über das Sucheingabefeld!").'</h1>';
    echo '</div>';

class Article_Property {
    var $globalConfig;
    var $oDBInstance;

     * Constructor
     * Hint: Call constructor with Article_Property($db, $cfg);
     * @param  oDBInstance instance of class DB_Contenido
     * @param  globalConfig 
    function Article_Property($oDBInstance, $globalConfig) {
        $this->globalConfig = $globalConfig;
        $this->oDBInstance = $oDBInstance;

     * Get specification of an article
     * @param   $iArticleId
     * @return  id of article specification 
    function getArticleSpecification($iArticleId, $iLangId) {

        $sqlString = "   
                        idart = '".$iArticleId."' AND
                        idlang = '".$iLangId."'

        #echo "<pre>$sqlString</pre>";

        if ($this->oDBInstance->next_record()) {
            return $this->oDBInstance->f('artspec');
        } else {
            return false;

Beiträge: 102
Registriert: Fr 27. Aug 2004, 15:37

Re: Suchmodul-Ausgabe: Reihenfolge der Sortierung ändern?

Beitrag von dosenbrot » So 25. Sep 2011, 17:56

Die folgendermaßen:

Code: Alles auswählen

 * Project: 
 * Contenido Content Management System
 * Description: 
 * API to index a contenido article
 * API to search in the index structure
 * API to display the searchresults
 * Requirements: 
 * @con_php_req 5.0
 * @package    Contenido Backend classes
 * @version    1.0.1
 * @author     Willi Man
 * @copyright  four for business AG <>
 * @license
 * @link
 * @link
 * @since      file available since contenido release <= 4.6
 * {@internal 
 *   created 2004-01-15
 *   modified 2008-06-30, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
 *   modified 2008-07-11, Dominik Ziegler, marked class search_helper as deprecated
 *   modified 2008-11-12, Andreas Lindner, add special treatment for iso-8859-2    
 *   $Id: 873 2008-11-12 09:18:50Z andreas.lindner $: 
 * }}

if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
	die('Illegal call');

 * Contenido API - Index Object
 * This object creates an index of an article
 * Create object with
 * $oIndex = new Index($db); # where $db is the global Contenido database object.
 * Start indexing with
 * $oIndex->start($idart, $aContent);
 * where $aContent is the complete content of an article specified by its content types.
 * It looks like
 * Array
 * (
 *    [CMS_HTMLHEAD] => Array
 *        (
 *            [1] => Herzlich Willkommen...
 *            [2] => ...auf Ihrer Website!
 *        )
 *    [CMS_HTML] => Array
 *        (
 *            [1] => Die Inhalte auf dieser Website ...
 * The index for keyword 'willkommen' would look like '&12=1(CMS_HTMLHEAD-1)' which means the keyword 'willkommen' occurs 1 times in article with articleId 12 and content type CMS_HTMLHEAD[1].
 * TODO: The basic idea of the indexing process is to take the complete content of an article and to generate normalized index terms 
 * from the content and to store a specific index structure in the relation 'con_keywords'.
 * To take the complete content is not very flexible. It would be better to differentiate by specific content types or by any content.
 * The &, =, () and - seperated string is not easy to parse to compute the search result set. 
 * It would be a better idea (and a lot of work) to extend the relation 'con_keywords' to store keywords by articleId (or content source identifier) and content type.
 * The functions removeSpecialChars, setStopwords, setContentTypes and setCmsOptions should be sourced out into a new helper-class.
 * Keep in mind that class Search and SearchResult uses an instance of object Index.
 * Consider character tables in relation 'con_chartable'.

cInclude('includes', 'functions.encoding.php');
class Index
     * the content of the cms-types of an article 
     * @var array
    var $keycode = array();
     * the list of keywords of an article
     * @var array
    var $keywords = array();

     * the words, which should not be indexed 
     * @var array
    var $stopwords = array();
     * the keywords of an article stored in the DB
     * @var array
    var $keywords_old = array();
     * the keywords to be deleted
     * @var array
    var $keywords_del = array();
     * article id
     * @var int 
    var $idart;
     * 'auto' or 'self'
	 * The field 'auto' in table con_keywords is used for automatic indexing.
	 * The value is a string like "&12=2(CMS_HTMLHEAD-1,CMS_HTML-1)", which means a keyword occurs 2 times in article with $idart 12
 	 * and can be found in CMS_HTMLHEAD[1] and CMS_HTML[1].
	 * The field 'self' can be used in the article properties to index the article manually.
     * @var string
    var $place;
     * language of a client
     * @var int
    var $lang;
     * Contenido database object
     * @var object
    var $db;
     * configuration data
     * @var array
    var $cfg;
     * array of cms types
     * @var array
    var $cms_options = array(); 
     * array of all available cms types
     * htmlhead		- HTML Headline
     * html			- HTML Text
     * head  		- Headline (no HTML)
     * text			- Text (no HTML)
     * img			- Upload id of the element 
     * imgdescr		- Image description
     * link			- Link (URL)
     * linktarget	- Linktarget (_self, _blank, _top ...)
     * linkdescr	- Linkdescription
     * swf			- Upload id of the element	
     * etc.
     * @var array
    var $cms_type = array();
     * the suffix of all available cms types
     * @var array
    var $cms_type_suffix = array();
     * @var boolean
    var $bDebug;
     * Constructor
     * set object properties
     * @param $oDB Contenido Database object
     * @return void
    function Index($oDB = false)
    	# TODO: avoid globals 
	    global $cfg, $lang;
    	$this->cfg = $cfg;
    	$this->lang = $lang;
    	$this->bDebug = false;
    	if ($oDB == false)
			$this->db = new DB_Contenido;
    		$this->db = &$oDB;

	 * start indexing the article
     * @param int $idart Article Id
     * @param array $aContent The complete content of an article specified by its content types.
	 * It looks like
	 * Array
	 * (
	 *    [CMS_HTMLHEAD] => Array
	 *        (
	 *            [1] => Herzlich Willkommen...
	 *            [2] => ...auf Ihrer Website!
	 *        )
	 *    [CMS_HTML] => Array
	 *        (
	 *            [1] => Die Inhalte auf dieser Website ...
     * @param string $place The field where to store the index information in db.
     * @param array $cms_options One can specify explicitly cms types which should not be indexed.
     * @param arary $aStopwords Array with words which should not be indexed.
     * @return void
    function start($idart, $aContent, $place = 'auto', $cms_options = array(), $aStopwords = array())

		if (!is_int((int)$idart) OR $idart < 0) {
			return NULL;
		} else {
		    $this->idart = $idart;

		$this->place = $place;
		$this->keycode = $aContent;

		$new_keys = array_keys($this->keywords);
		$old_keys = array_keys($this->keywords_old);
		$this->keywords_del = array_diff($old_keys, $new_keys);

		if (count($this->keywords_del) > 0)


	 * for each cms-type create index structure.
	 * it looks like
	 * Array
	 * (
	 *	    [die] => CMS_HTML-1 
	 *	    [inhalte] => CMS_HTML-1 
	 *	    [auf] => CMS_HTML-1 CMS_HTMLHEAD-2 
	 *	    [dieser] => CMS_HTML-1 
	 *	    [website] => CMS_HTML-1 CMS_HTML-1 CMS_HTMLHEAD-2 
	 * )
     * @param none
     * @return void
    function createKeywords()
	    $tmp_keys = array();
		$replace = array("&nbsp;", "&", "<", ">", """, "'");
		if (is_array($this->keycode)) // Only create keycodes, if some are available
		    foreach($this->keycode as $idtype => $data)
				if ($this->checkCmsType($idtype))
	          		foreach($data as $typeid => $code)
			  			if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>code<br>"; print($code); "</pre>";}
	              		$code = stripslashes($code); // remove backslash
	              		$code = str_ireplace(array('<br>', '<br />'), "\n", $code); // replace HTML line breaks with newlines
	              		$code = strip_tags($code); // remove html tags
				  		if (function_exists('html_entity_decode'))

				/* Workaround for a PHP 4.3.0 bug */	                    	
	                    	if (strlen($code) > 0)
	                    		$code = html_entity_decode($code);
	                    	$code = str_replace($replace, " ", $code); 
	                    if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>code<br>"; print($code); "</pre>";}
				  		$tmp_keys = preg_split("/[\s,]+/",trim($code)); // split content by any number of commas or space characters
						if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print_r($tmp_keys); "</pre>";}
				  		foreach($tmp_keys as $value)
							$value = strtolower($value); // index terms are stored with lower case
					  		if (!in_array($value, $this->stopwords)) // eliminate stopwords
						  		$value = $this->removeSpecialChars($value);
						  		if (strlen($value) > 1) // do not index single characters
									$this->keywords[$value] =  $this->keywords[$value] . $idtype."-".$typeid." ";
							} // end if
				  		} // end foreach
			  		} // end foreach
			  	} // end if
			} // end foreach
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>keys<br>"; print_r($this->keywords); "</pre>";}
	 * generate index_string from index structure and save keywords
	 * The index_string looks like "&12=2(CMS_HTMLHEAD-1,CMS_HTML-1)"
	 * @return void
    function saveKeywords()
		$tmp_count = array();
	    foreach($this->keywords as $keyword => $count)
			$tmp_count = preg_split("/[\s]/",trim($count));
			if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print_r($tmp_count); "</pre>";}
			$occurrence = count($tmp_count);
			$tmp_count = array_unique($tmp_count);
			$cms_types = implode(",", $tmp_count);
			$index_string = '&'.$this->idart.'='.$occurrence.'('.$cms_types.')';
			if (!array_key_exists($keyword, $this->keywords_old)) {// if keyword is new, save index information

				$nextid = $this->db->nextid($this->cfg['tab']['keywords']);

				$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$this->cfg['tab']['keywords']." 
					(keyword, ".$this->place.", idlang, idkeyword) 
					('".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($keyword, $this->db)."', '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($index_string, $this->db)."', ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang).", ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($nextid).")";	

				if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre>";}

			}else // if keyword allready exists, create new index_string 
			  	if (preg_match ("/&$this->idart=/", $this->keywords_old[$keyword])) 
				  	$index_string = preg_replace ("/&$this->idart=[0-9]+\([\w-,]+\)/",  $index_string, $this->keywords_old[$keyword]);
				  	$index_string = $this->keywords_old[$keyword] . $index_string;

             	$sql = "UPDATE ".$this->cfg['tab']['keywords']." 
                     	SET ".$this->place." = '".$index_string."' 
                     	WHERE idlang='".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."' AND keyword='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($keyword, $this->db)."'";
				if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre>";}
	 * if keywords don't occur in the article anymore, update index_string and delete keyword if necessary
	 * @param none
	 * @return void
    function deleteKeywords()
	    foreach($this->keywords_del as $key_del)
		  	$index_string = preg_replace ("/&$this->idart=[0-9]+\([\w-,]+\)/", "", $this->keywords_old[$key_del]);
			if (strlen($index_string) == 0) // keyword is not referenced by any article
			  	$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$this->cfg['tab']['keywords']." 
                      	WHERE idlang='".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."' AND keyword='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($key_del, $this->db)."'";			 
				if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre>";}

              	$sql = "UPDATE ".$this->cfg['tab']['keywords']." 
                      	SET ".$this->place." = '".$index_string."' 
                      	WHERE idlang='".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."' AND keyword='".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($key_del, $this->db)."'";
				if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre>";}


	 * get the keywords of an article
	 * @param none
	 * @return void
    function  getKeywords()
	  	$keys = implode("','", array_keys($this->keywords));
	  	$sql = "SELECT 
		          	keyword, auto, self
		          	idlang=".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."  AND
		          	(keyword IN ('".$keys."')  OR ".$this->place." REGEXP '&".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->idart)."=')";
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre>";}

	  	$place = $this->place;

	  	while ($this->db->next_record())
		  	$this->keywords_old[$this->db->f('keyword')] = $this->db->f($place);
	 * remove special characters from index term
	 * @param $key Keyword
	 * @return $key 
    function removeSpecialChars ($key)
	  	$special_chars = array("-", "_", "'", ".", "!", "\"", "#", "$", "%", "&", "(", ")", 
							   "*", "+", ",", "/", ":", ";", "<", "=", ">", "?", "@", "[", 
							   "\\", "]", "^", "`", "{", "|", "}", "~");

	  	for($i = 127; $i < 192; $i++)
			array_push($special_chars, chr($i));  // some other special characters

	  	 * TODO: The transformation of accented characters must depend on the selected encoding of the language of
		 * a client and should not be treated in this method.
	  	 * modified 2007-10-01, H. Librenz - added as hotfix for encoding problems (doesn't find any words with
	  	 * 									 umlaut vowels in it since you turn on UTF-8 as language encoding)
		$sEncoding = getEncodingByLanguage($this->db, $this->lang, $this->cfg);
		if (strtolower($sEncoding) != 'iso-8859-2') {
			$key = htmlentities($key, NULL, $sEncoding);
		} else {
			$key = htmlentities_iso88592($key);

        $aUmlautMap = array (
            '&Uuml;'    => 'ue',
            '&uuml;'    => 'ue',
            '&Auml;'    => 'ae',
            '&auml;'    => 'ae',
            '&Ouml;'    => 'oe',
            '&ouml;'    => 'oe',
            '&szlig;'    => 'ss'
        foreach ($aUmlautMap as $sUmlaut => $sMapped) {
            $key = str_replace($sUmlaut, $sMapped, $key);

        $key = html_entity_decode($key);
	  	$key = str_replace($special_chars, "", $key);
		return $key;

      * @modified 2008-04-17, Timo Trautmann - reverse function to removeSpecialChars 
      *                                        (important for syntaxhighlighting searchterm in searchresults)
	 * adds umlauts to search term
	 * @param $key Keyword
	 * @return $key 
    function addSpecialUmlauts ($key) {
        $key = htmlentities($key, NULL, getEncodingByLanguage($this->db, $this->lang, $this->cfg));
        $aUmlautMap = array (
            'ue'    => '&Uuml;',
            'ue'    => '&uuml;',
            'ae'    => '&Auml;',
            'ae'    => '&auml;',
            'oe'    => '&Ouml;',
            'oe'    => '&ouml;',
            'ss'    => '&szlig;'
        foreach ($aUmlautMap as $sUmlaut => $sMapped) {
            $key = str_replace($sUmlaut, $sMapped, $key);

        $key = html_entity_decode($key); 
        return $key;
	 * set the array of stopwords which should not be indexed
	 * @param array $aStopwords 
	 * @return void
    function  setStopwords ($aStopwords)
		if (is_array($aStopwords) AND count($aStopwords) > 0)
	  	    $this->stopwords = $aStopwords;

	 * set the cms types  
	 * @param none
	 * @return void
	function setContentTypes()
	  	$sql = "SELECT
                	type, idtype
                	".$this->cfg['tab']['type']." ";
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print $sql; print "</pre>";}
	  	while ($this->db->next_record())
			$this->cms_type[$this->db->f('type')] = $this->db->f('idtype');
			$this->cms_type_suffix[$this->db->f('idtype')] = substr($this->db->f('type'), 4, strlen($this->db->f('type')));

	 * set the cms_options array of cms types which should be treated special
	 * @param none
	 * @return void
    function setCmsOptions($cms_options)
    	if (is_array($cms_options) AND count($cms_options) > 0)
		  	foreach($cms_options as $opt)
	        	$opt = strtoupper($opt);
	        	if (strlen($opt) > 0)
	        		if (!stristr($opt, 'cms_'))   
	        			if (in_array($opt, $this->cms_type_suffix))
	       					$this->cms_options[$opt] = 'CMS_' . $opt;
	       				if (array_key_exists($opt, $this->cms_type))
	       					$this->cms_options[$opt] = $opt;
    		$this->cms_options = array();

	 * check if the current cms type is in the cms_options array
	 * @param $idtype
	 * @return bolean
    function checkCmsType($idtype)
      	$idtype = strtoupper($idtype);
	  	if(in_array($idtype, $this->cms_options))
			return false;
			return true;
} // end class index

 * Contenido API - Search Object
 * This object starts a indexed fulltext search
 * TODO:
 * The way to set the search options could be done much more better!
 * The computation of the set of searchable articles should not be treated in this class.
 * It is better to compute the array of searchable articles from the outside and to pass the array of searchable articles as parameter.
 * Avoid foreach loops.
 * Use object with  
 * $options = array('db' => 'regexp', // use db function regexp
 *   				'combine' => 'or'); // combine searchwords with or
 * The range of searchable articles is by default the complete content which is online and not protected.
 * With option 'searchable_articles' you can define your own set of searchable articles.
 * If parameter 'searchable_articles' is set the options 'cat_tree', 'categories', 'articles', 'exclude', 'artspecs', 
 * 'protected', 'dontshowofflinearticles' don't have any effect.
 * $options = array('db' => 'regexp', // use db function regexp
 *   				'combine' => 'or', // combine searchwords with or
 * 					'searchable_articles' => array(5, 6, 9, 13)); 
 * One can define the range of searchable articles by setting the parameter 'exclude' to false which means the range of categories 
 * defined by parameter 'cat_tree' or 'categories' and the range of articles defined by parameter 'articles' is included.
 * $options = array('db' => 'regexp', // use db function regexp
 *   				'combine' => 'or', // combine searchwords with or
 *					'exclude' => false, // => searchrange specified in 'cat_tree', 'categories' and 'articles' is included
 *					'cat_tree' => array(12), // tree with root 12 included
 *   				'categories' => array(100,111), // categories 100, 111 included
 *   				'articles' => array(33), // article 33 included
 *					'artspecs' => array(2, 3), // array of article specifications => search only articles with these artspecs
 *   				'res_per_page' => 2, // results per page
 *   				'protected' => true); // => do not search articles or articles in categories which are offline or protected
 *   				'dontshowofflinearticles' => false); // => search offline articles or articles in categories which are offline 
 * You can build the complement of the range of searchable articles by setting the parameter 'exclude' to true which means the range of categories 
 * defined by parameter 'cat_tree' or 'categories' and the range of articles defined by parameter 'articles' is excluded from search.
 * $options = array('db' => 'regexp', // use db function regexp
 *   				'combine' => 'or', // combine searchwords with or
 *					'exclude' => true, // => searchrange specified in 'cat_tree', 'categories' and 'articles' is excluded
 *					'cat_tree' => array(12), // tree with root 12 excluded
 *   				'categories' => array(100,111), // categories 100, 111 excluded
 *   				'articles' => array(33), // article 33 excluded
 *					'artspecs' => array(2, 3), // array of article specifications => search only articles with these artspecs
 *   				'res_per_page' => 2, // results per page
 *   				'protected' => true); // => do not search articles or articles in categories which are offline or protected
 *   				'dontshowofflinearticles' => false); // => search offline articles or articles in categories which are offline
 * $search = new Search($options);
 * $cms_options = array("htmlhead", "html", "head", "text", "imgdescr", "link", "linkdescr"); 
 * search only in these cms-types
 * $search->setCmsOptions($cms_options);
 * $search_result = $search->searchIndex($searchword, $searchwordex); // start search
 * The search result structure has following form
 *	Array
 *	(
 *	    [20] => Array
 *	    (
 *	        [CMS_HTML] => Array
 *	            (
 *	                [0] => 1
 *	                [1] => 1
 *	                [2] => 1
 *	            )
 *	        [keyword] => Array
 *	            (
 *	                [0] => content
 *	                [1] => contenido
 *	                [2] => wwwcontenidoorg
 *	            )
 *	        [search] => Array
 *	            (
 *	                [0] => con
 *	                [1] => con
 *	                [2] => con
 *	            )
 *	        [occurence] => Array
 *	            (
 *	                [0] => 1
 *	                [1] => 5
 *	                [2] => 1
 *	            )
 *	        [similarity] => 60
 *	    )
 *	)
 * The keys of the array are the article ID's found by search.
 * Searching 'con' matches keywords 'content', 'contenido' and 'wwwcontenidoorg' in article with ID 20 in content type CMS_HTML[1].
 * The search term occurs 7 times.
 * The maximum similarity between searchterm and matching keyword is 60%. 
 * with $oSearchResults = new SearchResult($search_result, 10); 
 * one can rank and display the results
 * @version 1.0.1
 * @author Willi Man
 * @copyright four for business AG <>

class Search 

     * Instance of class Index
     * @var object
	var $index;
     * configuration data 
     * @var array
    var $cfg;
	 * a contenido client
     * @var int
    var $client;
     * language of a client
     * @var int
    var $lang;
     * Contenido database object
     * @var object
	var $db;
     * array of available cms types
     * @var array
    var $cms_type = array();

     * suffix of available cms types
     * @var array
    var $cms_type_suffix = array();
     * the search words
     * @var array
	var $search_words = array();
     * the words which should be excluded from search 
     * @var array
	var $search_words_exclude = array();
     * type of db search
     * like => 'sql like', regexp => 'sql regexp'
     * @var string
	var $search_option;
     * logical combination of searchwords (and, or)
     * @var string
	var $search_combination;
     * array of searchable articles
     * @var array
    var $searchable_arts = array();

     * article specifications
     * @var array
    var $article_specs = array();
     * If $protected = true => do not search articles which are offline or articles in catgeories which are offline (protected)
     * @var boolean
    var $protected;

     * If $dontshowofflinearticles = false => search offline articles or articles in categories which are offline
     * @var boolean
    var $dontshowofflinearticles;

     * If $exclude = true => the specified search range is excluded from search, otherwise included 
     * @var boolean
    var $exclude;

     * Array of article id's with information about cms-types, occurence of keyword/searchword, similarity ... 
     * @var array
	var $search_result = array();
     * Debug option
     * @var boolean
	var $bDebug;
     * Constructor
	 * @param array $options
	 * $options['db'] 'regexp' => DB search with REGEXP; 'like' => DB search with LIKE; 'exact' => exact match;
	 * $options['combine'] 'and', 'or' Combination of search words with AND, OR
	 * $options['exclude'] 'true'  => searchrange specified in 'cat_tree', 'categories' and 'articles' is excluded; 'false' => searchrange specified in 'cat_tree', 'categories' and 'articles' is included
     * $options['cat_tree']  e.g. array(8) => The complete tree with root 8 is in/excluded from search
     * $options['categories'] e.g. array(10, 12) => Categories 10, 12 in/excluded 
     * $options['articles'] e.g. array(23) => Article 33 in/excluded
	 * $options['artspecs'] => e.g. array(2, 3) => search only articles with certain article specifications
	 * $options['protected'] 'true' => do not search articles which are offline (locked) or articles in catgeories which are offline (protected)
	 * $options['dontshowofflinearticles'] 'false' => search offline articles or articles in categories which are offline
	 * $options['searchable_articles'] array of article ID's which should be searchable
     * @return void
    function Search($options, $oDB = false)
    	# TODO: avoid globals
	    global $cfg, $lang, $client;
    	$this->cfg = $cfg;
    	$this->lang = $lang;
    	$this->client = $client;
    	$this->bDebug = false;
		if ($oDB == false)
			$this->db = new DB_Contenido;
    		$this->db = &$oDB;
		$this->index = new Index($oDB);
		$this->cms_type = $this->index->cms_type;
		$this->cms_type_suffix = $this->index->cms_type_suffix;
		$this->search_option = (array_key_exists('db', $options)) ? strtolower($options['db']) : 'regexp';
		$this->search_combination = (array_key_exists('combine', $options)) ? strtolower($options['combine']) : 'or';
		$this->protected = (array_key_exists('protected', $options)) ? $options['protected'] : true;
		$this->dontshowofflinearticles = (array_key_exists('dontshowofflinearticles', $options)) ? $options['dontshowofflinearticles'] : false;
		$this->exclude = (array_key_exists('exclude', $options)) ? $options['exclude'] : true;
		$this->article_specs = (array_key_exists('artspecs', $options) AND is_array($options['artspecs'])) ? $options['artspecs'] : array(); 
		if (array_key_exists('searchable_articles', $options) AND is_array($options['searchable_articles']))
			$this->searchable_arts = $options['searchable_articles'];
			$this->searchable_arts = $this->getSearchableArticles($options);
		$this->intMinimumSimilarity = 50; # minimum similarity between searchword and keyword in percent		

     * indexed fulltext search
     * @param string $searchwords The search words
     * @param string $searchwords_exclude The words, which should be excluded from search 
     * @return void
	function searchIndex($searchwords, $searchwords_exclude = '')
		if (strlen(trim($searchwords)) > 0)
			$this->search_words = $this->stripWords($searchwords);
			return false;
		if (strlen(trim($searchwords_exclude)) > 0)
			$this->search_words_exclude = $this->stripWords($searchwords_exclude);
	  	$tmp_searchwords = array();
	  	foreach($this->search_words as $word) 
	  		if ($this->search_option == 'like')
				$word = "'%".$word."%'";
	  		if ($this->search_option == 'exact')
				$word = "'".$word."'";
	      	array_push($tmp_searchwords, $word);
	  	if(count($this->search_words_exclude) > 0)
    	  	foreach($this->search_words_exclude as $word) 
    	  		if ($this->search_option == 'like')
    				$word = "'%".$word."%'";
    	  		if ($this->search_option == 'exact')
    				$word = "'".$word."'";
    	      	array_push($tmp_searchwords, $word);
    	      	array_push($this->search_words, $word);
	  	if ($this->search_option == 'regexp') // regexp search
	  		$search_regexp = implode("|", $tmp_searchwords);
	  		$search_regexp = "'".$search_regexp."'";	  	
			$sql = "SELECT 
		    	    	keyword, auto
		       		   	idlang=".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)." AND
		          		keyword REGEXP 
							".$search_regexp." ";
	  	}elseif ($this->search_option == 'like') // like search      	
	  		$search_like = implode(" OR keyword LIKE ", Contenido_Security::escapeDB($tmp_searchwords, $this->db)); 
			$sql = "SELECT 
		  	      		keyword, auto
		          		idlang=".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)." AND
		          		keyword LIKE ".$search_like." ";
	  	}elseif ($this->search_option == 'exact') // exact match
	  		$search_exact = implode(" OR keyword = ", Contenido_Security::escapeDB($tmp_searchwords, $this->db)); 
			$sql = "SELECT 
		  	      		keyword, auto
		          		idlang=".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)." AND
		          		keyword = ".$search_exact." ";
		if ($this->bDebug) {echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";}
		while ($this->db->next_record())
			$tmp_index_string = array();		    		  	  	  	  
		 	$tmp_index_string = preg_split("/&/", $this->db->f('auto'), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
			if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>index "; print $this->db->f('auto'); print "</pre>";}
			$tmp_index = array();
		 	foreach ($tmp_index_string as $string)
				$tmp_string = preg_replace("/[=\(\)]/", " ", $string);
			  	$tmp_index[] = preg_split("/\s/", $tmp_string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
		 	if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>tmp_index "; print_r($tmp_index); print "</pre>";}
		 	foreach ($tmp_index as $string)
				$artid = $string[0];
				if (in_array($artid, $this->searchable_arts)) // filter nonsearchable articles
			  		$cms_place = $string[2];
			  		$keyword = $this->db->f('keyword');

	  				$percent = 0;
					$similarity = 0;
	  				foreach($this->search_words as $word) 
	  					similar_text($word, $keyword, $percent); // computes similarity between searchword and keyword in percent
	  					if($percent > $similarity)
	  						$similarity = $percent;
	  						$searchword = $word;

					$tmp_cmstype = array();
					$tmp_cmstype2 = array();
					$tmp_cmstype = preg_split("/[,]/", $cms_place, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
					if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>tmp_cmstype "; print_r($tmp_cmstype); print "</pre>";}
					foreach ($tmp_cmstype as $type)
						$tmp_cmstype2[] = preg_split("/-/", $type, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
					if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>tmp_cmstype2 "; print_r($tmp_cmstype2); print "</pre>";}
					foreach ($tmp_cmstype2 as $type)
						if (!$this->index->checkCmsType($type[0])) // search for specified cms-types 
							if ($similarity >= $this->intMinimumSimilarity) // include article into searchresult set only if similarity between searchword and keyword is big enough
								$this->search_result[$artid][$type[0]][] = $type[1];						
	    						$this->search_result[$artid]['keyword'][] = $this->db->f('keyword');
	    						$this->search_result[$artid]['search'][] = $searchword;	
	    						$this->search_result[$artid]['occurence'][] = $string[1];
	    						$this->search_result[$artid]['debug_similarity'][] = $percent;	
	    						if ($similarity > $this->search_result[$artid]['similarity'])
	    							$this->search_result[$artid]['similarity'] = $similarity;
        				} // end if
					} // end foreach	
				} // end if in_array 
		   	} // end foreach  	
		} // end while
		if ($this->search_combination == 'and') // all search words must appear in the article 
			foreach ($this->search_result as $article => $val)
				if (!count(array_diff($this->search_words, $val['search'])) == 0)
					//$this->rank_structure[$article] = $rank[$article];
		if(count($this->search_words_exclude) > 0) // search words to be excluded must not appear in article
			foreach ($this->search_result as $article => $val)
				if (!count(array_intersect($this->search_words_exclude, $val['search'])) == 0)
					//$this->rank_structure[$article] = $rank[$article];
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print_r($this->search_result); print "</pre>";}
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>"; print_r($this->searchable_arts); print "</pre>";}
		return $this->search_result;
	 * @param $cms_options The cms-types (htmlhead, html, ...) which should explicitly be searched 
     * @return void
	function setCmsOptions($cms_options)
		if (is_array($cms_options) AND count($cms_options) > 0)

     * @param $searchwords The search-words  
	 * @return Array of stripped search-words
	function stripWords($searchwords)
	    $tmp_words = array();
	  	$searchwords = stripslashes($searchwords); // remove backslash
		$searchwords = strip_tags($searchwords); // remove html tags

		$tmp_words = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", trim($searchwords)); // split the phrase by any number of commas or space characters

		$tmp_searchwords = array();

		foreach($tmp_words as $word)
		  	$word = strtolower($word);
		  	$word = $this->index->removeSpecialChars(trim($word));
		  	if (strlen($word) > 1)
				array_push($tmp_searchwords, $word);

		return array_unique($tmp_searchwords);

     * @param $cat_start Root of a category tree
	 * @return Category Tree 
	function getSubTree($cat_start)
    	$sql = "SELECT
                B.idcat, B.parentid
                ".$this->cfg['tab']['cat_tree']." AS A,
                ".$this->cfg['tab']['cat']." AS B,
				".$this->cfg['tab']['cat_lang']." AS C
                A.idcat  = B.idcat AND
				B.idcat  = C.idcat AND
				C.idlang = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."' AND
                B.idclient = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->client)."'
            ORDER BY
        if ($this->bDebug) {echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";} 

	$sub_cats = array();
    	$i = false;

    	while ( $this->db->next_record() ) 
        	if ($this->db->f('parentid') < $cat_start) // ending part of tree
            	$i = false;
        	if ($this->db->f('idcat') == $cat_start) // starting part of tree
            	$i = true;
        	if ($i == true) 
            	$sub_cats[] = $this->db->f('idcat');
    	return $sub_cats;

     * @param $search_range
	 * @return Articles in specified search range
	function getSearchableArticles($search_range)

		$cat_range = array();
		if (array_key_exists('cat_tree', $search_range) AND is_array($search_range['cat_tree']))
			if (count($search_range['cat_tree']) > 0)
				foreach($search_range['cat_tree'] as $cat)
					$cat_range = array_merge($cat_range, $this->getSubTree($cat));
		if (array_key_exists('categories', $search_range) AND is_array($search_range['categories']))
			if (count($search_range['categories']) > 0)
				$cat_range = array_merge($cat_range, $search_range['categories']);
		$cat_range = array_unique($cat_range);
		$sCatRange = implode("','", $cat_range);
		if (array_key_exists('articles', $search_range) AND is_array($search_range['articles']))
			if (count($search_range['articles']) > 0)
				$sArtRange = implode("','", $search_range['articles']);
				$sArtRange = '';
		$id_arts = array();
		if ($this->protected == true)
			$protected = " C.public = '1' AND C.visible = '1' AND = '1' ";
			if ($this->dontshowofflinearticles == true)
				$protected = " C.visible = '1' AND = '1' ";
				$protected = " 1 "; 
		if ($this->exclude == true) // exclude searchrange
            $sSearchRange = " A.idcat NOT IN  ('".$sCatRange."') AND
            			 	  B.idart NOT IN  ('".$sArtRange."') AND ";
		}else // include searchrange
			if (strlen($sArtRange) > 0)
				$sSearchRange = " A.idcat IN  ('".$sCatRange."') AND
            				 	  B.idart IN  ('".$sArtRange."') AND ";
				$sSearchRange = " A.idcat IN  ('".$sCatRange."') AND ";				
		if (count($this->article_specs) > 0)
			$sArtSpecs = " B.artspec IN ('".implode("','", $this->article_specs)."') AND ";
			$sArtSpecs = '';
		$sql = "SELECT
            		".$this->cfg["tab"]["cat_art"]." as A, 
            		".$this->cfg["tab"]["art_lang"]." as B,
            		".$this->cfg["tab"]["cat_lang"]." as C  
					B.idlang = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."' AND
					C.idlang = '".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)."' AND
					A.idart = B.idart AND
					A.idcat = C.idcat AND
					".$protected." ";

		if ($this->bDebug) {echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";}


		while ($this->db->next_record())
			$id_arts[] = $this->db->f('idart');
		return $id_arts;
	 * Fetch all article specifications which are online
	 * @param none 
     * @return Array of article specification Ids
	function getArticleSpecifications()
    	$sql = "SELECT
    				client = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->client)." AND
    				lang = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->lang)." AND
    				online = 1 ";
   		if ($this->bDebug) {echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";}
        $aArtspec = array();
        while ($this->db->next_record())
        	$aArtspec[] = $this->db->f('idartspec');
        return $aArtspec;
	 * Set article specification
     * @return void
	function setArticleSpecification($iArtspecID)
		array_push($this->article_specs, $iArtspecID);	  	
	 * Add all article specifications matching name of article specification (client dependent but language independent) 
	 * @param $sArtSpecName
     * @return void
	function addArticleSpecificationsByName($sArtSpecName)
		if (!isset($sArtSpecName) OR strlen($sArtSpecName) == 0)
			return false;
    	$sql = "SELECT
    				client = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($this->client)." AND
    				artspec = '".Contenido_Security::escapeDB($sArtSpecName, $this->db)."' ";
   		if ($this->bDebug) {echo "<pre>$sql</pre>";}
        while ($this->db->next_record())
        	array_push($this->article_specs, $this->db->f('idartspec'));
} // end class

 * Contenido API - SearchResult Object
 * This object ranks and displays the result of the indexed fulltext search.
 * If you are not comfortable with this API feel free to use your own methods to display the search results.
 * The search result is basically an array with article ID's.
 * If $search_result = $search->searchIndex($searchword, $searchwordex);
 * use object with
 * $oSearchResults = new SearchResult($search_result, 10);
 * $oSearchResults->setReplacement('<span style="color:red">', '</span>'); // html-tags to emphasize the located searchwords
 * $num_res = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfResults();
 * $num_pages = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfPages();
 * $res_page = $oSearchResults->getSearchResultPage(1); // first result page
 * foreach ($res_page as $key => $val)
 * {
 *  	$headline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTMLHEAD');
 *   	$first_headline = $headline[0];
 *   	$text = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTML');
 *   	$first_text = $text[0];
 *   	$similarity = $oSearchResults->getSimilarity($key);
 * 		$iOccurrence = $oSearchResults->getOccurrence($key);
 * }
 * @version 1.0.0
 * @author Willi Man
 * @copyright four for business AG <>
class SearchResult
     * Instance of class Index
     * @var object
	var $index;
     * configuration settings 
     * @var array
	var $cfg;
	 * a contenido client
     * @var int
    var $client;
     * language of a client
     * @var int
    var $lang;
     * Contenido database object
     * @var object
	var $db;
     * Number of results
     * @var int
	var $results;

     * Number of result pages
     * @var int
	var $pages;

     * Current result page
     * @var int
	var $result_page;
     * Results per page to display
     * @var int
	var $result_per_page;
     * Array of html-tags to emphasize the searchwords
     * @var array
	var $replacement = array();

     * Array of article id's with ranking information
     * @var array
	var $rank_structure = array();

     * Array of result-pages with array's of article id's 
     * @var array
	var $ordered_search_result = array();
     * Array of article id's with information about cms-types, occurence of keyword/searchword, similarity ... 
     * @var array
	var $search_result = array();
     * Debug option
     * @var boolean
	var $bDebug;
	 * Compute ranking factor for each search result and order the search results by ranking factor
	 * NOTE: The ranking factor is the sum of occurences of matching searchterms weighted by similarity (in %) between searchword 
	 * and matching word in the article.
	 * TODO: One can think of more sophisticated ranking strategies. One could use the content type information for example 
	 * because a matching word in the headline (CMS_HEADLINE[1]) could be weighted more than a matching word in the text (CMS_HTML[1]).    
	function SearchResult($search_result, $result_per_page, $oDB = false, $bDebug = false)
		# TODO: avoid globals
		global $cfg, $lang, $client;
    	$this->cfg = $cfg;
    	$this->lang = $lang;
    	$this->client = $client;
    	$this->bDebug = $bDebug;
    	if ($oDB == false)
			$this->db = new DB_Contenido;
    		$this->db = &$oDB;
		$this->index = new Index($oDB);
		$this->search_result = $search_result;
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>search_result "; print_r($this->search_result); print "</pre>";}
		$this->result_per_page = $result_per_page;
		$this->results = count($this->search_result); 
		# compute ranking factor for each search result
		foreach ($this->search_result as $article => $val)
			$this->rank_structure[$article] = $this->getOccurrence($article) * ( $this->getSimilarity($article) / 100);
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>rank_structure "; print_r($this->rank_structure); print "</pre>";}
		$this->setOrderedSearchResult($this->rank_structure, $this->result_per_page);
		$this->pages = count($this->ordered_search_result);
		if ($this->bDebug) {print "<pre>ordered_search_result "; print_r($this->ordered_search_result); print "</pre>";}
     * @param $ranked_search
	 * @param $result_per_page
     * @return void
	function setOrderedSearchResult($ranked_search, $result_per_page)
		$sorted_rank = array();
		$sorted_rank = array_reverse($ranked_search, TRUE);
		if (isset($result_per_page) AND $result_per_page > 0)
			$split_result = array();
			$split_result = array_chunk($sorted_rank, $result_per_page, TRUE);

	 		$this->ordered_search_result = $split_result;
			$this->ordered_search_result[] = $sorted_rank;

     * @param $cms_type
     * @param $art_id Id of an article
     * @return Content of an article, specified by it's content type
	function getContent($art_id, $cms_type, $id = 0)
		$article = new Article($art_id, $this->client, $this->lang);
	 	return $article->getContent($cms_type, $id);

     * @param $cms_type Content type 
     * @param $art_id Id of an article
     * @return Content of an article in search result, specified by its type
	function getSearchContent($art_id, $cms_type, $cms_nr = NULL)
	    $cms_type = strtoupper($cms_type);
    	if (strlen($cms_type) > 0)
    		if (!stristr($cms_type, 'cms_'))   
    			if (in_array($cms_type, $this->index->cms_type_suffix))
   					$cms_type = 'CMS_' . $cms_type;
   				if (!array_key_exists($cms_type, $this->index->cms_type))
   					return array();
		$article = new Article($art_id, $this->client, $this->lang);
		$content = array();
		if (isset($this->search_result[$art_id][$cms_type])) // if searchword occurs in cms_type
			$search_words = array();
			$search_words = $this->search_result[$art_id]['search'];
			$search_words = array_unique($search_words);
			$id_type = array();
			$id_type = $this->search_result[$art_id][$cms_type];
			$id_type = array_unique($id_type); 
			if (isset($cms_nr) AND is_numeric($cms_nr)) // get content of cms_type[cms_nr]
                //build consistent escaped string(Timo Trautmann) 2008-04-17
				$cms_content = htmlentities(html_entity_decode(strip_tags($article->getContent($cms_type, $cms_nr))));	
				if (count($this->replacement) == 2) 
    				foreach($search_words as $word)
                        //build consistent escaped string, replace ae ue .. with original html entities (Timo Trautmann) 2008-04-17
                        $word = htmlentities(html_entity_decode($this->index->addSpecialUmlauts($word)));
                        $match = array();
    					preg_match("/$word/i", $cms_content, $match);
    					if (isset($match[0]))
        					$pattern = $match[0];
        					$replacement = $this->replacement[0].$pattern.$this->replacement[1];
        					$cms_content = preg_replace("/$pattern/i", $replacement, $cms_content); // emphasize located searchwords
				$content[] = htmlspecialchars_decode($cms_content);	
			}else // get content of cms_type[$id], where $id are the cms_type numbers found in search
    			foreach ($id_type as $id)
    				$cms_content = strip_tags($article->getContent($cms_type, $id));
    				if (count($this->replacement) == 2) 
        				foreach($search_words as $word)
        					preg_match("/$word/i", $cms_content, $match);
        					if (isset($match[0]))
            					$pattern = $match[0];
            					$replacement = $this->replacement[0].$pattern.$this->replacement[1];
            					$cms_content = preg_replace("/$pattern/i", $replacement, $cms_content); // emphasize located searchwords
    				$content[] = $cms_content;
		}else // searchword was not found in cms_type 
			if (isset($cms_nr) AND is_numeric($cms_nr))
				$content[] = strip_tags($article->getContent($cms_type, $cms_nr));
				$art_content = array();
    			$art_content = $article->getContent($cms_type);
    			if (count($art_content) > 0)
        			foreach ($art_content as $val)
        				$content[] = strip_tags($val);
	 	return $content;

     * @param $page_id
     * @return Artices in page $page_id
	function getSearchResultPage($page_id)
		$this->result_page = $page_id;
		$result_page = array();
		$result_page = $this->ordered_search_result[$page_id - 1];
		return $result_page;
     * @param none
     * @return Number of result pages
	function getNumberOfPages()
		return $this->pages;
     * @param none
     * @return Number of articles in search result
	function getNumberOfResults()
		return $this->results;

     * @param $art_id Id of an article
     * @return Similarity between searchword and matching word in article
	function getSimilarity($art_id)
	 	return $this->search_result[$art_id]['similarity'];
     * @param $art_id Id of an article
     * @return Number of matching searchwords found in article
	function getOccurrence($art_id)
		$aOccurence = $this->search_result[$art_id]['occurence'];
		$iSumOfOccurence = 0;
		for ($i = 0; $i < count($aOccurence); $i++)
			$iSumOfOccurence += $aOccurence[$i];
	 	return $iSumOfOccurence;

     * @param string $rep1 The opening html-tag to emphasize the searchword e.g. '<b>'  
     * @param string $rep2 The closing html-tag e.g. '</b>'
	 * @return void
	function setReplacement($rep1, $rep2)
		if (strlen(trim($rep1)) > 0 AND strlen(trim($rep2)) > 0)
			array_push($this->replacement, $rep1);
    		array_push($this->replacement, $rep2);
     * @param $artid
	 * @return Category Id
    function getArtCat($artid)
        $sql = "SELECT idcat 
				FROM ".$this->cfg['tab']['cat_art']." 
				WHERE idart = ".Contenido_Security::toInteger($artid)." ";

        if ($this->db->next_record())
        	return $this->db->f('idcat');

} // end class

 * @deprecated 
 * @since 2008-07-11
class Search_helper {
    var $oDb = NULL;

    function search_helper ($oDb, $lang, $client) {

Spider IT
Beiträge: 1416
Registriert: Fr 3. Dez 2004, 10:15

Re: Suchmodul-Ausgabe: Reihenfolge der Sortierung ändern?

Beitrag von Spider IT » So 25. Sep 2011, 20:25

dosenbrot hat geschrieben:

Code: Alles auswählen

    #Execute search
    $aSearchResults = $search->searchIndex($searchterm, '');

    #Build results page
    if (count($aSearchResults) > 0) {
$aSearchResult ist das Array mit den Ergebnissen.
Das kannst du mit

Code: Alles auswählen

ausgeben lassen um zu sehen, was da drin ist.
Und dann kannst du es auch sortieren :)

In die steht

Code: Alles auswählen

* The search result structure has following form
*   Array
*   (
*       [20] => Array
*       (
*           [CMS_HTML] => Array
*               (
*                   [0] => 1
*                   [1] => 1
*                   [2] => 1
*               )
*           [keyword] => Array
*               (
*                   [0] => content
*                   [1] => contenido
*                   [2] => wwwcontenidoorg
*               )
*           [search] => Array
*               (
*                   [0] => con
*                   [1] => con
*                   [2] => con
*               )
*           [occurence] => Array
*               (
*                   [0] => 1
*                   [1] => 5
*                   [2] => 1
*               )
*           [similarity] => 60
*       )
*   )
* The keys of the array are the article ID's found by search.
Im aufgelisteten Array ist der Key 20, also ist die idart 20.
Jetzt kannst du mit ner Instanz der Klasse Article (class.article.php) für jeden Treffer das Feld created zu dem Array hinzufügen und dann danach sortieren.

