Bilder nicht cachen - functions.api.images.php

Beiträge: 38
Registriert: Mo 26. Jul 2010, 09:47

Bilder nicht cachen - functions.api.images.php

Beitrag von Aleksch1893 » So 14. Aug 2011, 17:53

Liebe Contenido-Community,

leider noch ein Problem, das ich selbst in Contenido 4.8.12 nicht gelöst bekomme. Verwende eine Bildergalerie, die die hochgeladenen Bilder in den Cache haut beim Aufrufen. Verwendet wird dabei die Datei functions.api.images.php in root/contenido/includes.

Das verursacht kryptische Dateinamen wie z.B. 75d15a399e9820e2463458c55640f27a.jpg. Für mich ist das im höchsten Maße ärgerlich, da ich es ermögliche, die Bilder runterzuladen - ein solcher Dateiname is beim Speichern natürlich brutal blöd.

In der functions.api.images.php steht folgende Passage, die ich als Wurzel meines Übels meine identifiziert zu haben:

Code: Alles auswählen

function capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile ($sImg, $iMaxX, $iMaxY, $bCrop, $bExpand)
	if (!file_exists($sImg))
		return false;	
	$iFilesize = filesize($sImg);
	if (function_exists("md5_file"))
		$sMD5 = md5(implode("", array(
	} else {
		$sMD5 = md5(implode("", array(
	return $sMD5;
und weiter unten in der Datei noch

Code: Alles auswählen

function capiImgScaleLQ ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, 
						 $cacheTime = 10, $quality = 100, $keepType = false)
	global $cfgClient, $lang, $client;

	$filename	= $img;
	$cacheTime	= (int)$cacheTime;
	$quality	= (int)$quality;
	if ($quality <= 0 || $quality > 100) {
		$quality = 100;
	$filetype	= substr($filename, strlen($filename) -4, 4);
	$filesize	= filesize($img);
	$md5		= capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
	// Create the target file names for web and server
	if ($keepType) // Should we keep the file type?
		switch (strtolower($filetype)) // Just using switch if someone likes to add other types
			case ".png":
				$cfileName = $md5.".png";
				$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	} else { // No... use .jpg
		$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	$cacheFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	$webFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"]."cache/".$cfileName;
Die ganze Datei:

Code: Alles auswählen

 * Project: 
 * Contenido Content Management System
 * Description: 
 * Contenido Image API functions
 * Requirements: 
 * @con_php_req 5.0
 * @package    Contenido Backend includes
 * @version    1.4.3
 * @author     Timo A. Hummel
 * @copyright  four for business AG <>
 * @license
 * @link
 * @link
 * @since      file available since contenido release <= 4.6
 * {@internal 
 *   created 2003-08-08
 *   modified 2008-06-25, Frederic Schneider, add security fix
 *   $Id: functions.api.images.php 309 2008-06-26 10:06:56Z frederic.schneider $:
 * }}

if(!defined('CON_FRAMEWORK')) {
	die('Illegal call');

/* Info:
 * This file contains Contenido Image API functions.
 * If you are planning to add a function, please make sure that:
 * 1.) The function is in the correct place
 * 2.) The function is documented
 * 3.) The function makes sense and is generically usable
 * capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile: Returns the MD5 Filename used
 * for caching.
 * @return string Path to the resulting image

function capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile ($sImg, $iMaxX, $iMaxY, $bCrop, $bExpand)
	if (!file_exists($sImg))
		return false;	
	$iFilesize = filesize($sImg);
	if (function_exists("md5_file"))
		$sMD5 = md5(implode("", array(
	} else {
		$sMD5 = md5(implode("", array(
	return $sMD5;

 * capiImgScaleLQ: Scales (or crops) an image.
 * If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained.
 * Returns the path to the scaled temporary image.
 * Note that this function does some very poor caching;
 * it calculates an md5 hash out of the image plus the
 * maximum X and Y sizes, and uses that as the file name.
 * If the file is older than 10 minutes, regenerate it.
 * @param string 	$img		The path to the image (relative to the frontend)
 * @param int		$maxX 		The maximum size in x-direction
 * @param int		$maxY		The maximum size in y-direction
 * @param boolean 	$crop 		If true, the image is cropped and not scaled.
 * @param boolean 	$expand 	If true, the image is expanded (e.g. really scaled).
 * 								If false, the image will only be made smaller. 
 * @param int		$cacheTime	The number of minutes to cache the image, use 0 for unlimited
 * @param int		$quality	The quality of the output file
 * @param boolean	$keepType	If true and a png file is source, output file is also png
 * @return string	!!!URL!!! to the resulting image (http://...
function capiImgScaleLQ ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, 
						 $cacheTime = 10, $quality = 100, $keepType = false)
	global $cfgClient, $lang, $client;

	$filename	= $img;
	$cacheTime	= (int)$cacheTime;
	$quality	= (int)$quality;
	if ($quality <= 0 || $quality > 100) {
		$quality = 100;
	$filetype	= substr($filename, strlen($filename) -4, 4);
	$filesize	= filesize($img);
	$md5		= capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
	// Create the target file names for web and server
	if ($keepType) // Should we keep the file type?
		switch (strtolower($filetype)) // Just using switch if someone likes to add other types
			case ".png":
				$cfileName = $md5.".png";
				$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	} else { // No... use .jpg
		$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	$cacheFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	$webFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	// Check if the file exists. If it does, check if the file is valid.
	if (file_exists($cacheFile))
		if ($cacheTime == 0)
			// Do not check expiration date
			return $webFile;
		} else if (!function_exists("md5_file")) // TODO: Explain why this is still needed ... or remove it
			if ((filemtime($cacheFile) + (60 * $cacheTime)) < time())
				/* Cache time expired, unlink the file */
			} else {
				/* Return the web file name */
				return $webFile;
		} else {
			return $webFile;	
	/* Get out which file we have */
	switch (strtolower($filetype))
		case ".gif": $function = "imagecreatefromgif"; break;
		case ".png": $function = "imagecreatefrompng"; break;
		case ".jpg": $function = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; break;
		case "jpeg": $function = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; break;
		default: return false;
	if (function_exists($function))
		$imageHandle = @$function($filename);
	/* If we can't open the image, return false */
	if (!$imageHandle)
		return false;

	$x = imagesx($imageHandle);
	$y = imagesy($imageHandle);
	/* Calculate the aspect ratio */	
	$aspectXY = $x / $y;
	$aspectYX = $y / $x;
	if (($maxX / $x) < ($maxY / $y))
		$targetY = $y * ($maxX / $x);
		$targetX = round($maxX);
		// force wished height
		if ($targetY < $maxY)
			$targetY = ceil($targetY);
		} else
			$targetY = floor($targetY);
	} else {
		$targetX = $x * ($maxY / $y);
		$targetY = round($maxY);
		// force wished width
		if ($targetX < $maxX)
			$targetX = ceil($targetX);
		} else
			$targetX = floor($targetX);

	if ($expand == false && (($targetX > $x) || ($targetY > $y)))
		$targetX = $x;
		$targetY = $y;	

	$targetX = ($targetX != 0) ? $targetX : 1;
   	$targetY = ($targetY != 0) ? $targetY : 1;
	/* Create the target image with the target size, resize it afterwards. */
   if ($crop)
      /* Create the target image with the max size, crop it afterwards. */
      $targetImage = imagecreate($maxX, $maxY);
      imagecopy($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $maxX, $maxY);
   } else {
      /* Create the target image with the target size, resize it afterwards. */
      $targetImage = imagecreate($targetX, $targetY);
      imagecopyresized($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetX, $targetY, $x, $y);
	// Output the file
	if ($keepType)
		switch (strtolower($filetype))
			case ".png":
				imagepng($targetImage, $cacheFile); // no quality option available
				imagejpeg($targetImage, $cacheFile, $quality);
	} else {
		imagejpeg($targetImage, $cacheFile, $quality);
	return ($webFile);

 * capiImgScaleHQ: Scales (or crops) an image in high quality.
 * If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained.
 * Note: GDLib 2.x is required!
 * Returns the path to the scaled temporary image.
 * Note that this function does some very poor caching;
 * it calculates an md5 hash out of the image plus the
 * maximum X and Y sizes, and uses that as the file name.
 * If the file is older than the specified cache time, regenerate it.
 * @param string 	$img		The path to the image (relative to the frontend)
 * @param int		$maxX 		The maximum size in x-direction
 * @param int		$maxY		The maximum size in y-direction
 * @param boolean 	$crop 		If true, the image is cropped and not scaled.
 * @param boolean 	$expand 	If true, the image is expanded (e.g. really scaled).
 * 								If false, the image will only be made smaller. 
 * @param int		$cacheTime	The number of minutes to cache the image, use 0 for unlimited
 * @param int		$quality	The quality of the output file
 * @param boolean	$keepType	If true and a png file is source, output file is also png
 * @return string 	!!!URL!!! to the resulting image (http://...)
function capiImgScaleHQ ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, 
						 $cacheTime = 10, $quality = 100, $keepType = false)
	global $cfgClient, $lang, $client;

	$filename = $img;
	$cacheTime	= (int)$cacheTime;
	$quality	= (int)$quality;
	if ($quality <= 0 || $quality > 100) {
		$quality = 100;
	$filetype	= substr($filename, strlen($filename) -4,4);
	$filesize	= filesize($img);
	$md5		= capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
	/* Create the target file names for web and server */
	if ($keepType) // Should we keep the file type?
		switch (strtolower($filetype)) // Just using switch if someone likes to add other types
			case ".png":
				$cfileName = $md5.".png";
				$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	} else { // No... use .jpg
		$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	$cacheFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	$webFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	/* Check if the file exists. If it does, check if the file is valid. */
	if (file_exists($cacheFile))
		if ($cacheTime == 0)
			// Do not check expiration date
			return $webFile;
		} else if (!function_exists("md5_file")) // TODO: Explain why this is still needed ... or remove it
			if ((filemtime($cacheFile) + (60 * $cacheTime)) < time())
				/* Cache time expired, unlink the file */
			} else {
				/* Return the web file name */
				return $webFile;
		} else {
			return $webFile;	
	/* Get out which file we have */
	switch (strtolower($filetype))
		case ".gif": $function = "imagecreatefromgif"; break;
		case ".png": $function = "imagecreatefrompng"; break;
		case ".jpg": $function = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; break;
		case "jpeg": $function = "imagecreatefromjpeg"; break;
		default: return false;
	if (function_exists($function))
		$imageHandle = @$function($filename); 
	/* If we can't open the image, return false */
	if (!$imageHandle)
		return false;

	$x = imagesx($imageHandle);
	$y = imagesy($imageHandle);

	/* Calculate the aspect ratio */	
	$aspectXY = $x / $y;
	$aspectYX = $y / $x;
	if (($maxX / $x) < ($maxY / $y))
		$targetY = $y * ($maxX / $x);
		$targetX = round($maxX);
		// force wished height
		if ($targetY < $maxY)
			$targetY = ceil($targetY);
		} else
			$targetY = floor($targetY);
	} else {
		$targetX = $x * ($maxY / $y);
		$targetY = round($maxY);
		// force wished width
		if ($targetX < $maxX)
			$targetX = ceil($targetX);
		} else
			$targetX = floor($targetX);
	if ($expand == false && (($targetX > $x) || ($targetY > $y)))
		$targetX = $x;
		$targetY = $y;	

	$targetX = ($targetX != 0) ? $targetX : 1;
   	$targetY = ($targetY != 0) ? $targetY : 1;
	/* Create the target image with the target size, resize it afterwards. */
	if ($crop)
		/* Create the target image with the max size, crop it afterwards. */
		$targetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($maxX, $maxY);
		imagecopy($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $maxX, $maxY);
	} else {
		/* Create the target image with the target size, resize it afterwards. */
		$targetImage = imagecreatetruecolor($targetX, $targetY);
		imagecopyresampled($targetImage, $imageHandle, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetX, $targetY, $x, $y);
	// Output the file
	if ($keepType)
		switch (strtolower($filetype))
			case ".png":
				imagepng($targetImage, $cacheFile); // no quality option available
				imagejpeg($targetImage, $cacheFile, $quality);
	} else {
		imagejpeg($targetImage, $cacheFile, $quality);
	return ($webFile);

 * capiImgScaleImageMagick: Scales (or crops) an image using ImageMagick.
 * If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained.
 * Note: ImageMagick is required!
 * Returns the path to the scaled temporary image.
 * Note that this function does some very poor caching;
 * it calculates an md5 hash out of the image plus the
 * maximum X and Y sizes, and uses that as the file name.
 * If the file is older than the specified cache time, regenerate it.
 * @param string 	$img		The path to the image (relative to the frontend)
 * @param int		$maxX 		The maximum size in x-direction
 * @param int		$maxY		The maximum size in y-direction
 * @param boolean 	$crop 		If true, the image is cropped and not scaled.
 * @param boolean 	$expand 	If true, the image is expanded (e.g. really scaled).
 * 								If false, the image will only be made smaller. 
 * @param int		$cacheTime	The number of minutes to cache the image, use 0 for unlimited
 * @param int		$quality	The quality of the output file
 * @param boolean	$keepType	If true and a png file is source, output file is also png
 * @return string 	!!!URL!!! to the resulting image (http://...)
function capiImgScaleImageMagick ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, 
								  $cacheTime = 10, $quality = 100, $keepType = false)
	global $cfgClient, $lang, $client;

	$filename = $img;
	$cacheTime	= (int)$cacheTime;
	$quality	= (int)$quality;
	if ($quality <= 0 || $quality > 100) {
		$quality = 100;
	$filetype	= substr($filename, strlen($filename) -4,4);
	$filesize	= filesize($img);
	$md5		= capiImgScaleGetMD5CacheFile($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand);
	/* Create the target file names for web and server */
	if ($keepType) // Should we keep the file type?
		switch (strtolower($filetype)) // Just using switch if someone likes to add other types
			case ".png":
				$cfileName = $md5.".png";
				$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";
	} else { // No... use .jpg
		$cfileName = $md5.".jpg";

	$cacheFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	$webFile	= $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"]."cache/".$cfileName;
	/* Check if the file exists. If it does, check if the file is valid. */
	if (file_exists($cacheFile))
		if ($cacheTime == 0)
			// Do not check expiration date
			return $webFile;
		} else if (!function_exists("md5_file")) // TODO: Explain why this is still needed ... or remove it
			if ((filemtime($cacheFile) + (60 * $cacheTime)) < time())
				/* Cache time expired, unlink the file */
			} else {
				/* Return the web file name */
				return $webFile;
		} else {
			return $webFile;	

	list($x, $y) = @getimagesize($filename);	
    if ($x == 0 || $y == 0) {
        return false;

	/* Calculate the aspect ratio */	
	$aspectXY = $x / $y;
	$aspectYX = $y / $x;
	if (($maxX / $x) < ($maxY / $y))
		$targetY = $y * ($maxX / $x);
		$targetX = round($maxX);
		// force wished height
		if ($targetY < $maxY)
			$targetY = ceil($targetY);
		} else
			$targetY = floor($targetY);
	} else {
		$targetX = $x * ($maxY / $y);
		$targetY = round($maxY);
		// force wished width
		if ($targetX < $maxX)
			$targetX = ceil($targetX);
		} else
			$targetX = floor($targetX);
	if ($expand == false && (($targetX > $x) || ($targetY > $y)))
		$targetX = $x;
		$targetY = $y;	
	$targetX = ($targetX != 0) ? $targetX : 1;
   	$targetY = ($targetY != 0) ? $targetY : 1;	

	// if is animated gif resize first frame
	if ($filetype == ".gif")
		if (isAnimGif($filename))
			$filename .= "[0]";

	/* Try to execute convert */
	$output = array();
	$retVal = 0;
	if ($crop)
		exec ("convert -gravity center -quality ".$quality." -crop {$maxX}x{$maxY}+1+1 \"$filename\" $cacheFile", $output, $retVal);
	} else {
		exec ("convert -quality ".$quality." -geometry {$targetX}x{$targetY} \"$filename\" $cacheFile", $output, $retVal );

	if (!file_exists($cacheFile))
		return false;
	} else {
		return ($webFile);

 * check if gif is animated
 * @param string file path
 * @return boolean true (gif is animated)/ false (single frame gif)
function isAnimGif($sFile)
	$output = array();
	$retval = 0;
	exec('identify ' . $sFile, $output, $retval);
	if (count($output) == 1)
		return false;
	return true;	

 * capiImgScale: Scales (or crops) an image.
 * If scaling, the aspect ratio is maintained.
 * This function chooses the best method to scale, depending on
 * the system environment and/or the parameters.
 * Returns the path to the scaled temporary image.
 * Note that this function does some very poor caching;
 * it calculates an md5 hash out of the image plus the
 * maximum X and Y sizes, and uses that as the file name.
 * If the file is older than 10 minutes, regenerate it.
 * @param string 	$img		The path to the image (relative to the frontend)
 * @param int		$maxX 		The maximum size in x-direction
 * @param int		$maxY		The maximum size in y-direction
 * @param boolean 	$crop 		If true, the image is cropped and not scaled.
 * @param boolean 	$expand 	If true, the image is expanded (e.g. really scaled).
 * 								If false, the image will only be made smaller. 
 * @param int		$cacheTime	The number of minutes to cache the image, use 0 for unlimited
 * @param boolean 	$wantHQ 	If true, try to force high quality mode
 * @param int		$quality	The quality of the output file
 * @param boolean	$keepType	If true and a png file is source, output file is also png
 * @return string 	!!!URL!!! to the resulting image (http://...)
 * @return string Path to the resulting image
function capiImgScale ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop = false, $expand = false, 
					   $cacheTime = 10, $wantHQ = false, $quality = 100, $keepType = false)
	global $client, $db, $cfg, $cfgClient;
	$deleteAfter = false;

	$sRelativeImg = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"], "", $img);
	if (is_dbfs($sRelativeImg))
		// This check should be faster than a file existance check
		$dbfs = new DBFSCollection;
		$file = basename($sRelativeImg);
		$dbfs->writeToFile($sRelativeImg, $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"]."cache/".$file);
		$img = $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"]."cache/".$file;
    	$deleteAfter = true;
	} else if (!file_exists($img))
		/* Try with upload string */
		if (file_exists($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"].$img) && !is_dir($cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"].$img))
			$img = $cfgClient[$client]["upl"]["path"].$img;
		} else
    		/* No, it's neither in the upload directory nor in the dbfs. return. */
    		return false;
	$filename = $img;
	$filetype = substr($filename, strlen($filename) -4,4);
	$mxdAvImgEditingPosibility = checkImageEditingPosibility();
	switch ($mxdAvImgEditingPosibility)
		case '1': // gd1
			$method = 'gd1';
			if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && $filetype == '.gif') 
				$method = 'failure';
		case '2': //gd2
			$method = 'gd2';
			if (!function_exists('imagecreatefromgif') && $filetype == '.gif') 
				$method = 'failure';
		case 'im': //imagemagick
			$method = 'im';
		case '0':
			$method = 'failure';
			$method = 'failure';
	switch ($method)
		case 'gd1':
			$return = capiImgScaleLQ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand, $cacheTime, $quality, $keepType);	
		case 'gd2':
			$return = capiImgScaleHQ($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand, $cacheTime, $quality, $keepType);
		case 'im':
			$return = capiImgScaleImageMagick($img, $maxX, $maxY, $crop, $expand, $cacheTime, $quality, $keepType);
		case 'failure':
        	$return = str_replace($cfgClient[$client]["path"]["frontend"], $cfgClient[$client]["path"]["htmlpath"], $img);
	if ($deleteAfter == true)
	return $return;

* check possible image editing functionality
* return mixed information about installed image editing extensions/tools
function checkImageEditingPosibility() {

	if (isImageMagickAvailable())
		return 'im';
	} else
		if (extension_loaded('gd'))
			if (function_exists('gd_info'))
				$arrGDInformations = gd_info();
				if (preg_match('#([0-9\.])+#', $arrGDInformations['GD Version'], $strGDVersion))
					if ($strGDVersion[0] >= '2')
						return '2';
					return '1';
				return '1';
			return '1';
		return '0';

Ich komm einfach nicht weiter.

Ich würde gerne die Dateinamen im cms direkt ausgeben, bzw.: root/cms/upload/order/bildname.jpg - und keine kryptischen Dateinamen.

Könnt ihr mir auf die Sprünge helfen, ob und wie so etwas möglich ist?

Liebe Grüßle,

Spider IT
Beiträge: 1416
Registriert: Fr 3. Dez 2004, 10:15

Re: Bilder nicht cachen - functions.api.images.php

Beitrag von Spider IT » So 14. Aug 2011, 18:42

Hallo Aleksch,

die Dateien im /cache Verzeichnis sind in der Größe verändert.
Wenn du die Originalbilder als Download anbieten willst, musst du im Modul-Template den entsprechenden Link mit ner neuen Variable (in geschweiften Klammern) anlegen und diese Variable aus dem Modul heraus mit Pfad und Dateiname der Originaldatei füllen.

