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CMS_Values in Suche aufnehmen

Verfasst: Do 15. Aug 2013, 07:17
von CharlyBrown
Hallo zusammen,

ich nutzte dieses Modul für meine Suche:

Code: Alles auswählen

* $RCSfile$
* Description: Search output box
* @version 1.0.1
* @author Willi Man
* @copyright four for business AG <>
* {@internal
* created 2004-05-04
* modified 2005-07-12 Andreas Lindner
* modified 2008-04-11 Rudi Bieller
* modified 2008-05-06 Rudi Bieller Added CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT; Fixed <nobr> to be xhtml compliant;
*                       Removed $action, $sCatName = getCategoryName($cat_id, $db); which was not used at all and 
*                       added a default output in case article/module was called directly (strlen(trim($searchterm)) == 0)
* }}
* $Id$

#System properties in use:
#Type: searchrange, Name: include
#Contains comma-separated list of cats to be included into search (sub-cats are included automatically)

#Logical combination of search terms with AND or OR


cInclude('classes', '');
cInclude('classes', 'class.artspec.php');
cInclude('classes', 'class.template.php');
cInclude('includes', 'functions.api.string.php');
cInclude('classes', 'class.article.php');

#Initiliaze template object
if (!is_object($tpl)) {
    $tpl = new Template;

$oArticleProp = new Article_Property($db, $cfg);
$iArtspecReference = 2;

$cApiClient = new cApiClient($client);
$sSearchRange = $cApiClient->getProperty('searchrange', 'include');
$aSearchRange = explode(',', $sSearchRange);

#Multilingual settings
$sYourSearchFor = mi18n("Ihre Suche nach<b>");
$sMore = mi18n("mehr");

#Get search term and pre-process it
if (isset ($_GET['searchterm'])) {
    $searchterm = urldecode(htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_GET['searchterm']))));
elseif (isset ($_POST['searchterm'])) {
    $searchterm = urldecode(htmlentities(strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['searchterm']))));
$searchterm = str_replace(' + ', ' AND ', $searchterm);
$searchterm = str_replace(' - ', ' NOT ', $searchterm);
//$searchterm_display = $searchterm;
$searchterm_display = html_entity_decode($searchterm);

#Get all article specs
$sql = "SELECT
        idartspec, artspec
        client=$client AND
        lang=$lang AND

$rows = $db->num_rows();
echo "rows: " .$rows;
$aArtspecOnline = array ();
$aArtSpecs = array ();
$c = 1;
$d = 1;
$e = 1;
while ($db->next_record()) {
    $aArtSpecs[] = $db->f('idartspec');
$aArtSpecs[] = 0;

if (strlen(trim($searchterm)) > 0) {
    #Fix for PHP < 4.3
    if( !function_exists( 'html_entity_decode' ) )
        function html_entity_decode( $given_html, $quote_style = ENT_QUOTES )
            $trans_table = array_flip(get_html_translation_table( HTML_SPECIALCHARS, $quote_style ));
            $trans_table['''] = "'";
            return ( strtr( $given_html, $trans_table ) );

    #Parse search term and set search options
    $searchterm = html_entity_decode($searchterm);

    if (stristr($searchterm, ' or ') === FALSE) {
        $combine = 'and';
    } else {
        $combine = 'or';
    $searchterm = str_replace(' and ', ' ', strtolower($searchterm));
    $searchterm = str_replace(' or ', ' ', strtolower($searchterm));

        $options = array ('db' => 'regexp', // use db function regexp
        'combine' => $combine, // combine searchterms with and
        'exclude' => false, // => searchrange specified in 'cat_tree', 'categories' and 'articles' is excluded, otherwise included (exclusive)
        'cat_tree' => $aSearchRange, // searchrange 
        'artspecs' => $aArtSpecs, // array of article specifications => search only articles with these artspecs
    'protected' => true); // => do not search articles or articles in categories which are offline or protected

    $search = new Search($options);

    $cms_options = array ("head", "html", "htmlhead", "htmltext", "text"); // search only in these cms-types

    #Execute search
    $aSearchResults = $search->searchIndex($searchterm, ''); 

    #Build results page
    if (count($aSearchResults) > 0) {
        $tpl->set('s', 'result_page', mi18n("").'');

        #Build meessage
        $message = $sYourSearchFor." '".htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($searchterm_display))."' ".mi18n("</b>hat $$$ Treffer ergeben").":";
        $message = str_replace('$$$', count($aSearchResults), $message);
        $tpl->set('s', 'MESSAGE', $message);

        #Number of results per page
        $number_of_results = CON_SEARCH_ITEMSPERPAGE;
        $oSearchResults = new SearchResult($aSearchResults, $number_of_results);

        $num_res = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfResults() + $pdf_count;
        $num_pages = $oSearchResults->getNumberOfPages();
        $oSearchResults->setReplacement('<strong>', '</strong>'); // html-tags to emphasize the located searchterms

        #Get current result page
        if (isset ($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page']) && $_GET['page'] > 0) {
            $page = $_GET['page'];
            $res_page = $oSearchResults->getSearchResultPage($page);
        } else {
            $page = 1;
            $res_page = $oSearchResults->getSearchResultPage($page);

        #Build links to other result pages
        for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_pages; $i ++) {
            // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
            if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content') {
                $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($i.$sArtSpecs));
            } else {
                $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($i.$sArtSpecs)), 
                                'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
            try {
                $nextlink = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $nextlink = $sess->url('front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&searchterm='.$searchterm_display.'&page='.$i.$sArtSpecs);
            if ($i == $page) {
                $nextlinks .= '<span style="white-space:nowrap;">&nbsp;<strong>'.$i.'</strong>&nbsp;</span>';
            } else {
                $nextlinks .= '<span style="white-space:nowrap;"><a class="piclink" style="padding: 0px 5px" href="'.$nextlink.'" title="'.$i.'. '.mi18n("Ergebnisseite anzeigen").'">'.$i.'</a></span>';
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGES', $nextlinks);

        #Build link to next result page
        if ($page < $num_pages) {
            $n = $page +1;
            // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
            if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content') {
                $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($n.$sArtSpecs));
            } else {
                $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($n.$sArtSpecs)), 
                                'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
            try {
                $next = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $next = $sess->url('front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&searchterm='.$searchterm.'&page='.$n.$sArtSpecs);
            $nextpage .= '<a href="'.$next.'" style="background: transparent url(images/arrow-2.png) no-repeat center right; padding-right: 20px;" "title="'.mi18n("nächste Ergebnisseite anzeigen").'">'.mi18n("eine Seite vor").'</a>';
            $tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', $nextpage);
        } else {
            $tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', '');

        #Build link to previous result page
        if ($page > 1) {
            $p = $page -1;
            // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
            if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content') {
                $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($p.$sArtSpecs));
            } else {
                $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $idcat, 'idart' => $idart, 'searchterm' => $searchterm_display, 'page' => ($p.$sArtSpecs)), 
                                'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
            try {
                $pre = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
            } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                $pre = $sess->url('front_content.php?idcat='.$idcat.'&idart='.$idart.'&searchterm='.$searchterm.'&page='.$p.$sArtSpecs);
            $prevpage .= '<a href="'.$pre.'" style="background: transparent url(images/arrow-2_left.png) no-repeat center left; margin-right: 20px; padding-left: 15px; " title="'.mi18n("vorherige Ergebnisseite anzeigen").'">'.mi18n("vorherige Seite anzeigen").'</a>&nbsp;';
            $tpl->set('s', 'PREV', $prevpage);
        } else {
            $tpl->set('s', 'PREV', '');

        if (count($res_page) > 0) {
            $i = 1;
            #Build single search result on result page
            foreach ($res_page as $key => $val) {
                $num = $i + (($page -1) * $number_of_results);
                $oArt = new Article($key, $client, $lang);
                #Get publishing date of article
                $pub_system = $oArt->getField('published');
                $pub_user = trim(strip_tags($oArt->getContent('HEAD', 90)));
                if ($pub_user != '') {
                    $show_pub_date = "[".$pub_user."]";
                } else {
                    $show_pub_date = '';
                    if ($pub_system[8] != '0') {
                        $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[8];
                    $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[9].'.';
                    if ($pub_system[5] != '0') {
                        $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[5];
                    $show_pub_date .= $pub_system[6].".".$pub_system[0].$pub_system[1].$pub_system[2].$pub_system[3]."]";
                    $show_pub_date = "[".$show_pub_date;
               $art = new Article($key, $client, $lang);
               $headline =  $art->getField("title");

                #Get text and headline of current article
                $iCurrentArtSpec = $oArticleProp->getArticleSpecification($key, $lang);
                //$aHeadline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTML', 0);
                //$aSubheadline = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTML', 1);
                $text = $oSearchResults->getSearchContent($key, 'HTML', 0);
                $text = capiStrTrimAfterWord($text[0], CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT) . ' ... ';
                //$headline = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aHeadline[0], CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT); # conflict with capiStrTrimAfterWord and setReplacement('<strong>', '</strong>')
                $subheadline = capiStrTrimAfterWord($aSubheadline[0], CON_SEARCH_MAXLEN_TEASERTEXT);
                $cat_id = $oSearchResults->getArtCat($key);
                $similarity = $oSearchResults->getSimilarity($key);

                $similarity = sprintf("%.0f", $similarity);

                #Send output to template
                // this is just for sample client - modify to your needs!
                if ($cfg['url_builder']['name'] == 'front_content') {
                    $aParams = array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $cat_id, 'idart' => $key);
                } else {
                    $aParams = array('search' => array('lang' => $lang, 'idcat' => $cat_id, 'idart' => $key), 
                                    'idcat' => $idcat, // needed to build category path
                                    'lang' => $lang, // needed to build category path
                                    'level' => 1); // needed to build category path
                try {
                    $href = Contenido_Url::getInstance()->build($aParams);
                } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) {
                    $href = $sess->url("front_content.php?idcat=$cat_id&idart=$key");
                $tpl->set('d', 'more', $sMore);
                $tpl->set('d', 'HREF', $href);
                $tpl->set('d', 'TITLE', mi18n("Link zu Suchergebnis").' '.$i);
                $tpl->set('d', 'NUM', $num);
                $tpl->set('d', 'CATNAME', $headline);
                $tpl->set('d', 'HEADLINE', $text);
                $tpl->set('d', 'SUBHEADLINE', $subheadline);
                $tpl->set('d', 'SIMILARITY', $similarity);
                $tpl->set('d', 'TARGET', '_self');
                $tpl->set('d', 'PUB_DATE', $show_pub_date);
                $i ++;

    } else {
        #No results
        $tpl->set('s', 'MESSAGE', $sYourSearchFor." '" . htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($searchterm)). "' ".mi18n("hat leider keine Treffer ergeben").".");
        $tpl->set('s', 'NEXT', '');
        $tpl->set('s', 'PREV', '');
        $tpl->set('s', 'PAGES', '');
        $tpl->set('s', 'result_page', '');

} else {
    echo '<div id="searchResults">';
    echo '<p>'.mi18n("Ihre Suche ergab keine Suchergebnisse - Sie können erneut über das Sucheingabefeld suchen!").'</h1>';
    echo '</div>';

class Article_Property {
    var $globalConfig;
    var $oDBInstance;

     * Constructor
     * Hint: Call constructor with Article_Property($db, $cfg);
     * @param  oDBInstance instance of class DB_Contenido
     * @param  globalConfig 
    function Article_Property($oDBInstance, $globalConfig) {
        $this->globalConfig = $globalConfig;
        $this->oDBInstance = $oDBInstance;

     * Get specification of an article
     * @param   $iArticleId
     * @return  id of article specification 
    function getArticleSpecification($iArticleId, $iLangId) {

        $sqlString = "   
                        idart = '".$iArticleId."' AND
                        idlang = '".$iLangId."'

        #echo "<pre>$sqlString</pre>";

        if ($this->oDBInstance->next_record()) {
            return $this->oDBInstance->f('artspec');
        } else {
            return false;
Der Redakteur gibt in der Konfiguration eines Artikels weitere Daten zu dem Artikel ein, die in CMS_VALUES gepeichert werden. Diese bleiben in den Suchergebnissen jedoch unberücksichtigt, da sich die Suche auf CMS-Typen beschränkt.

Kennt jemand das Problem und hat vielleicht eine Anpassung der Suche schon mal vorgenommen? Oder an welcher Stelle muss ich in den Code eingreifen, damit ein CMS_VALUE als "Treffer" gewertet und im Suchtext angezeigt wird.

Danke für Eure Hinweise!
